I am working on a project for myself. I am using bootstrap and navwalker to make the navmenu. The thing is that I added the cart custom menu item(the icon with item number and price) using functions.php( with ‘wp_nav_menu_items’ ). Now if I click the minicart, the li of this element doesn’t recieve the active class. I am assuming that this is because this menu item is not created with the navwalker. Any suggestions on how I could integrate this custom menu item to work properly and to be “active” when clicking it?
My site is https://tienda.maquinac.com/
I’m using Bootstrap Basic theme with woocommercetwitterbootstrap unfortunately I’m having some issues when using your plugin.
In the instructions you said “Copy the templates from wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-twitter/templates/ to wp-content/themes/{your(child)theme}/woocommerce-twitter/.” That didnt work, so I guessed the problem was that the plugin is called “woocommerce-twitterbootstrap” not woocommerce-twitter Now it seems like it’s getting the bootstrap css, but I’m trying to modify the shop page product but I’m not having luck with it. All the edits I do return no changes.
My folder structure is :
Note I didn’t create a woocommerce template folder child theme, I thought your plugin would take its place.
Again, the issue is that when I try and edit something in the bs-archive-product.php or archive-product.php nothing happens. When I edit the archive-product.php of the original woocommerce plugin nothing happens either, it is really weird.
Another issue is that although the home page (shop page) products are getting the bootstrap CSS the Related Products inside each product are not. The look pushed to the left with no apparent grid.
]]>I go the Unite theme. I followed your steps but there is nothing changing in Woocommerce..? Woocommerce is in this theme and its build on Bootstrap
link to theme https://colorlib.com/wp/unite/ What stepts do i need to do?
]]>Hi all,
We’ve setup our Shop page to show subcategories instead of products. It seems the images are missing the “img-responsive” class when choosing to display subcategories. When showing products on the Shop page the images display fine with the img-respomsive class.
First of all, thanks for good plugin, it works well and do the job, but i have some issues and have not a single clue how to solve it.
I notice that plugin adds to checkout wrapper div style=”display:none;” and because of that i have an empty checkout page.
This div is right after <div class=”woocommerce”> and before <form name=”checkout”>.
How can i turn off this thing, and see my checkout-form?
Same thing with price widget inputs (from what i discover)
]]>Hi i’m having an issue with the size of the product image within the single-product view.
After activating the plugin the size of the product image, also the thumbs have been resized to a smaller size, so they aren’t filling the left div as it was before.
Here is a screenshot of my problem.
I am running bootstrap version 3.x @4cols per row, if i switch to v2.x the single product page is fine, but the shop page shows only one product per row.
Please help.
I’m doing some research with WordPress, boostrap and wocommerce and teh .Net OSS Umbraco for a prospective client and I must say the ease of use is fantastic and both I and client were very very impressed. Until she asked to see the Shop product list and whole checkout process. FAIL. FAIL FAIL. When I enable the WooCommerce twitter bootstrap plugin, the layout of the Product list breaks badly. The checkout pages are terrible too and are not usable in any small width devices.
please I have a problem with thumbnail. Img have bad src if image have space or diacritic in file name… In detail of product or homepage it’s OK.. But in category loop is wrong.
Can you help me?
screen with plugin https://i.imgur.com/ntQhGed.png
screen without plugin https://i.imgur.com/Xs38p0x.png
Thanks, (sry for my english, I hope you understand me)
Luke from czech
This is screen capture before plugins is activated
and this is after:
I want to set the thumbnail to have same width x height like the previous one. Where can I modify this?
]]>Good day,
I have tried using your plugin, but unfortunately I don’t think that it is working. I am quite sure that it says I was suppose to just activate the plugin after installing. But doing that I don’t see any difference.
I have set it to display 4 columns per row, using Bootstrap 3.0
My website can be found here
]]>Thought you’d like to know
This attempt was made on WP 3.7.1