Website crashed after installing WoowGallery.
I renamed Plugin folder to deactivate all plugins, deleted WoowGallery, then renamed Plugin folder back to normal. Website is now fixed.
]]>I am using the free version of WooGallery and that works great. Recently I have added the plugin TranslatePress to also offer an English language version of the website. Default is Dutch.
That also works good.
When on the included page a post is selected you get the Dutch version. And that makes sense I believe because WooGallery links to the post ID instead of the full url / slug version. And that translate plugin uses that to know the difference between languages.
Question; Is there a way to make WooGallery not point to ‘?p=714’ but to ‘2023/05/zeynab/’ ?
]]>I’ve been using the free version of WoowGallery for a long time (I really like this plugin). I insert albums (galleries) with photos on the site using a shortcode. Albums (galleries) show photos well.
However, I have a problem: When viewing the album page from WoowGallery, additional photos (from this gallery) appear below the gallery.
I’ve tried: clearing the cache, changing wordpress themes, checking the page structure on my site… But nothing helps.
How can I fix the problem?
Я использую бесплатную версию WoowGallery?уже давно (мне очень нравится этот плагин). Альбомы (галереи) с фотографиями вставляю на сайт при помощи шорткода. Альбомы (галереи) показывают фото хорошо.
Однако у меня имеется проблема: При просмотре страницы с альбомами от WoowGallery ниже галереи появляются дополнительные фотографии (из этой галереи).
Я пробовал: чистить кэш, менял темы для WordPress, проверял структуру страницы на моём сайте … Но ничего не помогает.
Как мне устранить проблему?
]]>I have an album that includes several galleries. A separate page has been created for each gallery, on which it is included using a shortcode. There are no links to these galleries on the album page that displays gallery previews. Neither the button (although it is enabled in the settings), nor going to the gallery page after clicking on the preview. Am I doing something wrong or don’t understand, or is it a bug?
]]>Before I bouth the plugin, I carrefuly red the paragraph which describe parameters of it. In section Pricing has been written:
……. allowing you to easy sell your photo.
How on Earth I can to do it. I can sell products using the gallery, but I can’t find the way to sell photos from gallery.
Did I something wrong?
where do i find skins to use in albums? after a login with a premium account, are they downloadable separately? do they then show up in presets? are they applied globally across all albums, or each album separately?
]]>Is there a way to remove picture number from album title? Do not want to show how many pictures in album title for gallery.
]]>i have you an idea how to use woowgallery to sell photos with woocommerce. I buy premium version. It’s on the features list but i don’t undestand how it work
Thanks for help
A major vulnerability has recently been discovered in Freemius (Unauthorised AJAX Calls via Freemius). Since WowGallery uses Freemius, it is affected. Most of the affected plugins are being updated to patch this vulnerability. Could you update WowGallery? I consider it to be the best gallery plugin available on WordPress and it would be a real shame to lose it.
Thank you very much for your work.
I’m using Woow Gallery and I have e little issue: I need a user with role Author to edit a gallery. For website security reasons I won’t add Admin role for my client only for editing a gallery.
I could not find any option to set a role or a user to edit it, even setting him as gallery owner. It’s a common gallery and not a dynamic one.
How can I provide gallery access to my client? (he must be Author, but I also tried with Editor role, unsuccessfully)
Thanks in advance.
I am trying out WoowGallery. I have created a gallery and an album, and added images to the gallery. I have added the album to a page, and it displays and functions correctly.
I went back to the gallery to change the title and description of each image to custom values. I changed several, and everything seemed to be working, so I continued.
I noticed that when I changed the title and description of the last image, the title and description of one of the other images reverted back to the media title and media description. I also started adding copyright information. When I changed one image to custom values, several of the others reverted. This continued until I stopped when only 3 of 21 images had not reverted. I stopped at that point.
How do I make the changes?
]]>Hi I am trying to load your gallery in a popup but the collums do not show properly. If I minimise the page and maximise again it works. I think it might be due to the stylesheet order being before the pop ups but I can not understand how to change the style sheet order in the header, could you help with this?
thank you
Hi, I was wondering if there is the ability to click on an album and that opens the gallery and then choose images to open in a lightbox. not just clicking on an album gallery and it opens in a lightbox.
Thank you
Would love to continue my sub, pricing is good with solid features and good design.
However, no response from support about albums with many pictures, this forum looks dead as well.
Necessary features:
Load more button
Both features are quite simple (and absolutely mandatory for literally any other popular album plugin). Have no idea how you guys manage to implement this plugin with big albums.
Anything above 20-30 pictures and this plugin is unusable, because there is no option for how the pictures are loaded.
Such a shame, huge potential for woocommerce integration + masonry album design.
]]>How can I put a colored frame around the respective images / text?
]]>pictures are visible but a person enters the password.
]]>I use the free version of WoowGallery and create my pages using the standard editor. I added a gallery to this page using the WoowGallery widget.
When I log in to my site as an administrator, then the gallery is displayed perfectly on the desktop. However, when I (or other users) click on the displayed image, the lightbox opens, but the images are missing. The space where the images should be is empty, instead the "wheel" of waiting is spinning.
The photo gallery is located at: <a href="" rel="noopener" target="_blank"></a>
Я использую бесплатную версию WoowGallery и создаю свои страницы с помощью стандартного редактора. Я добавил галерею на эту страницу с помощью виджета WoowGallery.
