Leider kommt es zu einem Problem bei Benützung des Plugins. Es werden regelm??ig Bestellemails doppelt versandt, dies wird anscheinend durch TransactionStatus-Anfragen get?tigt.
In unserer mpay24-Log-Datei k?nnen wir auch mehrfache Eintr?ge entnehmen.
06-24-2018 @ 15:39:09 – Transaction status: billed
06-24-2018 @ 15:39:09 – Transaction status: billed
06-24-2018 @ 15:39:15 – Payment complete.
06-24-2018 @ 15:39:15 – Payment complete.
06-25-2018 @ 09:55:06 – Notify URL: {{website}}/wc-api/WC_Gateway_MPAY24/
06-25-2018 @ 09:55:06 – GetPaymentMethodsREQUEST to https://www.mpay24.com/app/bin/etpproxy_v15 – <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>
Wir haben uns schon mit mPAY24 in Verbindung gesetzt diesbzgl. und bekamen diese Antwort:
laut unserer Logs, erhalten wir von Ihrem System, zeitgleich zur Best?tigung von uns, Nachfragen zur Zahlung.
Dadurch kann es zu überschneidungen kommen und folglich doppelt/mehrfach best?tigt werden.
18.06.24 15:39:07 Confirmation-Aufruf (mPAY24 -> H?ndlersystem)
18.06.24 15:39:09 TransactionStatus-Anfrage (H?ndlersystem -> mPAY24)
18.06.24 15:39:09 TransactionStatus-Anfrage (H?ndlersystem -> mPAY24)
Ihr System sollte den Status der Bestellung über die Confirmation von uns aktualisieren und nur bei Bedarf über den TransactionStatus.
Nun unsere Frage k?nnen wir selbst da etwas einstellen, wird das durch das Plugin verursacht oder kann es da andere Gründe geben?
Vielen Dank im voraus.
]]>The status is set to “in bearbeitung” after some transactions.
Most of the time we get the status “fertiggestellt” but sometimes its set to “in bearbeitung” even the log says “mPAY24 Bezahlung abgeschlossen”
hey there,
I get this error (SyntaxError: Unexpected token T in JSON at position 0) when trying to checkout with mpay24.
Is there any solution to my problem?
Thanks for the help.
regards martin
]]>He There,
I am wondering if someone could help me to solve the following issue. After we made a test purchase we got the following error message:
“syntaxError: Unexpected token W in JSON at position 0”
If I replace the .php files in MPay24 directory with the latest .php files from the api, WordPress doesn’t work any more as it leads to a http error 500!
ich habe direkt von mpay24 den Tipp bekommen in der class-wc-mpay24-shop.php die Einstellung von:
Zeile 569 $mdxi->Order->TemplateSet->setCSSName( ‘Mobile’ ); // use responsive template
Zeile 569 $mdxi->Order->TemplateSet->setCSSName( ‘MODERN’ ); // use responsive template
zu ?ndern.
Dennoch erhalte ich in der Logdatei offensichtlich einen Codierungsfehler:
08-31-2016 @ 14:17:57 - GetPaymentMethodsRESPONSE - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:etp="https://www.mpay24.com/soap/etp/1.5/ETP.wsdl">
<paymentMethod id="4">
<paymentMethod id="5">
<paymentMethod id="70">
08-31-2016 @ 14:17:57 - PayREQUEST to https://www.mpay24.com/app/bin/etpproxy_v15 - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:etp="https://www.mpay24.com/soap/etp/1.5/ETP.wsdl" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<mdxi><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Order Style="background-color: #ffffff;font-size: 12px;font-family: "Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif" LogoStyle="max-width: 100%;" PageHeaderStyle="height: auto;line-height: 1.75em;color: #000000;margin-bottom: 10px;" PageCaptionStyle="background: transparent;color: #000000;border-radius: 0;margin: 0 5px 0 0;padding: 0;font-size: 1.167em;line-height: 1.357em;text-shadow: none;" PageStyle="background: #ffffff;">
<TemplateSet Language="DE" CSSName="MODERN">WEB</TemplateSet>
<PaymentTypes Enable="true">
<Payment Type="CC" Brand="MASTERCARD"/>
<Payment Type="CC" Brand="VISA"/>
<Payment Type="PAYPAL"/>
<Customer Id="4">firmenname</Customer>
08-31-2016 @ 14:17:57 - PayRESPONSE - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SOAP-ENV:Envelope xmlns:SOAP-ENV="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:SOAP-ENC="https://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:xsi="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="https://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:etp="https://www.mpay24.com/soap/etp/1.5/ETP.wsdl">
i need a way to call a function, while payment is complete from mpay24.
