No updates in 5 years, must be an awesome plugin. Wy is is even listed WP?
]]>Hi, the product sample after clicking on it will not add to my cart. What can I do? Thanks
]]>Hi, this plugin has worked great previously, but now nothing happens when I type into the samples box. Normally this would auto-populate with the matching products for you to then select which product is the sample (similar to when you type into related products), but now nothing happens when you type in, and you are unable to select the required sample product.
Is this plugin still being supported, and if so are you aware of this issue?
WP: 4.8.2
WC: 3.2.1
PHP: 5.6
Many thanks
]]>Should a sample be added to the cart of do I need to create “sample” products?
a standard product:
click add sample, go to cart.
]]>Can i have a direct download link of sample files instead of adding the sample to the cart?
]]>I am using a storefront child theme, Stationary which shows the Sample under “new in” and “best sellers” is there any way to hide this product from here? I went into catalog visibility and hidden it but then the button disappears… I would like it if the button didn’t disappear when I set it to hidden manually…
Many Thanks in advance.
]]>on my test site, I have added Woocommerce Product Samples.
I am also using measurement price calculator and was unable to add a sample to variations if I was selling a box that was not a single unit of 1.
i.e. for one box of tiles of 1.64m2
The problem I have is that if I add a sample, it just adds 1 box of tiles.
how do I add a value of “free” to the sample and a shipping cost..without using variations ?
]]>I am having trouble with filters / attributes in woocommerce when the plugin is activated.. What can be doing this?
]]>Hi there,
Firstly, thanks for providing such a brilliant plugin to the WP community! Many thanks! Your efforts are very appreciated.
I’ve noticed a feature that I think would be great to add to the plugin, if possible (sorry I wouldn’t know how to develop this myself and add it to GitHub – I would if I could!). The thing is, that when I use the plugin to make the order sample function available, then I cannot control the price very easily. I use the following flat rates for my products: ‘International’, ‘EU’ and ‘UK’ and I use this plugin to add the EU flat rate as an extra on top of what WooCommerce comes with (standard flat rate and international). Anyway, although I’ve set a Shipping Class specifically for the Sample Product, it only applies to one of the delivery rates (usually the flat rate), which means that people in the UK can have a discounted price for the sample, whereas people in the EU and internationally will have to pay full whack (which is more as the products are heavier when not samples). Hope that makes sense?
Do you see any way in which to make it possible to either remove all delivery rates only on the Product Sample OR to overwrite the rates only in this case?