Когда я вхожу на мой сайт как администратор, тогда на рабочем столе галерея отображается отлично. Однако когда я (или другие пользователи) нажимаю на отображаемое изображение, лайтбокс открывается, но изображения отсутствуют. Пространство, где должны быть изображения пусто, вместо этого крутится “колесо” ожидания.
Фотогалерея расположена по адресу:
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Hi would it be possible to have the option to select images to load in random order for each gallery? If not is there CSS code that I could add that at least would make all the galleries load randomly.
Many thanks for your help with this.
]]>Hi! Thank you so much for the plug-in! I’ve always wanted a better way to make a gallery using Media Library Assistant categories. It make so much sense to me to use WP Media as a basis for galleries. That way every time I add an image to the WP Media, I can easily add it to a gallery. I’m amazed more people aren’t using it. I guess because of WP’s tragic omission of Media Categories.
Anyway, I’d like to use my WP Post Categories to categorize my gallery instead of having to recreate my entire Post Category list in MLA’s Att. Categories. However, when I use a WP Category for my gallery, the resulting gallery has ALL of my images that I have given any category to.
To troubleshoot, I created a couple MLA Att. Categories and used those for the gallery Taxonomy Terms category filter and it works fine.
Is this a limitation of the plug-in or a bug?
Many thanks for a valuable plug-in!
]]>HI there, I like the idea of the tags but if you check my page you will see I will have a problem once the album gets full, with all the tags across the top, it will get a LOT worse than it is now.
I had the heirachy as Bands>’band name’
Is there a way to hide those tags until I summon them?
HI there, new to this plugin, just learning my way around, like it so far.
However I can’t seem to find out how to make my galleries show up in a site search.
All the photos are labelled with the band name, the gallery is labelled with the band name but a site search by band name yields nothing. I tried tagging the photos with the band name but still no go. Am I doing it incorrectly? Is it not an option anyway?
Please advise.
Добавил галерею шорткодом [woowgallery-dynamic id=”3413″]
просто вставил шорткод в редактор, и больше ничего не вставлял. Галерея отображается только когда я залогинен как админ. Когда выхожу из админки, галерея пропадает на сайте. Помогите разобраться. Что я делаю не так?
I see this “Load Preset” option during creation of new gallery:
But I don’t see any way to create our own?
That would be more than beneficial given all the options that one has to set for each album (“config” has 4 sub-tabs of options, and then a ton of options under “lightbox” tab itself), so that we can create some sort of a custom global preset and quickly set all future galleries to use that preset, instead of trying to remember what settings we used for the previous gallery each time (which is obviously way more time consuming and prone to errors).
Please advise how this can be set or created, or if there is a template file we can edit to set up the default loaded presets somehow.
I would like to see the 3D Cube skin/module in this plugin.
Or a stand-alone plugin of 3D Cube would be fine also ??
Greetings, Eric
i sent you a email request a few days ago and never heard back from you so I’m trying it here.
I want to link a image to a youtube playlist however when i click on the picture it tries to play it (unsuccessfully) within the image itself and won’t open it in a new tab.
How can i fix that?
]]>H, Thanks for a grat looking gallery. I am testing th plug in on brand new installasjon of wordpress, i Get the follwoing message: Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘WoowGallery\Widgets’ not found in xamp ……
I have daactivated all the other plug ins with no help.
Ps! Is it possible to use the album view from Gmedia and the woocomerce from this plug in together? To show everything on a grand page?
What is the limit of pictures in albums and the number og albums in galleries for this plugin?
Thanks for your help.
Arash Nejad
I get this error after activating the plugin:
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class ‘WoowGallery\Widgets’ not found in C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\class-wp-widget-factory.php:61 Stack trace: #0 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\widgets.php(115): WP_Widget_Factory->register(‘WoowGallery\\Wid…’) #1 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-content\plugins\woowgallery\class-woowgallery.php(85): register_widget(‘WoowGallery\\Wid…’) #2 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(287): WoowGallery\WoowGallery->widgets(”) #3 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #4 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\plugin.php(478): WP_Hook->do_action(Array) #5 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\widgets.php(1773): do_action(‘widgets_init’) #6 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(287): wp_widgets_init(”) #7 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\class-wp-hook.php(311): WP_Hook->apply_filters(NULL, Array) #8 C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes in C:\xampp\htdocs\sitoaggiornato\wp-includes\class-wp-widget-factory.php on line 61
It happens only with your plugin. can you help me? Thank you.
My site is being administered by several users with different wordpress role (ie. administrator, editor & author). I am having issue to grant access to users with role editor & author to woowgallery. They can access the plugin menu, can view gallery/album list but cannot view the gallery content and cannot publish new gallery/album. I am using AAM pro for access right management and I have checked necessary access right in the capabilities and also enable the menu to these role. Please advise
I bought the premium version, but can not find the search function in the gallery. Only finds the tags that you can filter the image flow.
I am using the woowgallery for my website and it is great. I have so many pictures, so I am using albums to group the pictures. Even my albums are also a lot.. Is there anyway to create pagination for the albums so that i can set a defined numbers of album per page? Or is it available in the premium features?
Please advise.
Thank you