my best guess was:
add_action(‘woocommerce_payment_complete’, ‘payment_complete’, 10, 1);
function payment_complete($order) { .. }
but woocommerce_payment_complete never gets called.
any hints are highly appreciated!
When I try to pay in test mode everything works fine.
But when I deactivate the test mode and try to submit a real payment I get this error:
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
How can I fix this?
WP: 4.3.4
Plugin: WooCommerce mPAY24 Gateway 1.5.1
Thank you in advance.
]]>English Version:
i have some Mailissues:
what am i doing wrong? who can give me a hint?
<strongGerman Version
ich habe einige Mailprobleme:
Was mache ich falsch, wer kann mir helfen?
]]>I upgraded all WP, plugins, theme to the newest versions. Now when I do a checkout and cancel the payment on mpay24 page it returns a success and the status is set to waiting for payment.
any idea?
the page is online here now
after installing the plugin doesn’t create the folder wc-logs. Not in /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/logs/ nor /wc-logs/
Also after creating them manually on the server there are no log files. Even after an error.
What am i doing wrong?
instead of redirecting the user to the mpay24 payment page, an error message is shown:
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.
In test mode / with test data it did work, but now as it is live, users get this error message.
Username and password should be right, as I copied them from the old shop system (Gambio). Or is it possible that this wasn’t the SOAP password?
I just installed your plugin and got a debug log message that indicates that $wpdb->supports_collation()
is deprecated since WP 3.5 and $wpdb->has_cap('collation')
should be used instead (at line 19 of woocommerce-mpay24-gateway/admin/gateway-mpay24-install.php).
Thanks for the good work,
]]>I received test account credentials from mpay containing an ampersand. This seems to break the plugin because of bad character escaping. Please fix!
]]>Hey guys, your plugin is really awesome. I just have a question:
I am using wordpress woocommerce and your plugin for selling/paying events (with the Events Calendar). Is it possible to modify the transaction detail window after successfully paying? There is a field “description” where I want to show additional infos like the ticket number etc. – how can I change the appearance or fields I want to show on transaction details?
With nice regards
]]>I have a problem with partial refunds:
will trigger an $order->update_status( 'refunded', ...)
do_action( 'woocommerce_order_status_refunded', ...)
, which is hooked up to wc_order_fully_refunded()
that refunds the maximum possible amount.Obviously, this screws up sales statistics, but also, it sends transactional email to the customer showing the wrong (full) amount refunded.
i’m using WooCommerce mPAY24 Gateway V1.5.1 – it worked perfectly, now i changed my site form a single to a multisite installation.
since then the mPAY24 plugin is not shown in “WooCommerce -> Settings -> Checkout -> Mpay24” anymore.
i can activate the plugin on the network or the site itself, but nothing shown in the WooCommerce settings and nothing shown on the checkout-page.
what do i have todo? thank you!
best gernot
]]>Hi, we just got a message saying the mPay24 certificate will expire on dec 1. Do we need to do anything to ensure the plugin keeps working?
]]>Hi there!
I’m new in woocommerce and using your plugin (vers.1.5.1) together with woocommerce (vers. 2.3.13) and wc german market (3.2.0).
