The module cannot link paybox since the last update
I got an issue with my payment gateway (Paybox).
Errors are:
Chrome: “SyntaxError: Unexpected token < “
Firefox: “SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data”
IE: “SyntaxError: Invalid character”
Customers can’t make payment !!!
]]>Thanks for this amazing plugin.
It seems works like a charm with HMAC key.
i was wondering if i can freely, change the title of the 3 generated pages (Commande PayBox re?ue /annulée / refusée) ?
Can i add content around the shortcode, too?
I have a problem with the Paybox Autoresponse, asked for Paybox system.
I created a page to have a link for the Paybox autoresponse, needed for the transaction return, which will be integrated in Paybox solution.
My question is : is it necessary to put the shortcode [woocommerce_paybox_gateway_thanks] in this page ?
Thanks in advance for answers.
I have an ecommerce website with WooCommerce. I have to put the payment module Paybox, that’s why I decided to install Woocommerce Paybox Gateway plugin.
But I have a problem with the identification of the website.
When I try to realise an order, I have an error page with the message : “Problème d’identification du commerce. Accès refusé !”
However, I’ve fixed the different values : range, ID Paybox site, ID Paybox.
But it seems like it was empty.
Can you help me please ?
Thanks for your help
we need to integrate directly on our site the payment by paybox, certainly through an iFrame. Is your plugin made it possible ?
Thanks by advance
I am on the payment gateway preprod step and paybox gave me an url for cgi file:
But when i enter this url in CGI script path, i have an error message
“Paybox CGI module can not be found”
As mentionned in the previous post, i know i have to enter an absolute path so how can i make my test ?
Thanks for your help
J’ai un problème de ciblage concernant les URL de retour de
Image ici >>
Paybox return URL
Successful Return Link
Failed Return Link
Cancel Return Link
Cela ne marche pas une fois le paiement effectuer
Le ciblage ne marche toujours pas, ou faut t’il placer le fichier module.cgi ??
Il est actuellement placer ici >>
Que dois je mettre dans ce champ >> “Complete path to PayBox CGI”
After installing the extension and after the full scope of the contract Paybox
-I have 32 bit download and upload the CGI file in binary mode and gave him permissions 755
– I record all these parameter
– I verified that the CGI is very accessible … >> 32bits.cgi
I test to make a purchase and select the payment method via CB Paybox
and then after pressing continue a known error button appears “Paybox CGI module can not be found”
After that I blocked and all help will be very precious thank you in advance
]]>when i test the url i have -3 whcih means that it works but when i proceed payment I always have cgi not found which means that the problem is from the plugin.