when i want to import csv file that exported with store export plugin WordPress show this error: There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.
But No email in admin inbox and no other information please help me to solve this i rally need very much
We are working in stateless mode on a GCP server (google cloud platefome).
We cannot store the file locally on our server (due to replicaset).
This import mode would suit us if the file is not uploaded to the server. What is it?
]]>Hi, we tried uploading the following import which used to work, but we think the last update has broken it (the dates are in European format):
SKU Product Published
LIV483 18/02/2021
LIV312 18/02/2021
LIV562 18/02/2021
LIV571 18/02/2021
In the results below, the first SKU is correctly skipped (as the date is already 18/02/2021), the second SKU is correcntly updated, but then it repeats the second SKU for the 3rd and 4th line (hence it skips those changes).
See results below:
Preparing data…
Detected import method: update…
Detected image import method: none…
Detected download file import method: none…
Detected import rows… 5
Sufficient memory is available… 2 Mb / 384 Mb
Validating required columns… sufficient data was provided
Beginning import…
Detect and group Product columns…
>>> Import row count set by SKU: 5
>>> SKU has been detected and grouped
>>> Product Date has been detected and grouped
Product columns have been grouped
Generating Categories…
Categories skipped
Generating Brands…
Brands skipped
Generating Product Tags and any Term Taxonomies…
Tags skipped
Generating Term Taxonomies…
Generating Shipping Classes…
Shipping Classes skipped
Merging Product changes…
>>> Including non-essential reporting in this import log
>>> Skipping import of first CSV row
>>> [1/4] Merging (no title) – SKU: LIV483…
>>>>>> Processing import row for duplicates…
>>>>>>>>> Skipping Post ID Product detection
>>>>>>>>> Detected Canthigaster Solandri M (#23327) by SKU: LIV483
>>>>>> Processing Product Categories, Tags, Shipping Classes, Brands and Vendors if provided
>>>>>> Scanning Product for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Product Name
>>>>>> Skipping SKU
>>>>>> Skipping Description
>>>>>> Skipping Excerpt
>>>>>> Skipping Type
>>>>>> Skipping Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates From
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates To
>>>>>> Skipping Featured
>>>>>> Skipping Virtual
>>>>>> Skipping Downloadable
>>>>>> Skipping Slug
>>>>>> Skipping Weight
>>>>>> Skipping Height
>>>>>> Skipping Width
>>>>>> Skipping Length
>>>>>> Skipping Product Published, no changes were detected
>>>>>> Skipping Product Modified
>>>>>> Skipping Manage Stock
>>>>>> Skipping Stock Status
>>>>>> Skipping Quantity
>>>>>> Skipping Allow Backorders
>>>>>> Skipping Sold Individually
>>>>>> Skipping Grouped Products
>>>>>> Skipping Up-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Cross-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Status
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Class
>>>>>> Skipping Sort Order
>>>>>> Skipping Post Author
>>>>>> Skipping Download File URL Path
>>>>>> Skipping Download Limit
>>>>>> Skipping Download Expiry
>>>>>> Skipping Download Type
>>>>>> Skipping Product URL
>>>>>> Skipping Button Text
>>>>>> Skipping Visibility
>>>>>> Skipping Product Status
>>>>>> Skipping Enable Reviews
>>>>>> Skipping Purchase Note
>>>>>> Skipping Total Sales
>>>>>> Scanning Attributes for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Default Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Category
>>>>>> Skipping Tag
>>>>>> Skipping Shipping Class
>>>>>> Skipping Clear Featured Image/Product Gallery
>>>>>> Skipping Brand
>>>>>> Skipping WordPress SEO
>>>>>> No changes were made to Canthigaster Solandri M – SKU: LIV483
>>> [2/4] Merging (no title) – SKU: LIV312…
>>>>>> Processing import row for duplicates…
>>>>>>>>> Skipping Post ID Product detection
>>>>>>>>> Detected Heniochus Acuminatus M (#22890) by SKU: LIV312
>>>>>> Processing Product Categories, Tags, Shipping Classes, Brands and Vendors if provided
>>>>>> Scanning Product for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Product Name
>>>>>> Skipping SKU
>>>>>> Skipping Description
>>>>>> Skipping Excerpt
>>>>>> Skipping Type
>>>>>> Skipping Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates From
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates To
>>>>>> Skipping Featured
>>>>>> Skipping Virtual
>>>>>> Skipping Downloadable
>>>>>> Skipping Slug
>>>>>> Skipping Weight
>>>>>> Skipping Height
>>>>>> Skipping Width
>>>>>> Skipping Length
>>>>>> Updating Product Published: 2021-02-17 06:00:00 to 2021-02-18 00:00:00
>>>>>> Skipping Product Modified
>>>>>> Skipping Manage Stock
>>>>>> Skipping Stock Status
>>>>>> Skipping Quantity
>>>>>> Skipping Allow Backorders
>>>>>> Skipping Sold Individually
>>>>>> Skipping Grouped Products
>>>>>> Skipping Up-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Cross-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Status
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Class
>>>>>> Skipping Sort Order
>>>>>> Skipping Post Author
>>>>>> Skipping Download File URL Path
>>>>>> Skipping Download Limit
>>>>>> Skipping Download Expiry
