Betaout consistently throws PHP warnings on my site.
There are several, but here’s an example:
Strict standards: call_user_func_array() expects parameter 1 to be a valid callback, non-static method AmplifyLogin::wp_amplify_footer() should not be called statically in /wp-includes/plugin.php on line 524
I haven’t seen any updates to fix these. Do you plan on releasing new versions of the plugin?
]]>This plugin breaks the WooCommerce checkout. When clicking the place order button, nothing happens. The order gets placed on the backend but the user is stuck. Turns out there is a 500 server error being returned by the woocommerce-process_checkout Ajax action. If I disable your plugin, the checkout works just fine.
Consequently, I also found some more issues with the plugin. You register a number of functions with various actions as static calls, but the functions are not static. I fixed the function definitions in the plugin, but checkout still results in a 500 server error. I suspect you have some bad curl operations within the plugin.
The functions that need to be defined as static are as follows.
Until this issue and the previous issue is fixed, this plugin is useless.
]]>After installing WooCommerce Betaout, I get the following output on a blank page after attempting to login to WordPress through either the WooCommerce login, or wp-admin. As soon as I disable the Betaout plugin, I can login normally. If I clear all browser cookies, I can login normally for a time, but after a while this issue comes right back. However, sometimes clearing the cookies doesn’t help. It isn’t immediately clear how to bypass this issue without disabling the plugin.
Array ( [amplifyUserId] => 55616225 [responseCode] => 200 [userId] => 55616225 [amplifySession] => 4V0ZqPCw1kovStDBGFSNjUWxnmiR0v9m43u7KwUhRAtt77348NvlVV4nZeA6STmjs37bNj1WlFJ9RpWcAQ0zd1gafU4oP6waQY_qlt-SDCuJz6di6k4mSQnLyC8STJQKEPjkfBzZ04pSLZ3ubxMzTNw0kLoOurQ0 [userKnown] => Y [errorCode] => 200 [appType] => [lifecycleId] => 3124 )