Hi everybody,
I have a little bit problem about the automatic importation of user template.
I downloaded the plugin, put the MailChimp API key but my user template which I created on MailChimp are not visible. How I can fix it ?
I tried to send my newsletter with a current template (wordchimp gallery) but the content appears while I download my own blog content. So it’s impossible to see or receive the campaign’s preview correctly, with only my articles and my images.
What can I do for that ? Did I miss something ?
Thanks in advance for you help,
I have WordChimp running on 2 of my blogs.
On one it does great job and triggers emails.
on the other (older WP version – is this the issue?) it does not do anything.
I double checked the API key and it looks OK.
Anything i need to do in MailChimp except for getting the API key?
Hi, WordChimp seems to work fine — I can sync up with my MailChimp and enter the post into my template but then when I send a test the images are missing and the font styles of the body of the post don’t register.
Does anybody out there know how to include images when using excerpts or, alternatively, if there’s a way to implement the ‘More’ tag (assuming it’d include the post image)?
I know far too little coding to figure it out for myself!
]]>In step 2 where you select posts from your site …
I cannot see posts in the News section of my blog. I don’t use the posts section. Rather, the news section.
How would I go about changing the plugin so that it pulls in “News” category posts as well as “Posts?”
Any help would be much appreciated.
My site is https://www.capitalsynergypartners.com
Theme Solid WP.
]]>For some reason once the plugin installs, after inserting the API key, the plug in won’t work. A http 500 error comes up. Don’t think it’s my end. I know if I could get this to work, I would find it so helpful as I use mail chimp a lot!
Any help to fix it would be appreciated!
Just wondering if it is possible to add links back to each post with the excerpt so that the newsletter recipient can read the full article?
]]>I noticed that when I add the content of a post to a section, the commas are being stripped out of the post. I’ve tried several different posts, and all of the commas are being removed. No other punctuation, just commas.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for the great plugin. Everything seems to work well, but I have a couple of questions:
In the plugin the user can select blog posts to include in their MailChimp campaigns. I wondered how I would go about tweaking the plugin so that they can also select Pages?
Secondly, when I set the plugin to include excerpts of posts rather than the full post, it only includes the post title and date, but no excerpt. Can you suggest how to fix this?
Many thanks
I just upgraded to version 2.0, I can see the template in the dash board tab but:
1- I cannot chose from them
2- There is no place to create my own template.
I need to make a small customization to the sent emails. Instead of having a fixed bannaer and fixed logo for all emails I wanna have different ones for each email.
Technically, I wanna remove the banner and logo choice from setup page to email title and email subject page.
btw, what does email title used for?
“There was an error creating your campaign. It’s broke-a-did. 311 Your list has an email type option, so the text part is required”
I got this message on clicking Next on the Step 4: Complete Campaign Information page.
What does this mean? How can I fix it?
]]>Cool plugin but I would like to use it in a multi user environment and allow users with editor or author access to be able to use the plugin when logged in. Anyway to make that happen easily? Thanks.
]]>Is it just the UA number, as in UA-xxxxxx-x or is something else required in the WordChimp settings?
]]>WordChimp is a great plugin however, it doesn’t strip out any shortcodes in the post text. Is there a way of doing this?