I activated the mPAY24 plugin and test-account runs well but prod-account brings an error:
Authorization Required
This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn’t understand how to supply the credentials required.
Couldn’t find any answers by researching the web, so try this way.
As I know there is no .htaccess HTTP-Authentifizierung in place.
Any ideas if it is concerning webserver or version conflict?
thanks in advance for support!
Cheers, Willi
]]>hi there!
i am currently testing
wp 4.2.4
woocommerce 2.4.4
WooCommerce mPAY24 Gateway 1.5.1
i tried the checkout in test mode and when i click the button “Proceed To mPAY24” the page scrolls up to show the error message
SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected character at line 1 column 1 of the JSON data
what should i do to fix this?
thank you in advance
]]>Does this plugin support recurring payments? If not, does the mpay24 api offer this possibility?
just installed the plugin and got the Dev-Mode running perfectly fine. However, when switching to Live-Mode, the following error-msg appears after hitting the Order Now button:
We are sorry, an error occured – please contact the merchant!
Is there anything else to do to activate Live-Mode properly? .htaccess is not a problem.
Thanks in advance!
All the best,
is not localized because ‘woocommerce’ is passed as domain instead of ‘wc-mpay24’:
--- a/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-mpay24-gateway/gateway-mpay24.php
+++ b/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-mpay24-gateway/gateway-mpay24.php
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ if (in_array( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', ge
$this->id = 'mpay24';
$this->icon = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_mpay24_icon', GATEWAY_MPAY24_URL . 'assets/images/cards.png' );
- $this->order_button_text = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_mpay24_button_text', __( 'Proceed to mPAY24', 'woocommerce' ) );
+ $this->order_button_text = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_mpay24_button_text', __( 'Proceed to mPAY24', 'wc-mpay24' ) );
$this->has_fields = false;
$this->method_title = __( 'mPAY24', 'wc-mpay24' ); // backend title
$this->method_description = __( 'Online payment via mPAY24 payment page', 'wc-mpay24' ); // backend description
]]>All my transactions are stuck in tstatus=ERROR. I believe this is due to the following:
does not set tstatus
Using version 1.4.1
thanks for the great plugin, working quite well!
One question: while in the test environment and paying with the test credit number provided by mpay (44443….) the first payment fails and sends me back directly to woocommerce.
The second payment however with the same test credit card (CVC, year) do work.
Is this due to the testing environment or will this annoying feature be present when switiching to the productive environment?
Kind regards and many thanks for your info,
]]>Dear Sir/Madamme,
I am trying use your plugin, but it show me an error on Test and Producion Modus.
Please, may you help me?
Best regards,
Dante Dantas
Erro message:
“Fatal error: Call to undefined method ListPaymentMethodsResponse::getExternalStatus() in xxxxx/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-mpay24-gateway/class-wc-mpay24-shop.php on line 342”
class-wc-mpay24-shop.php on line 342:
if ( ‘OK’ != $paymentMethods->getGeneralResponse()->getStatus() ) {
throw new \Exception( ‘EXTERNALSTATUS: ‘ . $paymentMethods->getExternalStatus() . ‘ RETURNCODE: ‘ . $paymentMethods->getGeneralResponse()->getReturnCode() );
will there be an implementation of the mPay24 payment method “Sofortüberweisung” soon or later?
Thank you
]]>Wenn I activate the Plugin, then there is a message in the head “mPAY24 Gateway wurde installiert – Konfigurieren Sie die Einstellungen um zu starten :)” and a button “Zahlungsweisen”.
Wenn I click on “Zahlungsweisen”, then there is an error: “Du hast nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen.”
I allready changed the permissions from the MPAY-Dir to 750, but it doesn′t work. What can I do?
Do you also offer an german support?
mPay24 announced a change for the http interface regarding PCI DSS compliance.
Will this affect the plugin?
