I want to change the width size to 100% but it won’t let me but instead it makes it 100px. Please fix it!
]]>I have wordpress connect in two of my web sites, the thing is that my web site have two languages (english and spanish).
How can I use WordPress Connect in two languages when I switch them?
By the way I use Polylang as the language switcher plugin if that helps!
]]>I’m getting an error message on my website, related to a variable $show_faces_value in file WordPressConnectLikeButton.php. This is the code:
public static function getHtml( $url, $send_button, $layout, $width, $show_faces, $verb, $colorscheme, $font, $ref ){
$code = '<!-- WordPress Connect Like Button v' . WPC_VERSION . ' -->' . "\n";
$code .= '<p class="wp-connect-like-button">';
$code .= WordPressConnectLikeButton::getFbml( $url, $send_button, $layout, $width, $show_faces_value, $verb, $colorscheme, $font, $ref );
$code .= '</p>';
$code .= "\n" . '<!-- WordPress Connect Like Button -->' . "\n";
return $code;
It looks like that variable is supposed to be $show_faces.
]]>Hola, me gustaría saber cómo configurar para que los comentarios aparezcan ordenados desde el más nuevo al más antiguo. Por defecto me aparece el más antiguo primero ??
Hello, I would like to know how to configure for comments to appear sorted from newest to oldest. By default I get the oldest first ??
]]>in plugins/wordpress-connect/src/adminWordpressConnectAdminPanelLikeButton.php there is an undefined constant
please add at line 39 as follow:
register_setting( WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON, WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON, array( &$this, 'admin_like_button_settings_validate' ) );
// adds sections
add_settings_section( 'WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON', __( 'Plugin Options', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_section_like_button' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE );
add_settings_section( 'WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_POSITION', __( 'Position Settings', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_section_like_button_position' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE );
add_settings_section( 'WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_ENABLED', __( 'Enable Settings', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_section_like_button_enable' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE );
add_settings_section( 'WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY', __( 'Display Settings', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_section_like_button_display' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE );
// like button settings
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_SEND', __( 'Send Button', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_send' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_LAYOUT', __( 'Layout Style', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_layout' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_WIDTH', __( 'Width', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_width' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_FACES', __( 'Show Faces', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_faces' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_VERB', __( 'Verb to display', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_verb' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_FONT', __( 'Font', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_font' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_REF', __( 'Ref', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_ref' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON );
// like button position settings
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_POSITION', __( 'Default Position', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_position_default' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, 'WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_POSITION' );
// like button enable settings
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_LIKE_BUTTON_ENABLED', __( 'Enabled', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_enabled' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_ENABLED );
// like button display settings
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_EVERYWHERE', __( 'Everywhere', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_everywhere' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_HOMEPAGE', __( 'Homepage', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_homepage' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_POSTS', __( 'Single Post', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_post' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_PAGES', __( 'Single Page', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_page' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_CATEGORIES', __( 'Categories', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_categories' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_TAGS', __( 'Tags', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_tags' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_SEARCH', __( 'Search', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_search' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_ARCHIVE', __( 'Archive', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_archive' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
add_settings_field( 'WPC_OPTIONS_DISPLAY_NOWHERE', __( 'Nowhere', WPC_TEXT_DOMAIN ), array( &$this, 'admin_setting_like_button_enable_nowhere' ), WPC_SETTINGS_LIKE_BUTTON_PAGE, WPC_SETTINGS_SECTION_LIKE_BUTTON_DISPLAY );
this should fix the notice
]]>Hey, im having a hard time figuring out how to insert the facebook button in the coding of the header.
whats the code? <?php do_action(‘wp_connect_like_button’) ?> This one does not work? What do i have to do? Sorry, im new ??
Hello, how i can show more info about logged in user in login button widget area? Ex.: birth date,hometown ?
]]>I have recently installed WordPress Connect on wp 3.4.1
I also have WP Facebook Open Graph Protocol installed as well as SEO Ultimate. The problem is that when i share a post or page on fb, twitter, etc, the link returns to a 404 page.
The stranger thing being that facebook comments and like buttons only appear when all 3 plugins are active.
Ive been through the code and adjusting the plugin settings but it’s still inconsistent. Any thoughts or ideas would be much appreciated.
]]>Hi i was wondering what would cause multiple instances, or if it was possible to limit to only one instance.
my problem here
This plugin is great, but unfortunately doesn’t support responsive design websites (mobile, desktop etc).
So, does anyone know the CSS required to override the problem with fixed pixels width? Ideally this plugin needs to be updated so that % can be set in the wp admin section, rather than pixels.
]]>Hi everyone.
about a week, like button doesn’t work. Fails with the following message: “Invalid Supplied locale for locale”.
What I can do? Any ideas?
Thanks a lot!! and excuse me by my bad english…
]]>The like button on the site I’m working on ( https://jonathancg.net/ ) keeps giving me the following error:
[quote]The page failed to provide a valid list of administrators. It needs to specify the administrators using either a “fb:app_id” meta tag, or using a “fb:admins” meta tag to specify a comma-delimited list of Facebook users.[/quote]
I am working with one other person on the site. We are both administrators in WordPress, we are both administrators over his Facebook page that the Facebook App is built for, I am the one who built the app. I have tried putting my, his, and both of our FBIDs into the configuration settings for WordPress Connect, and continue to get the error. Help?
*edit* Oh, I should add that the like button works – it gives me a popup box to put a comment into, and it successfully likes/shares onto my Facebook account. I just want to get rid of the error message, and be able to take advantage of any info I might be able to see by configuring things correctly.
]]>Hi …how change to spanish language…thanks..