>>>>>> Skipping Download Type
>>>>>> Skipping Product URL
>>>>>> Skipping Button Text
>>>>>> Skipping Visibility
>>>>>> Skipping Product Status
>>>>>> Skipping Enable Reviews
>>>>>> Skipping Purchase Note
>>>>>> Skipping Total Sales
>>>>>> Scanning Attributes for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Default Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Category
>>>>>> Skipping Tag
>>>>>> Skipping Shipping Class
>>>>>> Skipping Clear Featured Image/Product Gallery
>>>>>> Skipping Brand
>>>>>> Skipping WordPress SEO
>>>>>> Updating Post Modified: 2021-02-19 02:42:36 to 2021-02-19 19:28:19
>>>>>> Heniochus Acuminatus M – SKU: LIV312 successfully updated
>>> [3/4] Merging (no title) – SKU: LIV312…
>>>>>> Processing import row for duplicates…
>>>>>>>>> Detected Heniochus Acuminatus M (#22890) by Post ID: 22890
>>>>>> Processing Product Categories, Tags, Shipping Classes, Brands and Vendors if provided
>>>>>> Scanning Product for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Product Name
>>>>>> Skipping SKU
>>>>>> Skipping Description
>>>>>> Skipping Excerpt
>>>>>> Skipping Type
>>>>>> Skipping Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates From
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates To
>>>>>> Skipping Featured
>>>>>> Skipping Virtual
>>>>>> Skipping Downloadable
>>>>>> Skipping Slug
>>>>>> Skipping Weight
>>>>>> Skipping Height
>>>>>> Skipping Width
>>>>>> Skipping Length
>>>>>> Skipping Product Published, no changes were detected
>>>>>> Skipping Product Modified
>>>>>> Skipping Manage Stock
>>>>>> Skipping Stock Status
>>>>>> Skipping Quantity
>>>>>> Skipping Allow Backorders
>>>>>> Skipping Sold Individually
>>>>>> Skipping Grouped Products
>>>>>> Skipping Up-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Cross-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Status
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Class
>>>>>> Skipping Sort Order
>>>>>> Skipping Post Author
>>>>>> Skipping Download File URL Path
>>>>>> Skipping Download Limit
>>>>>> Skipping Download Expiry
>>>>>> Skipping Download Type
>>>>>> Skipping Product URL
>>>>>> Skipping Button Text
>>>>>> Skipping Visibility
>>>>>> Skipping Product Status
>>>>>> Skipping Enable Reviews
>>>>>> Skipping Purchase Note
>>>>>> Skipping Total Sales
>>>>>> Scanning Attributes for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Default Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Category
>>>>>> Skipping Tag
>>>>>> Skipping Shipping Class
>>>>>> Skipping Clear Featured Image/Product Gallery
>>>>>> Skipping Brand
>>>>>> Skipping WordPress SEO
>>>>>> Updating Post Modified: 2021-02-19 19:28:19 to 2021-02-19 19:28:21
>>>>>> Heniochus Acuminatus M – SKU: LIV312 successfully updated
>>> [4/4] Merging (no title) – SKU: LIV312…
>>>>>> Processing import row for duplicates…
>>>>>>>>> Detected Heniochus Acuminatus M (#22890) by Post ID: 22890
>>>>>> Processing Product Categories, Tags, Shipping Classes, Brands and Vendors if provided
>>>>>> Scanning Product for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Product Name
>>>>>> Skipping SKU
>>>>>> Skipping Description
>>>>>> Skipping Excerpt
>>>>>> Skipping Type
>>>>>> Skipping Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates From
>>>>>> Skipping Sale Price Dates To
>>>>>> Skipping Featured
>>>>>> Skipping Virtual
>>>>>> Skipping Downloadable
>>>>>> Skipping Slug
>>>>>> Skipping Weight
>>>>>> Skipping Height
>>>>>> Skipping Width
>>>>>> Skipping Length
>>>>>> Skipping Product Published, no changes were detected
>>>>>> Skipping Product Modified
>>>>>> Skipping Manage Stock
>>>>>> Skipping Stock Status
>>>>>> Skipping Quantity
>>>>>> Skipping Allow Backorders
>>>>>> Skipping Sold Individually
>>>>>> Skipping Grouped Products
>>>>>> Skipping Up-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Cross-Sells
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Status
>>>>>> Skipping Tax Class
>>>>>> Skipping Sort Order
>>>>>> Skipping Post Author
>>>>>> Skipping Download File URL Path
>>>>>> Skipping Download Limit
>>>>>> Skipping Download Expiry
>>>>>> Skipping Download Type
>>>>>> Skipping Product URL
>>>>>> Skipping Button Text
>>>>>> Skipping Visibility
>>>>>> Skipping Product Status
>>>>>> Skipping Enable Reviews
>>>>>> Skipping Purchase Note
>>>>>> Skipping Total Sales
>>>>>> Scanning Attributes for changes…
>>>>>> Skipping Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Default Attributes
>>>>>> Skipping Category
>>>>>> Skipping Tag
>>>>>> Skipping Shipping Class
>>>>>> Skipping Clear Featured Image/Product Gallery
>>>>>> Skipping Brand
>>>>>> Skipping WordPress SEO
>>>>>> Updating Post Modified: 2021-02-19 19:28:21 to 2021-02-19 19:28:23
>>>>>> Heniochus Acuminatus M – SKU: LIV312 successfully updated
Product changes have been merged
Cleaning up…
>>> Organise Variations
Clean up has completed
Import summary
>>> 3 Products updated
>>> 1 Products skipped
>>> 0 Variations added
>>> Import took 12 seconds to complete
>>> Fastest Product took less than 1 second to process
>>> Slowest Product took more than 1 second to process
Import complete!`
]]>Hello! I am trying to upload a csv file but I am getting an error message: returned false
What’s the problem and how could I fix it?
