This plugin still active? In the details page says that the plugins are not tested with the three last wordpress versions.
Documentations page is offline.
Can you re-upload the documentation please?
please provide the plugin for WP version 4.8.x
all 3 tutorials give DB Error
Seems an interesting plugin but I can’t understand the behavior.
Any link to the tutorial?
]]>is this possible to add more height to text box like on this example?
I have some question about the plugin.
1. Can the fields value can be show at frontend product page?
2. Does it support WPML?
3. Does the custom field value searchable on both frontend and backend for searching and filtering prodcut? e.g. a custom field “Part Number” is added, is it possible to make the Part Number can be search or filter at the site for customer and backend product list for admin?
Thanks a lot
]]>I need to multiple check boxes product fields into back-end. I have checked but not any option for multiple check checkboxes
Please help me
]]>Hi. Is it possible to define a text field (‘type’ => ‘text’,) as custom field?
I need to mapping it with WP All Import plugin.
The id of my text field is: ‘id’ => ‘_mytext_3_4’,
Thanks you in advance.
Hi. It is possible to set a default value for text field? Thanks in advance.
Whenever I fill in my custom fields with values and save the product, it saves as meta key: “wc_productdata_options”, all meta values under the same meta key.
Is it possible to let them save under the array’s id?
For example:
‘id’ => ‘_mytextarea’
‘id’ => ‘_mycheckbox’
I’m guessing I have to edit this in the ‘class-wc-product-data-fields.php’ file?
Thanks in advance!
]]>How can i add a field to the general tab instead of creating new ones?
Thanks, Frank.
]]>Hi dear support, how can we use this fields as layered navigation filters in woocommerce?
How can setup a price for a product that with date field added?
Please advise. Thanks in advance!
]]>in woocommerce is missing the field for the supplier.
I need to note into every product from which supplier I can buy that product, but woocommerce is missing that field. so how I could use this plugin to create a text field, viewable only from the admin?
I was given a html insertion code from a website to install a widget button (measure my ring size)
I like to have this button appear on every of my product page to provide convenience to my user. How will i be able to add the HTML code using this plugin function.
Thank you.
You may find the ring size code / widget at the footer of this website for reference:
I have just installed this plugin and added the product field using the select function and key in numbers from 3 to 9 as the common ring size (online ring business) however after insertion and update, though the select drop down box was displayed however the values were empty inside and default value “6” cannot be shown. Appreciate if you can advise.
You may visit my link @
Gallery only retrive images (like image) is there any way to get files (like pdf)?
Thanks in advance and congratulations for your great job!!
]]>I’m using the wcapi function to maintain my inventory. I’m adding a custom field UPC. In the front-end, the new field shows up fine, and I can update it and can retrieve the field through the wp-admin page. However when I do a wcapi get products request, the new field isn’t returned. Here is my addition to the functions.php file:
add_action(‘wc_cpdf_init’, ‘prefix_custom_product_data_tab_init’, 10, 0);
if(!function_exists(‘prefix_custom_product_data_tab_init’)) :
function prefix_custom_product_data_tab_init(){
$custom_product_data_fields = array();
/** First product data tab starts **/
/** ===================================== */
$custom_product_data_fields[‘custom_data_1’] = array(
‘tab_name’ => __(‘Custom Data’, ‘wc_cpdf’),
‘id’ => ‘_myupc’,
‘type’ => ‘text’,
‘label’ => __(‘UPC’, ‘wc_cpdf’),
‘placeholder’ => __(‘UPC Code goes here.’, ‘wc_cpdf’),
‘class’ => ‘large’,
‘description’ => __(‘UPC Code.’, ‘wc_cpdf’),
‘desc_tip’ => true,
return $custom_product_data_fields;
]]>option on product dont appers
]]>Your repository is missing the ‘min’ assest files, where your code refers to them in class-wc-product-data-fields.php LINE 45/47. As a result your code doesn’t render properly (and is missing critical image handling code)
WAS: (–)
45: wp_enqueue_style( ‘wcpdf-main-css’, plugins_url( ‘assets/css/wcpdf-main.min.css’ , __FILE__ ), array(), ‘1.0.2’ );
47: wp_enqueue_script( ‘wcpdf-main-js’, plugins_url( ‘assets/js/wcpdf-main.min.js’ , __FILE__ ), array(‘jquery’, ‘wp-color-picker’, ‘jquery-ui-datepicker’), ”, true );
45: wp_enqueue_style( ‘wcpdf-main-css’, plugins_url( ‘assets/css/wcpdf-main.css’ , __FILE__ ), array(), ‘1.0.2’ );
47: wp_enqueue_script( ‘wcpdf-main-js’, plugins_url( ‘assets/js/wcpdf-main.js’ , __FILE__ ), array(‘jquery’, ‘wp-color-picker’, ‘jquery-ui-datepicker’), ”, true );
BETTER: Create the min files (using an online .JS formatter) and drop the missing files in the assets subfolders, being part of the ZIP distro.
How can i send the custom filed value in admin e-mail?
]]>I tried to import data using meta:Custom Field Name or meta:_custom_field_id as referred by WooCommerce Column Header Reference. But it’s not working nothing being imported, what I’m doing wrong?
]]>Great plugin but i don’t know how i can display contents in the front end please help
How to display data field in loop?
I use
global $wc_cpdf;
echo "Field name: " .$wc_cpdf->get_value(get_the_ID(), '_myreg');
but it shows only field name
Please help
Is there a way to get a decimal or float type instead of an integer?
]]>Is it possible to add a field showed only in the admin area, where I write who is the vendor OF THE PRODUCT? And what about show /fitler it from the admin products page?
Thanks for your Plugin ,Really it’s really very useful for me.
I need some Help with the plugin , same as in general tab of Product page
Regular Price , sale price and can we scheduled it with date picker field.
I need to add another date picker field with new tab functions fields. I can add text field but now found for date picker.
]]>Great plugin, worked fine, was integrated in my website, so I need it, but cant fix this error:
Notice: Undefined index: tab_name in /data/web/virtuals/114837/virtual/www/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-custom-product-data-fields/class-wc-product-data-fields.php on line 107
(shown above plugin custom input fields in product editing)
Please, could you help me?
]]>any way to adjust the code so its not making a single meta_key with serialized data? its a pain to export or import data when its a single key, would be much better if each field was its own key like the standard woocommerce fields.
willing to pay for some code assistance with this.
]]>I cannot get it to work with WordPress multisite, i had it working but as soon as i turned on the network mode, the fields are no longer there.
i currently use the field code in a plugin rather than directly in my functions.php because i am going to be using multiple tabs and fields for different sites if that makes a difference with solving this.