We have a client that use woocommerce-hear-about-us plugin, one of his customers made an order and got this error: ” Wchau source can’t be empty “. This message appeared on the next step of the checkout process. The problem is that we already have a verification on this field that can’t be empty and we don’t understand from where this error comes.
So my question is the following, where does this error comes from ? Can we custom the error message shown to the user ?
WP Version: 4.9.5
WC Version: 3.2.6
Is this plugin still maintained? Wordfence flags it, so I was wondering …
I am hoping someone is still around here – I see it hasn’t been updated in over 2 years.
I am looking for print/export option for the Where did you hear about us line. It doesn’t print on receipts or export to quickbooks – which is really needed.
It would be great if it printed/exported with the customer notes.
]]>Hello, I’ve been using this plugin for year but have decided to deactivate it. When I do, my site breaks. I’ve tried deactivating it through WordPress and renaming the folder through FTP. Do you have any thoughts on how I can deactivate the plugin without breaking my site?
During checkout the Hear About Us options no longer appear.
The last day working was 30/03/18 but the orders from 01/4/18 just show in the dashboard as N/A.
The drop down options just don’t come up anymore.
Are you able to advise if a new woocommerce version has maybe made the plugin incompatible ?
]]>Very much appreciate your plugin but have a small wish in case you do an update.
I have a 2-column checkout and the “where did you hear about us” question is at the very bottom of the first column. Apparently user do not notice it as I get a high proportion of orders where the field is not filled out.
Would it be possible to select where the question is placed? This could be a parameter. Possible locations could be for instance after the “Add to cart” (Buy) button for instance.
]]>Hi, is it possible to add a field that records the “friend’s email” when “a friend” is selected from the referred by drop down?
Hello ! I am trying to clean my logs and I see a lot of Notice notification might come from your plugin (WCHAU mentionned in many of them) always linked to id being called incorrectly.
Any chance you could change that ? I t makes the logs more difficult to read.
Thanks a lot
Here is an example of the notices :
[29-Nov-2017 15:44:17 UTC] PHP Notice: id est appelée de la mauvaise manière. Order properties should not be accessed directly. Backtrace: include(‘wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php’), do_meta_boxes, WCS_Meta_Box_Subscription_Data::output, do_action(‘woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_billing_address’), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, WCHAU_Admin_Display_On_Order->display_source_with_order_meta, WC_Subscription->__get, WC_Abstract_Legacy_Order->__get, wc_doing_it_wrong Veuillez lire Débugger dans WordPress (en) pour plus d’informations. (Ce message a été ajouté à la version 3.0.) in //wp-includes/functions.php on line 4139
]]>WP version is irrelevant but when you are using the Amazon pay plugin, it hides the where did you hear about us option. How can we UN-hide it? =)
Today we got an order from an existing user and there was no data re ‘How did you hear about us?’. I checked it and the field is only there when the user is NOT logged in. Is there a way to link the field to an order as opposed to a user? Thanks.
User logged in and field NOT visible
<div class=”woocommerce-shipping-fields”>
<div class=”woocommerce-additional-fields”>
<h3>Additional information</h3>
<div class=”woocommerce-additional-fields__field-wrapper”>
<h3 id=”order_review_heading”>Your order</h3>
User NOT logged in and field visible
<div class=”woocommerce-shipping-fields”>
<div class=”woocommerce-additional-fields”>
<h3>Additional information</h3>
<div class=”woocommerce-additional-fields__field-wrapper”>
<p class=”form-row wchau-source form-row-wide validate-required” id=”wchau_source_field” data-priority=””><label for=”wchau_source” class=””>Where did you hear about us? <abbr class=”required” title=”required”>*</abbr></label><select name=”wchau_source” id=”wchau_source” class=”select ” data-placeholder=””>
<option value=”empty”>– Choose an option –</option><option value=”college-advertising”>College advertising
</option><option value=”facebook”>Facebook
</option><option value=”google”>Google
</option><option value=”referral-from-colleague”>Referral from colleague
</option><option value=”twitter”>Twitter
</option><option value=”other”>Other</option>
</select></p><p class=”form-row validate-required” id=”wchau_source_field” data-priority=””><label for=”wchau_source” class=””>Other <abbr class=”required” title=”required”>*</abbr></label><input type=”text” class=”input-text ” name=”wchau_source” id=”wchau_source” placeholder=”” value=””/></p></div>
<h3 id=”order_review_heading”>Your order</h3>
Has anyone tested this with WC 3.0? It’s a big update, and since this plugin hasn’t been updated since the middle of last year, I’m just curious if there might be any issues with it on WC 3?
