I can see the forum but the rest of WPAA seems to have disappeared.
I noticed that some other plugins got dropped as they were hacked and contained malware, was that what happened to WPAA or was it something else?
]]>The plugin seems to have disappeared from the repositry, is it still supported?
I’ve just found an incompatibility with WPBackup. The WPAA plugin is loading it’s version of the jancybox javascript library on all admin pages rather than just the WPAA admin pages.
]]>Is there a way through the plugin to link to Amazon’s home page? I’m setting up my disclosure page, and would like to link to Amazon’s home page instead of a specific product.
]]>So far, the setup process has been very well explained and I am grateful to be able to use this plugin. My ONLY problem is, my content text is not wrapping around the product box. My blog window is showing a lot of white space where normally, if I forced an align-right or align=left, the text from the post would auto-wrap around it. That’s how my images work anyways. Any recommendation on what I can do to fix this?
Sample I am using:
[amazon_enhanced asin=”0765333589″ container=”” container_class=”” price=”All” background_color=”FFFFFF” link_color=”000000″ text_color=”0000FF” /]
Thanks so much. If I can get this working it will really benefit my site!
]]>With custom post types it doesn’t seem to add/ lookup the item? Using for example either template or link shortcode.
Adding a new Amazon item through a normal post works fine. It gets added to the cache when caching is turned on.
I’m using the TwentryTwelve theme.
Do I need to register the plugin with the custom post type somewhere?
]]>I am trying to install this plugin for the first time, but it keeps giving me a “fatal error” message when I try to activate it. It then is not activated. This is the error that it shows:
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/beansricegod/public_html/wp-content/plugins/wordpress-amazon-associate/APaPi/AmazonProduct/Request.php on line 234
My blog is BeansRiceGod.com. I don’t know if that is important in any way.
]]>Using the Responsive theme.
The empty widgets block on this page (top right, just above the ad) isn’t displaying:
Viewing source I can see a lot of code, but nothing is showing up.
Many thanks!
]]>I’ve just noticed in my PHP error log a table insert command error that occurred, I think either on installation or shortly afterwards:
WordPress database error Table '[redacted].wp_wpaa_template' doesn't exist for query INSERT INTO
ACTIVE) VALUES ('Product Summary', 0, '<div class="wpaa_product">
… followed by what looks like should have been some html template.
The table “wpaa_cache” has data, but the table “wpaa_template” has no records.
Any help AVAILABLE on this?
]]>What if visitors follow a link to Amazon made by the WordPress-Amazon-Associate plugin, but eventually buy something else? I thought that, the way that Amazon affiliation works, is that I would still get credited with commission for that purchase, too – but I can’t see anything added to subsequent links to other products on the Amazon landing page that identifies my affiliate ID.
Can someone enlighten please me about this, as it works with this plugin?
Thank you!
]]>Excellent plugin, thanks for sharing.
Only problem is that I can’t get the right price to show with the template, the only way to show the actual price is by using amazon_enhanced.
With %PRICE% it will show the list price, not the actual price.
Is there a way around this, maybe another tag?
]]>Hi. I am using the search widget to get results for different cell phones with the search_index=”Electronics”. The search in every other country except Germany works fine.
Am I doing something wrong or is this a bug?
]]>Hi. I am new to this plugin and very grateful that there is something that awesome. The last couple of hours I figured out for me the best way to use this plugin is the search widget. It is all set up nicely but there is still the problem with the common adblocker.
I am wondering is there any workaround for bypassing the adblocker?
]]>As of yesterday morning, my Carousel stopped working. “My Favorites” list is working fine, but the Carousel just shows as a blank area in my sidebar.
I have tried, to no avail, disabling other plug-ins to see if there was a conflict.
Can you give me some troubleshooting tips to help resolve this issue?
]]>Is there a way to cloak the amazon links from Google with this plugin?
]]>I have created a template with this code:
<a href="https://www.amazon.it/gp/product/%ASIN%/ref=as_li_tf_tl?ie=UTF8&tag=%TAG%&linkCode=as2&camp=3370&creative=23322&creativeASIN=%ASIN%">%LABEL%</a><img src="https://www.assoc-amazon.it/e/ir?t=%TAG%&l=as2&o=29&a=%ASIN%" width="1" height="1" border="0" alt="" style="border:none !important; margin:0px !important;" />
My template id is 7:
if I insert this shortcode, no label is showed, but the code works:
[amazon_template template="7" type="ASIN" id="B007GWBAY0"]try content[/amazon_template]
If I insert this code, label is showed, but the rest is truncated:
[amazon_template template="7" type="LABEL" id="B007GWBAY0"]try content[/amazon_template]
show in html
<p>try content</p>
Will be useful insert a tag in template with local setting:
IT for Italy;
US for united States;
so if geotarget is actived I can customize urls of images in templates
like this:
]]>On line 544 of WPAA.php the word “separator” is spelled with an ‘e’ as the fourth letter instead of an ‘a’. So, the separator doesn’t load.