UPDATE: Notice: Undefined variable: row_count in /public_html/wp-content/plugins/dgrundel-woo-product-importer-6731130/woo-product-importer-preview.php on line 314
]]>In your description “Import Product Categories” is not marked with a star, so I supposed that it was available with free plugin, but can’t figure out how to do it.
Is it restricted to the paid version?
Cant upload csv file.
keep getting error msg: There was an error while uploading your CSV file, Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.. Need help?
I’m trying to import a csv with some variation. Each variation has several attributes, but I need that only one is used as variation, for the others I only need to be visible in product page, how can i do?
I exported my csv with your exporter plugin. Now I want to import categories only and no products. Your import plugin looks like it requires a product csv only
]]>I made the CSV file as a template, but if I try to import parent and child categories as in the example: parent> child, it does not work, it only detects the first one, but if I put the character | To determine which two categories works normally, what should I do?
Sorry, I’m confused, does the basic version import product images or display product images via urls?
Thanks for your patience.
]]>This did work fine but since updating wordpress zilch. Keeps telling me there is an error in my file:
There was an error while uploading your CSV file, Invalid file type.
This despite using your store exporter and just modifying one field and saving it again.
Any ideas please?? Can you also confirm that variations are only supported in the Pro version?
]]>I’ve used a sample file provided on the plugin website, and copy and pasted the relevant data points into the file, then I tried uploading it, but it gives me an error that says: There was an error while uploading your CSV file, Invalid file type. Need help?
I don’t understand – I have saved the file I edited as a CSV file. I didn’t add any new fields and many fields I even left blank.
Why isn’t this working?
To lite version Product Import from a csv file.
I’ve recently exported (with your Store Exporter Plugin) the product list I have (259 by now).
The option ‘Upload a csv file’ is like an ‘Update from CSV’?
I mean, if I import my exported csv file with new products.. the plugin Product Importer, will match ID’s to existing products in the list and add new ones only in WordPress Woo?
I don’t want to import the exported csv list with new products and have 259 duplicated products (of existing products).
Thanks in advanced,
Amazing plugins!
Best regards,
Hi, if I have to import and update some prices (trough url/ftp method) by weight, for example price /Kg and I want to divide them by 10 to show prices /hg is that possible? Also I would need to keep another copy of the price /kg registered in a custom field too.. is that possible?
]]>Hi there,
I have a woocommerce site with around 800 products (no variations). I already have all the products published with the correct descriptions etc. I have not yet added the SKUs for each product. Rather than having to go through and manually add the SKU to each product I would prefer to add these automatically if I can. i.e. upload a CSV list.
Is this possible? And would I be able to manage it without deleting all the current data on each product? for instance could I upload a CSV list that has the current Product Name and relevant SKU correctly fielded and would this just add the SKU to the correct product without deleting all the other information; description, summary, images, etc.?
Thanks, Olly
]]>I have an xml file that was exported from a previous wordpress install. On my current wordpress install, I have woocommerce and all the products already set up. But what I want to do is only import the reviews for each product contained in the XML file, without importing the products themselves. Is this possible?
]]>How to Import Drupal Ubercart Products into Woocommerce or any Drupal Nodes into WP
Has anybody managed to import some Drupal nodes to WordPress or some Ubercart products to Woocommerce ?
It is hard to find feedback, please help.
Thank you.
I got this error when trying to upload csv
Should I install mbstring extension in my vps? (using centos)
is it possible to only import a category structure with your tool?
]]>I have used a csv exported from one test install of woocommerce with a product and variations manually entered. I used the Visser store exporter to get a csv file which I then imported into another test woocommerce test install using the Visser Product Importer. So far I get individual products not one product with variations.
If the variations is only available on the pro version, it would be nice to know that. Otherwise I would like to know how to make the free importer work to import variations properly.
I also could not find the sample csv sheets or the template downloads anywhere on the Visser site.
]]>How could I import non-English language, they show the weird characters..
I need to update prices … for example the prices of goods went up – if I can use this plugin simply update all the prices in the store?
Thank you!
]]>Great plugin! Is there a way to copy images to the media folder from specified url in the csv file?