What is the latest version of Woocommerce is supported?
]]>Thank you for adding this great plugin.
I have a issue. After transaction the gatway wont redirect back to woocommerce thank you page. It only says in URL = ?wc-api=WC_Gateway_Nets_Gateway&transactionId=xxxxxxxxxxx&responseCode=OK
and shows a blank page.
System wont send order email either. Since it dont return to woocommerce. Could you please help with issue?
I am using last version of woocommerce.
Thank you!
]]>WordPress constantly asks me to update this version 0.0.0. Seems the version info is missing. Can you please update?
]]>Same error as @mvshandor. The version is missing in ini.php so WordPress complains that there is an update since the version is “0.0”. Adding “Version: 1.0” to the ini file makes the update notice go away. Please add the version to the next update.
Please, Set version in config file.
I get this error message when I try to do a payment with your plugin.
ErrorCode: Unable to translate supermerchant to submerchant, please check currency code and merchant ID
What should I do to make this right?