Replies: 14
testuju tvuj plugin GoPay pro Woocommerce, jsem v testovacim modu GoPay, ktery mam i zatrzeny v backendu WordPressu.
- pri odesilani objednavky a presmerovani na GoPay se uz automaticky odesila e-mail o provedeni objednavky (tento se ma odeslat, az se mi tam ukaze potvrzovaci stranka, ze platba z GoPay byla provedena)
- po uskutecneni platby pres GoPay se dava stav objednavky do vyrizuje se, ale ma byt ve stavu dokonceno – protoze prodavam stahovatelne produkty, tak potrebuji, aby stav byl dokonceno, protoze teprve v tomto stavu se posle zakaznikovi e-mail s odkazem ke stazeni produktu
Muzes mi poradit, jestli mam neco spatne nastaveno, pripadne jak to nastavim, aby to fungovalo cele spravne?
English version:
I am testing your plugin GoPay for Woocommerce in test mode, I have also checked the test mode in the backend of WordPress.
- notification e-mail about the order is automatically sent after redirecting to GoPay, this email should be sent after displaying the confirmation page, that means after redirecting back from Gopay
- after the payment via GoPay the order status is set to pending instead of completed – I sell digital products, so I need the status to be completed, because only in this status the customer receives e-mail with a link to download the product
Can you tell me if my setup is wrong or how can I make it work?