Thanks for a great payment gateway and plugin. Since Apple pay and Google pay are highly used in asia, why not add on your payment method ? We have been currently working and making 50k usd /month with Stripe because they have Apple/Google pay, however we want to change them, because they hold our funds sometimes even though our dispute rate is %0.8. It would be nice to work with you.
Saya ingin bertanya mengenai status Pending Payment yang tidak mengurangi stock product.
Bagaimana solusi agar Order dengan Status Pending Payment ini mengurangi stock?
Website saya menggunakan sistem yang menghubungkan Stock menjadi satu antara ONLINE MARKETPLACE dan WEBSITE dengan sistem Omnichannel.
Jika saya mempunyai Stock Product A = 1 pcs, lalu ada Customer membuat Order 1 Pcs Product tersebut dan Belum melakukan pembayaran maka status order tersebut berada di Pending Payment, pada status ini Stock tidak berkurang 1 sebelum Customer melakukan pembayaran.
Pada saat yang bersamaan, ada Order dari Online Marketplace sebanyak 1 pcs juga (Karena Stock tidak berkurang, dan terlihat masih ada 1 pcs) Maka customer tersebut membuat order.
Dikarenakan Status Pending Payment tersebut Hanya Menahan stock agar tidak bisa di beli pada website , bukan mengurangi Stock tersebut.
Apakah ada solusi jika Status Pending payment ini sekaligus mengurangi stock product tersebut, agar pada sistem Omnichannel saya juga akan mengurangi stock product nya?
WooCommerce Xendit tidak berfungsi dengan benar. Harusnya transaksi sukses di Xendit, secara otomatis mengubah status transaksi di WooCommerce juga menjadi sukses dan mengirimkan email New Order, tapi faktanya tidak. Dan webhook atas transaksi tersebut juga failed.
Kenapa ini terjadi dan bagaimana memperbaiki plugin ini supaya bisa berfungsi lagi?
Sebelumnya semua fungsi itu berjalan lancar. Tapi setelah saya menggunakan Cloudflare barulah terjadi masalah ini. Padahal, saya sudah tambahkan Firewall Whitelist di Cloudflare sesuai dokumentasi dari Xendit, tapi tetap saja plugin WooCommerce Xendit tetap tidak berfungsi dengan benar.
]]>Hi Xendit team,
The latest version of Xendit logs a lot of error messages in my debug log. After updating the Xendit v5.0.5, WooCommerce v8.6.1, and WordPress 6.4.3 PHP 8.1 plugin the debug log is filled with error messages like the following.
[05-Mar-2024 04:38:28 UTC] get_cart was called incorrectly. Get cart should not be called before the wp_loaded action. Backtrace: require_once('wp-load.php'), require_once('wp-config.php'), require_once('wp-settings.php'), do_action('init'), WP_Hook->do_action, WP_Hook->apply_filters, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypesController->register_blocks, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes\AbstractBlock->__construct, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes\Cart->initialize, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes\AbstractBlock->initialize, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes\Cart->register_block_type_assets, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\BlockTypes\AbstractBlock->register_block_type_assets, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Assets\Api->register_script, apply_filters('woocommerce_blocks_register_script_dependencies'), WP_Hook->apply_filters, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Payments\Api->add_payment_method_script_dependencies, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Payments\PaymentMethodRegistry->get_all_active_payment_method_script_dependencies, Automattic\WooCommerce\Blocks\Payments\Integrations\AbstractPaymentMethodType->get_payment_method_script_handles_for_admin, WC_Xendit_Blocks->get_payment_method_script_handles, WC_Xendit_Blocks->localize_wc_blocks_data, WC_Xendit_Blocks->get_payment_method_data, WC_Payment_Gateways->get_available_payment_gateways, apply_filters('woocommerce_available_payment_gateways'), WP_Hook->apply_filters, Alg_WC_PGPP_Core->filter_available_payment_gateways_per_category, WC_Cart->is_empty, WC_Cart->get_cart, wc_doing_it_wrong. This message was added in version 2.3.
I hope the Xendit team fixes and updates so that our debug log files are not full for these notes.
Note: When the Xendit plugin is disabled or deactivated, this message disappears from the error log.