Here the german announcment:
Wenn Sie mPAY24 via Webservice(SOAP) angebunden haben, betrifft Sie
dieses Update nicht.
Aufgrund von PCI DSS Vorgaben wurden die Hintergrundprozesse der mPAY24
HTTP-Schnittstelle ge?ndert. Dabei bleiben alle Funktionalit?ten
erhalten. Es hat sich somit nichts an der Zahlungsabwicklung an sich
Die aktualisierte Spezifikation, die die ?nderungen berücksichtigt,
befindet sich im Anhang dieser E-Mail (mPAY24-HTTP-Spec-Comp.pdf).
Folgende ?nderungen umfasst das Update:
* Erweiterung der Parameter überprüfung
AcceptPayment Operation Parameter ?nderungen:
CUSTOMER A(lpha)N(umerisch) 50 Zeichen
ORDERDESC AN 255 Zeichen
USER_FIELD AN 255 Zeichen
ORDER AN 1024 Zeichen
Alle URL Parameter auf AN 1024 Zeichen eingeschr?nkt.
SelectPayment Operation Parameter ?nderungen:
MDXI AN 8192 Zeichen
* Die bereits veralteten Parameter BILLING_ADDR und SHIPPING_ADDR werden
durch den Parameter ORDER ersetzt. Die übergabe der veralteten Parameter
wird akzeptiert, aber nicht mehr vom mPAY24 System verarbeitet.
* Fehlercodes werden einheitlich retourniert (Parameter ERRNO)
Alle Fehlercodes k?nnen bei der beiliegenden Spezifikation im Kapitel
“10. Return codes and error messages” nachgelesen werden. Externe
Fehlermeldungen der Aquirer werden dabei mit dem Fehlercode 100 retourniert.
* Die Operation ManualClear wird in ihrem Funktionsumfang erweitert und
bei Standardnutzung vereinfacht. Für n?here Informationen konsultieren
Sie bitte die Spezifikation “6.2.8. ManualClear”.
Die ?nderungen sind bereits am Testsystem eingespielt und wir empfehlen
dringend, Ihre derzeitige Implementierung innerhalb der n?chsten 2
Wochen am Testsystem zu überprüfen.
Die Verfügbarkeit des Updates am mPAY24 Produktivsystem wird gesondert
Thanks for check
]]>Hi, just want to get sure if the plugin will still work after the mPay24 update which will take place on November 13th 2013?
Here the notification I got from the payment provider:
On November 13th 2013, the following mPAY24 system components will be
* The mPAY24 PayPage is going to support following languages:
– Bulgarian
– Chinese
– German
– English
– French
– Italian
– Japanese
– Croatian
– Dutch
– Polish
– Portuguese
– Romanian
– Russian
– Serbian
– Slovakian
– Slovenian
– Spanish
– Czech
– Turkish
– Hungarian
* The WSDL version 1.5 is going to be enhanced for additional profile
* Automatic clearing with direct booking of credit card
transactions is going to enabled.
If you clear your credit card transactions automatically through the
mPAY24 systems, the reservation and clearing is sent where eligable
within one step to the external interface.
As a result of this change you will receive no RESERVED-Confirmation,
but only the BILLED-Confirmation.
* Preparations for Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA)
If you use the mPAY24 PayPage, SEPA is supported automatically.
If you use a custom integration of “giropay” or “ELV” payments, a manual
adaption will be necessary. Further information will be provided in time.
SEPA will be activated within another update till February 1st 2014. You
will receive an additional information separately.
* E-Mails delivery
Confirmation mails are going to be sent correctly with the merchants
e-mail address as the sender.
Therefore, customers can answer directly to the set addressin case of
* General optimizations
We upgraded our services within the last months to grant
you and your customers the highest quality and availability.
The update is already available on the mPAY24 test systems. As a
protective measure, we advise you to test your current implementation
against the mPAY24 test systems and evaluate the transactions processed
on the production systems.
The systems will be updated on November 13th 2013.
Thanks for information