The problem is that after the payment in the mail received by the customer does not appear details of the products purchased, instead this is what appears:
WooCommerce Data:
к огромному сожалению плагин Tranzila Gateway WooCommerce не работает в мултисайтовом режиме.
выдаёт ошибку (WooCommerce Tranzila Gateway WooCommerce to be installed and active.)
пожалуйста помогите мне. это очень важно.
мой майл.
After trying to purchase a product there are two errors:
What should I do?
]]>The code for the Iframe on line 121 is showing the currency as always “1”, meaning that changing the default woocommerce currency won’t change the currency shown on the bottom of the payment page. The only way to control the currency on the payment page is to edit the plugin on line 121 and re-edit it every time there’s an update ??
There was a similar question but with no answer, so, please help.
I have set up the tranzila terminal in WooCommerce settings, but the payment form is not loading in the iframe, instead of the credit cards input field I get a “The page you searched for was not found” message.
I appreciate any suggestions.
The problem is how the customer information displays in tranzilla site
???? ???? WooCommerce Data: YToyOntzOjg6Im9yZGVy X2lkIjtpOjU4MjQ7czox MzoidmFsaWRhdGVfY29k ZSI7czozMjoiMDcxMzNj NWQ5ZTM5Mzg5NTk1YWI5 ZDgxMGEyZWY2NGQiO30
I have set up the tranzila terminal in WooCommerce settings, but after placing order payment form is not loading in iframe. 404 error is getting logged in console for iframe url.
]]>you removed the includes directory at the last update so the plugin can’t work….
]]>It not update over an year
My version of WordPress is 5.2.2,
The plugin has been tested up to: 5.1
I did a test after installation,
I see the payment OK on the Tranzila website
But on the checkout page website, a circle in the middle of the page turn and does’t stop,
the website doesn’t get the answer of the result of Tranzila.
If I go to the URL for success & fail URL that I had put on the fields in Tranzila Sales page settings ( )
I get “the page doesn’t exist ”
someone can help ?
How do I change the currency ?
instead of NIS (‘currency’ => ‘1’) I’d need USD (‘currency’ => ‘2’) or EURO (‘currency’ => ‘978’)