Thank You
]]>Do this plugin support Malaysian Ringgit? I tried but it is giving me following error
MYR is currently not supported. Code: 100008
I’m not sure why the Visa/Mastercard payment channel is labeled as Xendit Credit Card
despite this channel also accepting Debit Cards.
Shouldn’t it be labeled instead as Xendit Debit/Credit Card
Why is the CVV
is labeled as CVN
Is there an option to label it as CVV / CVN
Hello Xendit Team,
kindly please advise, regarding the following issues we are currently facing:
Is there a configuration option available in this plugin that allows the customer to decide whether they want to save their payment method? Currently, it appears that the payment method is being saved automatically.
Are there any filters or settings that can be utilized to modify this behavior?
]]>Saya sebelumnya memakai plugin payment gateway midtrans dimana terdapat setting Woocommerce Order Successful Payment Status-nya ada pilihan “default” (selain processing,completed,pending dan on-hold), sehingga jika terjadi pembayaran sukses maka secara default semua masuk ke processing, kecuali virtual product yang saya ubah langsung ke completed menggunakan plugin Autocomplete WooCommerce Orders.
Nah ketika saya pakai xendit, setting Woocommerce Order Successful Payment Status-nya saya coba pilih processing (karena tidak ada pilihan “default”). Hal ini membuat plugin Autocomplete WooCommerce Orders saya yg bertugas meng-autocomplete-kan produk2 virtual jadi tidak bekerja. Sehingga saya kesulitan memisah order paid untuk produk virtual dan non-virtual.
Apakah memungkinkan jika plugin xendit juga dicantumkan pilihan setting Woocommerce Order Successful Payment Status yang default bawaan woocommerce sehingga bisa bekerja sama dengan plugin Autocomplete WooCommerce Orders.
]]>Dear team Xendit.
I choose QRIS on my website, but at page Xendit Invoice, QRIS/e-wallet menu can’t open automatically and I must open manually for scan with QRIS.
After I checked, link for Xendit Invoice use prefix #ewallet but at plugin use #qris
Can you fix this.
]]>Hi, I just had a query regarding the Direct Debit (BPI) feature in Xendit. Since it is supported in Woocommerce. I wanted to know if it is possible to use it with Woocommerce Subscriptions for automated renewals, ideally the customer will pay once using the Direct Debit (BPI) option and subsequently all renewals will be automated through Direct Debit.
The plugin currently only seems to support ‘Credit Card’ method for Automated subscription renewals.
Please let me know if it is possible to do this with Direct Debit as well.
Thank you.
]]>Hi Xendit,
Please add some filter hook in your Successful Payment Status, i don’t we can change our custom status order with successful payment, i have call your company but your company annoying me, please just add apply_filters to your code libs/class-wc-xendit-invoice.php:439 so we don’t have to hardcode your plugin everytime!
Is there any update for support ShopeePay payment option, it would be great it happen, thanks
]]>I changed the Successful Payment Status to Processing but after making the payment the status was still pending payment.
First of all, thank you so much for this plugin. I find it very useful. However, there is several issue with this plugin. Mostly when doing checkout. As far as i can check, you guys hooked to the ‘woocommerce_checkout_update_order_meta’ action for generating email and also invoice URL via confirmation_email method. But looks like you guys write incorrect method to call WooCommerce order object. For example, instead using $order->get_id() you guys using $order->id. And it’s throwing some notice . So for next update, please fix this issue. Thank you in advance.
]]>Is it possible to have this functionality,, using your plugin?
Thank you.
]]>How can i resolve conflict with
the ATUM multi inventory is a paid addon.
Thank you
how to set callback url using this plugin?
i know set it using PHP native / framework but i dont know how to set callback using this plugin.
Great plugin, currently using version 1.2.6. Was wondering, why there’s no “Other Banks” payment option at the WooCommerce checkout page? While at your payment page, there’s “Other Banks” option?
I’m asking, because I think it’ll give a lot better UX for the customers, as they will know which to choose at checkout if they’re not using the banks currently on the list (BCA, BNI, BRI, Mandiri, Permata).
I know BNI is the one we’re supposed to use for “Other Banks” method, but compared side-by-side, BNI and Other Banks have different menu in your page, Other Banks is a lot simpler than BNI.