]]>I recently installed the WPC like box and on each post since that installation, there is an error just below the add comment section stating: “https://www.stevepritchardwoodturning.com/blog/2012/02/04/bowlmilkpaint1/ is unreachable.” The debug message states: “Object at URL ‘https://www.stevepritchardwoodturning.com/blog/2012/02/04/bowlmilkpaint1/’ of type ‘article’ is invalid because the given value ‘119108021452160’ for property ‘fb:app_id’ could not be parsed as type ‘fbid’.”
As far as I can tell, I’ve installed everything properly. I can’t find anything that might cause this error.
My blog is at: https://www.stevepritchardwoodturning.com/blog/
Any help would be appreciated.
]]>Im using the WordPress connect plugin; however whenever anyone tries to share one of our posts on facebook the title always seems to include the name of our website making it look messy.
For example i tried to share our post titled BASTILLE – The Laura Palmer EP and it came out like this Dance Yrself CleanBASTILLE – Laura Palmer EP on facebook.
Any assistance on how i can tidy this up would be appreciated.
I’m using WordPress Connect and am trying to integrate Facepile with no results.
Should I use Iframe, HTML5, or XFBML ?
In any case, when I place the code into a text widget, nothing shows up. Can someone help me?
]]>Hi: I Believe I created, (modified) my FB App and have the https:// and site 1hotpropety.com entered correctly at FB, and I input my app ID and secret code at the FB Connect settings page, I saved, and it says saved, and then refreshed the page, and it stays on that page, does not go to settings, and no error message.
Any help would be appreciated.
hi – I LOVE this plugin – thankyou.
My issue is when I click the Send button or Like button, I don’t like what’s showing up in title and description – the open graph data.
1) It’s showing site title (Get Paid For Who You Are) – how do I take that out? (Note I’ve temporarily made the site title blank to take this out, but I’d like to reverse that, and just have it not show on facebook.
2) It’s not showing the excerpt I created, instead it’s pulling content. How do I make it show the excerpt, or find another way to control the description it displays?
3) If I have quotation marks or apostrophes in the title of the post, I see weird marks:
It’s Not You, It’s Them! Is there a way to fix that?
4) How can I specify a different URL? (I want to specify https://www.itsnotyouitsthem.com which is a more friendly redirect)
Here’s the page – thanks!
I’m trying to use WP Connect, but I’m getting this error message:
Warning: https://thomaskaufman.com/wordpress/?p=392 is unreachable.
When i click the link, it takes me here:
It lists a number of errors, none of which I know how to fix. Very grateful if you could help me with this.
]]>The plugin is really great.
Just one issue when the like button is displayed at the bottom of each post:
– when the post is displayed in its own page everything works fine;
– when the post is displayed as short preview with the other posts, the page opens in the right way, then suddenly each like button takes a huge amount of white space. The result is a big space between each post preview.
You can see this effect on my home page https://www.andthebox.com
I’ve searched for threads with this issue resolved but I couldn’t find exactly this one. Sorry if it is already covered.
p.s. I’m not a genius in css and coding, but if needed I can try handling your kind suggestions.
thx in advance for your help!
I am using the latest version of the plugin and of WordPress (3.2.1), and the comments module displays above the author bio and tags that show at the end of each post.
How can I manually change the position of the comments module to the very end of the page, after all extra content that follows the post?
Which source file should I be looking at/modifying?
Thanks in advance
]]>Plugin is not working at all in Internet Explorer 9 – I can find HTML code, but nothing is shown on screen.
There is no problem in Chrome and Firefox.
An example is:
fb commentd made both on my website and on fb didn’t update in the WPC activity feed widget.
how long for each stream or it’s my site’s problem?
my website: https://blog.justgracy.com
]]>When You click the like button on my site, the box that usually pops up allowing you to write a comment does pop up briefly then disappears. Theres a link saying “confirm”, when you click it facebook says
“Sorry something went wrong
We’re working on getting this fixed as soon as we can”
I get the impression this isn’t a facebook issue though, it worked before I updated the WPC plugin.
]]>I am experiencing a weird problem with wordpress connect
For some reason, facebook is not accepting my Like on some articles
the website is https://www.tunisdauphine.tn
it is working for the widgets with the app’s fan page, but it is not working for all the pages/articles.
When I go to https://developers.facebook.com/tools/lint/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.tunisdauphine.tn%2F I have a “A required meta property is missing” of type og:image
Please help me as I need the facebook connect to work for this site
Hello !
I want to use this plugin on a multi-site Installation and would like to know if it causes any change in server load. Because a Multi-Site normally runs slow because of the numerous plugins we use and I want to know if it this plugin causes any effect on that
Does anybody have idea if this plugin affects the Site load/access speed?
Thanks !
]]>hi. im using your plugin and its great.
but since the last update i have problems.
all the comments was erased…
i dont know why..the settings are the same, the aplication id its the same…
but thats not all..when you deactivate the plugin for a while, when you activate again you see that there are no comments.
also…the data base is growing up with more junk since last update cause is registering the enable disable like button and another things… that′s not cool at all.
]]>I have two questions. I’m getting errors sporadically that the page on which the comments form resides is unreachable. I’m running WP Super Cache, though the documentation says that shouldn’t matter. Any ideas?
Secondly, in the comments configuration, there is comments number (4 is in the example). What is this?
]]>The plugin works great on my site but on one page, it displays this error message at the very top of the screen:
Warning: Division by zero in /home/rgreeniw/public_html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-connect/src/WordpressConnect.php on line 220
No other page seems to display this message, so I’ve got no idea why this page should be different.
Any ideas?
Since I installed WordPress connect, only admins can log in…
The other profiles can’t and it’s writtened :
you don’t have rights to enter …
can you help me please ?