we have several static pages with tables (see one example at https://www.hiltron.it/security/accessori/alimentatori-e-caricabatterie/).
We would like to show those tables by adding a shortcode, in which to indicate product Skus or Ids, that shows the dynamic table by your plugin, as we already get from your page:
It should be a shortcode and not a function as our editors can use just changing Skus while editing the pages.
Can be possible?
Hi, I would like override file “/plugins/woocommerce-compare-list/includes/buttons.php” in my child theme but not work anything…
What is the right way to override this file?
]]>Hello. WooCommerce Compare List was Last Updated 1 year ago and has not been tested with the latest WordPress version. Can you please advise when the next updated is due to be released? Thanks!
The latest Woo Commerce update reports that this plugin is not known to be compatible with Woo Commerce version 3.0 (or later).
WooCommerce just release its new version check so for every plugin that doesn’t have special tags in its header, it reports unknown compatibility.
Can you please supply information to Woo Commerce so it will know whether or not this plugin is compatible?
If you have any other woocommerce plugins, then they may need checking too.
[note – sent 4 minutes after “same message” to another plugin, which also has the same problem]
]]>Hello everybody
Since I updated my WordPress to 4.8.3, the plugin is not working properly anymore. Is there a way that I can customize the plugin to work with WP 4.8.3? Or is an update planned? In return I could translate the plugin in German.
Thanks, Raymond
]]>Shouldn’t the http request be POST? instead of using GET querytrings… What’s the SEO value by indexing dozends of random commparision tests…
I am getting lots of result like this in google:
Compare - example.com
https://www.example.com ? compare
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam.
When i click on them, the main difference is in the URL like:
I suppose I could block https://www.example.com/compare/
from robots.txt, still…
This plugin works perfectly when I am logged in, but when I am not logged in it doesn’t work. Clicking on compare button nothing happening just page reloads.
Kindly look in it.
]]>Hi all!
Noticed that Compare links aren’t showing up when woocommerce shortcodes are used. Like [featured_products per_page=”12″ columns=”4″].
Is it supposed to be like this or it’s just my case? Anyway, how can I enable Compare links in WC shortcodes as well? Because it is a great plugin and it works perfectly with normal product archive pages
]]>There could be some Customer Decision Process Features
1) A box for the visitor to store notes in for each product.
maybe they want to research it more, or record information from somewhere else.
2) Ask a question from the Full comparison list
3) A slider or way to assign a level and a priority of choice to a product. So they can do things like “I’d give this about a 7”, then sort by order of “personal choice rating”, then say “oh, but that was rough. Now I look at this one and that one, that one is better for me than this one, so I will give it a higher placing in my list (or adjust the rating – or re-evaluate my values I use for making choices).
4) This process could be applied to each feature or performance parameter of a product, so they rate each feature for them self, and rate the relative importance of each feature, and the system would total the scores for each product and place them in order.
These features help the potential customer make decisions on the path to purchase, but also help them clarify their thinking and priorities, when decisions might otherwise be overwhelming.
There are possible advantages that can be gained from collecting data of these choices (and what was not chosen from the comparison, and why, time taken, toss up between options, search engine optimization, etc
]]>The results are displayed in rather a short form.
It may be possible to use the standard layout for the categories display, to display the same information for each product (as gets displayed in the categories display), when viewing the full comparison page.
Controls may be available for the visitor on this page, which might be controls that are available to them when viewing the products and categories lists, such a “sort by”, and place in categories groups”
]]>1) The widget shows thumbnails of the products, and each image links to each product.
There should be a link to the full view comparison page.
2) Display of thumbnails in side view;
There also seems to be a problem with cropping of thumbnails at certain sizes, showing that scaling is not being done by whichever x or y dimension is the limiting one.
It seems that small thumbnails are limited to no more than 3 per line, even if there is room for 5.
3) Could have option to not show thumbnails, but just a link to show the full age display.
(saves bandwidth on each page, and allows option for less space)
4) Option to show the total items selected
5) visitor could be allowed to order the displayed items, say by category or price
]]>The ability to view a comparison, is only available on products that have been selected.
It should be available for view at any stage of the browsing process.
This means that to view the selection, one has to add the presently viewed product to the comparison list, so the “view comparison” button is displayed, so they can click on it to see the comparison (and probably want to remove the last added product).
The visitor could even be prompted with pop-up or side notice, that their selection of choices (option for alternative name) is currently empty, and they can make their selections by pressing the “whatever” button.
]]>When viewing the comparison results;
there is no button for going back to the product listing page that was being viewed, (rather than the last product that was viewed).
So it is a two step process to going back to the last page that you were interested in grabbing more products from to compare.
I’m wondering if i can get a button not only on single product page but also in the quickview menu? and how!?
]]>The plugin looks fantastic but I cannot get it to work with more than one product chosen for selection.
If two or more products are selected for comparison it throws a 404 error every time. Any likely things causing this?
Is it possible to use this plugin to compare items that are not woocommerce products?
I use the listify theme, which allows users to create listings. Is it possible to use this plugin for users to be able to compare these listings?
]]>Hi All,
If you’re using one of our free products, feel free to ask us anything on the forums. ThemeIsle has a great support team that is always ready to help you and all the members of our free community.
But, to make things clear, we do not discuss any premium features on this forum, as it is only for free products. Your thread will be closed if you do this. If you’re looking for premium support, go here: https://themeisle.com/contact/
NOTE: Many of the issues you will have are common and easy to solve, that’s why they are listed on our documentation site, which can be found in this link: https://docs.themeisle.com/
BUT, like everywhere else, there are a few simple rules that you need to follow in order to ease our process of getting your issues done efficiently. By following these rules, you’re also saving both our time and yours equally.