]]>wehen trying to download the ip2nation database, it fails! it downloads the file ip2nations.zip, but it’s a html file with this content:
The requested URL could not be retrieved
While trying to retrieve the URL: https://www.ip2nation.com/ip2nation.zip
The following error was encountered:
Access Denied.
Access control configuration prevents your request from being allowed at this time. Please contact your service provider if you feel this is incorrect.
Your cache administrator is root.
Generated Wed, 10 Oct 2012 22:48:31 GMT by hproxy.world4you.com (squid/2.5.STABLE14)
is my hosting provider blocking this file transfer? i can download it manually, but how cani install it, just by importing the sql with phpmyadmin?
After entering my access key and secret key, i am trying to update settings but blank page comes and settings are not updated and so quick link in post not working..please give any solution
I am using the Template Widget, created a simple template with the %url% variable. All is working fine like seen here: https://led-sparlampen.info
But the code is not HTML5-valid:
& did not start a character reference. (& probably should have been escaped as &.)
Could you update your plugin so & will be included as & ?
Kind regards,
Dennis Bitsch
]]>Can this plugin transform links so that they are written out according to the visitor’s country (like the Amazon Affiliate Link Localizer plugin)?
If so, does it work with W3 Total Cache?
]]>I have installed WordPress Amazon Associate. I’m an Amazon affiliate. I also signed up with Amazon Web Services and got my access key and secret key validated. Then, I went to Amazon Affiliates and copied the HTML of a book I want to advertise. (I’m using www.remarpro.com, so no problem there.) I pasted the code in the HTML view of the page I’m using, and updated the page. I got a yellow box in the visual view of the page, and nothing shows up on the user end of my website. I also tried used the code from the Amazon Quick Links, where you edit the page, but same result. Can anyone help me figure out why it’s not showing up? I did have success once, with one book, a few days ago, but I don’t know what I did differently and I’ve deleted that one now. Thanks in advance!
]]>Amazon allows the creation of multiple affiliate tags, which are really useful to track clicks on different kinds of links, locations and websites.
I can’t find a way to select different tags in this plugin. Is it possible?
]]>Just noticed that the Search widget doesn’t work with Amazon Japan. You enter any word and it just keeps buffering without returning any result.
Can you please have a look when you’ve got the chance?
]]>When I enable this plugin my visual editor stops working. The text disappears and the visual editor buttons also disappear.
]]>Hi there,
I’ve read both the topics on here already about this but they sound like they are in a different language to me ?? Apologies for being simple but could I please get a simple, step by step guide to get the text wrapping around the ad (aligned to the left preferably) instead of leaving a huge blank space.
Thanks so much, it is really appreciated.
After uploading the Amazon Associates plugin to my plugins folder, when I try to “activate” the plugin, I am gtting this error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 30720 bytes) in /data/17/2/124/145/2124145/user/2330993/htdocs/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-list-table.php on line 674
I am not able to open my Dashboard thereafter.
If I delete the plugin, the error goes away. Please help urgently.
]]>In the screenshots part of the plugin description there is an image for the quick links component which shows a link in banner a kind of banner format which I’d like to use on my site but when I try to use the quick links component I get a link in a small box like the one shown here https://www.slightlyburnt.co.uk/2012/08/27/oxo-good-grips-measuring-spoons/
How can I make this box wider like the one shown?
Thank you,
]]>I just recently signed up for an Amazon associates program and an AWS account but when I try to enter my access key and secret key, it gives me this error:
Code: InternalError
We encountered an internal error. Please try again.
Am I inputting the wrong key … because I’m putting the ACCESS KEY ID and have to click on SHOW to reveal the SECRET ACCESS KEY. I’m copying and pasting exactly what’s there, but still not working. Any ideas please?
]]>What’s the “Access key”? And what’s the “Secret key”? Both of them are secret to me! Nor could I find any help or anywhere to ask what these things are. I’m an Amazon affiliate, but they don’t label anything with these terms. If I have to sign up for yet another amazon product to use this plugin, I’m deleting the plugin.
]]>Is there a way, using this plugin or otherwise, to track which posts have Amazon links in them?
I run a multi-author site, and it would be very helpful if at the end of the month I could see a broader view of every amazon link that month and what post it was in and what it linked to.
Any help is much appreciated.