Thank you for the plugin!
Small tips to improve the plugin:
1) Generate hierarchical (nested) categories – no more than 5 levels of nesting – it is better if it is configured in the plugin!
2) Generating attributes for products is very important and greatly affects the speed of the site
3) Generate additional images for products – for example, one as now and plus 2-3 additional images.
Your plugin has one problem. When there are more than 1000 products – generation slows down – because WordPress generates slugs for products itself – this process is very resourceful.
I sped up the generation in your plugin like this:
public static function create_product() {
static $i = 0;
$post_id = wp_insert_post( array(
‘post_type’ => ‘product’,
‘post_title’ => $title,
‘post_name’ => ‘product_’ . microtime() . $i,
‘post_excerpt’ => $excerpt,
‘post_content’ => $content,
‘post_status’ => ‘publish’,
‘post_author’ => $user_id
) );
as you can see, I force the post_name for the product:
‘post_name’ => ‘product_’ . microtime() . $i,
you can do it differently, it is important that WordPress does not do this – it uses heavy SQL-queries
]]>i captured this screencast today, 8:34 AM 17/04/2019
screenast link –
Where can I download version 1.1.1 to this plugin? I need to compare my files of this plugin to the a clean copy without any customization, were currently using 1.1.1.
We would like to know if that plugin is still working in WP 4.9.2 and if it is still maintained.
Kind regards
]]>I want to simulate HTTP requests that generate products in woocommerce. I install product-generator plugin. I capture all of HTTP requests during the process of generating product. a post HTTP request has a “product-generate” parameter that its value is combination of char and num. is this value a random value or is an already define value? how should I generate this value?
]]>Hi all,
I want to generate product in woocommerce of word press with product-generator plugin. I record all of this action by JMeter. but when I play recorded test plan, it does not generate any products and also does not generate any errors!
How should I solve this Problem?
Thanks in advance,
I am using your plugin, its awesome, creating test products. I want approximate of 1 lack product. but its not allowing to create more than 10000. Why it is so?