That’s why we prepared you a set of guidelines on how to use our forums for submitting your requests.
Thanks for helping us and for choosing ThemeIsle.
]]>In your plugin file, /includes/shortcode.php, the function wccm_compare_list_render_header( $products ) includes the line:
echo '<a href="', get_permalink( $product_id ), '">', $product->get_title(), '</a>';
I hope you can amend this in your next version. Please could you add $product->get_rating_html() to this line so it becomes:
echo '<a href="', get_permalink( $product_id ), '">', $product->get_title(), $product->get_rating_html(), '</a>';
Thanks for a useful plugin.
]]>Hi there,
I noticed that the CSS on the product attributes archive page is not working.
Here’s my example. Try to compare the product in the page.
]]>I’m trying to change the title of “compare page” manually. Whenever fetch the data from sql I’m calling a function which sets the title, description and keywords. Desc and keywords are working fine. But I can’t set the title.
Here is code:
function headeryo()
<!doctype html>
<meta name="keywords" content="key"/>
<meta name="description" content="desc" />
And I can’t use any SEO plugin for this purpose because this page is dynamic. Since it compare two or more products.
But when I do try to add this HTML code at the bottom of PHP it is working fine but then it changes the meta data of all pages because this “Compare List” plugin was so designed that it load files at the beginning of loading any webpage so I did make a function and calling it where it is rendering comparing.
Please help me
]]>I was trying to make this plugin SEO friendly for compare page.
For example. Meta Title shows Product A vs B when user compare two items or more.
So I did add SEO meta tags in compare-page.php. It is working fine for all compare pages but same meta title appear on all webpages including homepage. And I don’t what is the reason.
Can anyone help me to fix it?
Here is what I added in the end of compare-page.php file:
<!doctype html>
$list = wccm_get_compare_list();
$seo_title = '';
foreach( $list as $pid )
$seo_title = $seo_title . ' vs ' . get_the_title($pid);
$seo_title = substr($seo_title, 3);
<title><?php echo $seo_title; ?> | <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
[Moderator Note: Please post code & markup between backticks or use the code button. Your posted code may now have been damaged by the forum’s parser.]
]]>Couldn’t you compare two products with Product ID but show Product ID and Product Title (both) in the URL.
And also custom Meta Data (Title, Description) like “Compare $Product_A and $Product_B”. It would be great.
]]>1) I want to display Product Title instead of Product Id. How can I achieve this?
2) Also I want to add meta content. Like if some compared product A vs B vs C. Then it should automatically generate meta content like. Compare Product A vs B vs C as Meta Title and fetch information for Meta Description.
Can I do this? Or you can suggest me other plugin?
]]>How do I limit the number of products displayed in the comparison list? Perhaps from the WP dashboard or by modifiying one of the plugin’s files?
]]>How do I display all attributes for my products, whether they have terms/data or not?
I’m currently using the plugin to compare several products with many attributes set. I have several attributes that are make as no visible (ie: Not ticked: “Visible on the product page”), however when compared these hidden attributes are displayed.
For the moment I’ve modified the local copy of the plugin to get round this but I wondered if you could add the following alteration to your next release, I’ve changed the following in shortcode.php (lines 152 to 165 (approx)):
foreach ( $product->get_attributes() as $attribute_id => $attribute ) {
if ( $empty_selected || in_array( substr( $attribute['name'], 3 ), $selected_attributes ) ) {
if ( !isset( $attributes[$attribute_id] ) ) {
$attributes[$attribute_id] = array(
'name' => $attribute['name'],
'products' => array(),
$attributes[$attribute_id]['products'][$product->id] = $attribute['is_taxonomy']
? wc_get_product_terms( $product->id, $attribute['name'], array( 'fields' => 'names' ) )
: array_map( 'trim', explode( WC_DELIMITER, $attribute['value'] ) );
foreach ( $product->get_attributes() as $attribute_id => $attribute ) {
if ($attribute['is_visible']) {
if ( $empty_selected || in_array( substr( $attribute['name'], 3 ), $selected_attributes ) ) {
if ( !isset( $attributes[$attribute_id] ) ) {
$attributes[$attribute_id] = array(
'name' => $attribute['name'],
'products' => array(),
$attributes[$attribute_id]['products'][$product->id] = $attribute['is_taxonomy']
? wc_get_product_terms( $product->id, $attribute['name'], array( 'fields' => 'names' ) )
: array_map( 'trim', explode( WC_DELIMITER, $attribute['value'] ) );
That removed the hidden attributes that I don’t want to display.
Other than that, the plugin works great!
Best Regards
Good day
This plugin worked for me until 4 days ago. I wonder why it stopped working. Clicking “Compare” does nothing. Kindly help look into this
Thank you
URL is https://globemotors.ng/cars/mercedes-benz-c-class/
Besides, I must say this is a working and yet simple plugin.
]]>This plugin is great, however i’m unable to use it because it just compares the product attributes.
I think it should have short description and stock fields on the comparison table out-of-the-box.
Even better would be for us to customize the fields that appear on the comparison table, can someone help on doing this?
I am using this plugin to compare my product. I would like to add ‘add-to-cart’ button link on the product compare page. How can I add please suggest.
]]>I really like this plugin. It’s simple to config and to adjust CSS for custom styling. My thumbnails have weird dimensions. Which thumbnail size does the plugin use by default? Is there a way to hook into a new size declared in my functions file?