install and active, but “Unable To Create Template File. Kindly Create It Manual”
please help !
Thank you very much !
Is this plugin abandoned? Should we expect it to be updated or should we find an alternative?
Thank you
Please tell why I see errors from that plugin?
Hi: I am working with woocommerce attributes and the client is adding variable products (attributes). He has a lots of combinations (for example 5 sizes with 6 colors, which leads to 30 possible combinations). He wants to manage stock on those 30 combinations, but have the same price and image. Is the re a way to just change stock, but do not have to set price+image one by one on the variations which is time wasting?
Pls let me know, thks…
]]>Is there a way that the title of the page can be the name of attribute being filtered rather than Archive? And is there any way to set up breadcrumbs for this?
There is what i do:
1) install+ activate plugin (
2) enable archive in attributes menu (
3) change menu status to on and save settings (
4) plugin says to create files manualy (
5) files created (
6) nothing changes (
a) why your plugin show as a slug names of attributes, but not a slags? (my attributes: your plugin show as:
b) i think there is a problem with non-latin characters. Or why your plugin dont work?
Help, please!
]]>Good afternoon Varun,
I have checked the woocommerce/templates/taxonomy-product_cat.php is correct and in place, but my main template is not coming across to pages defined by attribute.
For example:
Page assigned by category:
Page assigned by attribute:
If you have any ideas what could be causing this I would appreciate it.
Hi there,
We were having a problem with activated attributes under Products > Attributes Menu Manager page not showing up under Appearance > Menus.
Products > Attributes Menu Manager page
Attribute Name: Menu Status
Attribute 1: Off
Attribute 2: On
Attribute 3: Off
Attribute 4: On
Attribute 5: Off
Attribute 6: On
Before issue occurred
Initially the attributes showed up under Appearance > Menus. Attribute 2, 4 and 6 worked fine.
Issue occurred after changing labels and slugs
After changing attribute name and slug for Attribute 2 and 4, they disappeared from the admin screen and wouldn’t display even after resaving the Products > Attributes Menu Manager page.
Attribute 6 was working perfectly fine as this was never changed around in name and slug.
Fixing the issue
You may want to look at the following fix below and make it better for future updates and include it in your next version release.
line 299:
Find: $attr_slug = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($names->attribute_label);
Replace: $attr_slug = wc_attribute_taxonomy_name($names->attribute_name);
SQL query (optional step)
DELETE FROM wp_options
WHERE option_name
LIKE ‘wc_attribute_menu’
Just to make sure there was a clean setup, I ran the following SQL query on the database and then resaved the options under Products > Attributes Menu Manager
We have a client that runs a large WooCommerce website. They have two attributes that have had major problems using your plugin.
Attribute section 1: This is using WooCommerce Variation Swatches and Photos plugin. Activating the Menu Status has lost all the Color swatches (500 terms). I’m having to manually re-import these! Is there a fix for this or another way round it?
Attribute section 2: All the products were organised under sub terms. These sub terms have disappeared after activating the Menu Status. I can only see parent terms. There’s no way we can go through each product and assign new attributes for these. Are these terms lost?
Not to mention, I can’t see the attributes under the Menu page either for these two attributes whereas the other ones work.
Is there a fix for this and have I lost all that data which was organised?
archive page is showing 404:
I can’t seem to make the attribute show up in the WP menu admin page. I’ve made the attribute visible
But the attribute doesn’t show up in the Menu Page, check here:
I’ve also tried to change plugin priority but made no change.
Thanks for the help!
]]>i am stuck on this plugin attribute slug name . i just want to change or remove pa_ before this attribute slug. i just added my slug name vendor and it shows pa-vendor . please help me urgently
]]>Hi again,
Can you help me to make the footer shows on the attributes pages? I tried by adding
to the template file and save it on my child theme folder as indicated, but it is not working:
Thank you,
I just update woocommerce to version 2.5.5 and now I get the “Not Products Found” in the attributes page, I can see the attributes in the wc attributes menu manager page and in the menu page, but when I go to the url, it is not working anymore, it used to work perfectly before the update.
My site is and the pages not working are:
Could you please help me find out what happened?
Thanks in advance for your help,
]]>Hi It works well in the menu as stated, it works well to display the products of a term, as stated, but is there a way to show a page to show all terms of an attribute, just like a categories page? In the woocommerce breadcrumb there is no link and the link is 404 for the parent attribute page of a term page.
Thank you!
I have a multisite setup with 2 sites, the plugin Woocommerce Attributes Menu Manager works right in my first site but shows an error to my other site saying “Woocommerce Attributes Menu Manager Requires WoocommerceTo Be Installed And Activated.”. I’m sure that my woocommerce is installed and activated.
Thank you in advance!
]]>Hello, after installing your plugin I cannot configure the taxonomy-pa_slug.php to work correctly, I have followed the instructions and make a copy of my taxonomy-product_cat.php and renamed it in my theme folder/woocomece/
The file is exactly the same with just a different name, but my categories page configurations were not applied to the attributes page.
You can see it here:
Categories page:
Attributes page:
As you can see, there are some information i don′t want to show in the products, like categories, sku and long description, theses options are available to show or hide in my theme options, but in the attribute page theses options were not loaded and the final result is all these fields appearing in the attribute page.
I really appreciate if you can help me to solve this issue.
Thank you very much
]]>I went into products and assigned an attribute (subject) to a sample set of products. I even added the Attribute Menu Manager Plugin. made sure archive was on and menu was active. However, I can’t get the sidebar widget for WC layered navigation to appear. Not sure what I am doing wrong.
I am trying to filter the products on this page by subject attribute.
]]>Plugin Version 0.4
I was able to create custom attribute that describes the color of the product. When through each product and added the color attribute. (
I also enabled the attribute under menu status (
Add the menu item and the error I get. (
]]>They are all hidden.
I want to try the suggestion of “Enable Archives” – but then it says its per product – I have over 500 products, please help.
I made php page for attribute and still hidden
]]>hi, I turned all attributes on here:
but the options are showing up on my menu settings here:
what am I missing?
I have the latest Woocommerce, WordPress and this plugin. Only three out of the six attributes I have appear in the Menus editor. Any ideas why?
]]>Varun, thank you for developing this plug-in.
Question? It is obviously possible to both (a.) show and (b.) filter based on Product Attributes. However, it is possible to take this another step and actually allow customers to ‘customize’ their product selection(s) based on Product Attributes (think custom taxonomies).
Example: If you have only 2 products, yet each product has 15 color choices + 3 font choices + 2 finish choices to customize/personalize the product(s), is there a way to turn these Product Attributes into either drop-down box/radio buttons, etc. in the WooCommerce “Shop”, “Shopping Cart”, and “Checkout” widgets?
Thank you in advance for your time, your consideration, and your clarity.
]]>Try to implement the function for the automatic creation of
files in the root folder of a theme. Some people aren’t that good in FTP stuff and they may have a fear of possible damage to the site.