]]>hi there, before I updated (not sure if WordPress or WooCommerce was what made it change but), how did you hear about us showed up in the new order email, now it is gone. is there an easy fix? Thank you.
I am not familiar with Woocommerce, and I was asked to add a “Hear about us” question to a checkout form. Is it possible to specify a special ‘statistics’ email just for the plugin answers received?
]]>it would be great to have more free text inputs besides “other”.
for example – when selecting “doctor” the customer will have the option to enter doctor name
My plugin doesn’t seem to be working correctly. The form is displaying correctly, but it doesn’t hide once an existing customer logs in. I am using the latest updates from WordPress and the latest version of your plug-in. I am using a theme called Highstand, along with woocommerce plugin. Highstand uses Kingcomposer. the live site is https://www.nutrionsolutionsonline.com. This is a clients website and they are pushing for me to get it to work, any help would be appreciated.
I have tried creating dummy accounts to see if it hides the drop down, with no luck. I have tried with my admin account as well. I have tested in Safari on mac and Chrome, both the latest builds. Both are the latest builds of OS (Mac and Windows). Thanks for your time.
]]>Where exactly are the settings for this plugin. I can not fid them in WooCommerce settings area at all. What am I missing?
Many thanks,
Hi, I am trying to export this information into another tool and I am looking at what the name of the metavariable is in each customer profile ?
Thanks a lot for your help, Louis
Hi There,
I have a site that uses your plugin, and we don’t want to display the additional text field when selecting the ‘other’ option. I thought this may be as simple as just unchecking the box, but turns out it’s not.
The reason behind this is that your code checks for a false value, but that isn’t what is returned by the database. What is actually returned is a ‘no’ value. This means, regardless of whether the box is checked or not, it will always display the field.
The fix:
includes/wchau-functions.php – Line 40
Instead of:
if ( wchau_get_option( 'wchau_other', false )) {
if ( wchau_get_option( 'wchau_other', false ) && wchau_get_option( 'wchau_other', false ) != 'no') {
This is a great plugin, thanks very much.
Is it possible to remove the source from the customer email? They don’t need to be told again where they found the site, as they already know. Perhaps something I can add to functions.php?
Just a quick question – the list of options this plugin produces does not seem to match the rest of the fields within WooCommerce so I assume it is not pulling from anywhere else (such as styles.css).
Could you advise on the ID of the < select > tag so that I am able to format it so that it shares the same look as my other form fields within my child themes CSS?
Might be a great idea to allow a user to add custom CSS from the admin settings in a future update ??
Thank you
]]>Since the last update one month ago it doesn’t work anymore. No results are collected/displayed in backend. (But I am not sure if it’s a conflict with another [woocommerce-]plugin.
And also: If I uncheck “Allow “other” option?” there’s no change/effect on the front end.
You can test it here: juiced.de/shop/
Edit: I am using WooCommerce Version 2.5.5 and WordPress 4.4.2.
]]>it is possible that it can work with paypal express checkout ?
Currently people can bypass entering a value when paying by paypal express…?
Thanks in advance
Hi guys
Great plugin! Just a question, its appearing under the shipping section. How do I place it at bottom of billing section? Makes more sense as people who don’t click “Ship to a differnt address” wont see it on right hand side.
Hi currently im using this plugin for my website, what i want is, this option has to enable in cart page, when customer come to cart page there itself select the option and go to checkout. Please give a possible solution.
Thank you.
I’m using the latest version of Woocommerce, WordPress and your plugin. The title “Where did you hear about us” is not showing up above the drop down menu on the checkout page.
Please advise. Thank you ??
I would like to export the source for the Customer and Orders data. What is the easiest way to do this? I would think sql, but please tell me if I am incorrect. Thanks Joaquin
besides “other” option in the drop down list, I would like to display a free text input field for another option in the list (doctor).
what code do I need to add to the plugin for this to work?
Loving the plugin, guys. It keeps getting better too!
I have a slight usability improvement suggestion for when only the Other option is used.
Currently, if the Possible Answers box is empty and the Other option is used, the dropdown on the checkout form shows an empty choice as well as whatever was specified for the Other choice label.
For this particular use case, I think that the user experience could be improved by simply displaying a text input with the Other label. What do you think?
i’m unable to see the source in the order listing.
I can see it in the users section but most of my order are made by guests so order listing is much more important.
can you please post a screenshot of how it should look like?
]]>HI, I;m being chased by my client as to when the new customers only function may be added to your plugin.
Do you have a schedule for it?