Currently, using this plugin, it shows entering a mobile number and then making payment on the Swish app in the mobile linked with the entered mobile number. Is there any possibility of showing the QR code on the website to make a payment by scanning it?
I see this PHP error on my website:
“Optional parameter $payer_alias declared before required parameter $callback is implicitly treated as a required parameter.”
Location: wp-content/plugins/woo-swish-e-commerce/classes/api/woo-swish-api-functions.php:45
Could you please help solving it?
Thank you
]]>Hi, seems like a great plugin! But unfortunately I can’t get it to work. Got the payment method activated and got it set up to simulation. But the checkout page is missing the payment method, am I missing something? Tried on WP 6.6.2 + WC 9.3.1 and WP 6.6.1 + WC 9.1.4 with the latest Woo Swish version. Also tried some different themes.
]]>Hej Bj?rnTech-teamet,
Vi har st?tt p? ett problem med omdirigering efter betalning p? mobila enheter. H?r ?r en sammanfattning:
Dator: N?r en best?llning g?rs fr?n en dator visas sidan “V?nta p? Swish” och efter betalning omdirigeras kunden korrekt till sidan “kassan” med en order?versikt och betalningsbekr?ftelse.
Mobil: N?r en best?llning g?rs fr?n en mobil omdirigeras kunden inte tillbaka till “kassan” efter betalning i Swish-appen. Om kunden manuellt g?r tillbaka till webbplatsen hamnar de p? “kassan” men utan betalningsbekr?ftelse.
I b?da fallen f?r b?de kunden och webbplatsadministrat?ren ett e-postmeddelande med orderinformationen.
Det verkar allts? som att problemet specifikt ligger i omdirigeringen fr?n Swish-appen p? mobila enheter till betalningsbekr?ftelsen p? webbplatsen.
Jag skulle vara mycket tacksam om ni kunde hj?lpa mig att fels?ka och l?sa detta problem.
Tack p? f?rhand f?r er hj?lp!
]]>Is there a setting for free shipping in swish? have customers who want to pick up in store after they have finished shopping.
]]>I just tried this plugin but it crashes my entire wordpress site. I assume its not compatible with the latest versions of WP or Woo. Is this indeed the problem or am I having some other issue? Will this be fixed? =)
Thank you for providing this, really hope to be using it! =D
I want to issue an automatic refund when an order is canceled, How can I set this?
]]>Good Day,
Can you help me please, is it possible to move the payment process to the checkout page? Now, if I’m not mistaken, first there is a redirect to the thankyou page and here we see the process of working with the application.
]]>Getting this error after activated plugin and changed Swish number.
]]>Any updates on the new Check Out Block compability? It would be greatly appreciated!
]]>After clicking “Pay” on the checkout page, the customer is transferred to the thank you page. There it says both “please open the app to pay” and below that “thank you for your booking”.
I assume there should be one step in between the checkout and the thank you, where it says “please open the app to pay” and only once the customer has paid, he is sent to a thank you page.
How is this supposed to work?
Is there a template file?
Should one do a pop-up on the checkout that uses AJAX to verify the payment and then redirects to the thank-you page?
Or should there be a page in between the checkout and the thank you-page?
Or should there just be a check on the thank-you page to see if payment method was Swish and if status is not yet ‘processing’ or ‘completed’ on the order and the just display different content on the thank you page? In that case the order is still created even if the user never pays… Is the confirmation email sent then?
I would appreciate some guidance! Thank you in advance!
]]>I want to test out my webshop before going live with swish payments, but I am not sure where to activate the simulator, or what phone number to use to simulate payments. Can you point me in the right direction for where I can read more about enabling the simulator correctly, or tell me how it works?
Thank you!
]]>Hello, I am just wondering if the plugin is compatible with the new Woo checkout block?
]]>Jag anv?nder till?gget och det funkar som det ska. Men jag undrar ?ver modulen Swish-betalning och knappen “H?mta betalning”. Vilken funktion fyller den?
Det g?r inte att skriva in Swish nummer i kassan, varken i testl?ge eller med BjornTech som teknisk leverant?r. Allt ser bra ut i kassan: “Du anv?nder Swish e-commerce i testl?ge, anv?nd 4671234768 f?r att genomf?ra en testbetalning” men sj?lva Swish-nummer g?r inte att skriva in. Kan ni hj?lpa med n?n idé p? vad det kan bero p??
My client has SEB with “Handel” and Bjorntech AB” as tech provider, still: “PA01 – Du m?ste anv?nda ett Swish Handel konto och v?lja BjornTech som din Tekniska Leverant?r hos din Bank f?r att tj?nsten skall fungera.”
What is wrong?
]]>Hello Team,
We are using this plugin for reciving payments.
It works great, for reciving payment. But when we try to refund an error is reported and the refund is cancelled.
Here is the snap on the order notes :
No debug logs were noted during this process.
The Swish Changelog announced an update on May 6th, 2022.
The update includes adding two additional IP-address ranges that should be whitelisted before August.
The ranges are:
My questions is, do we need to do anything if using the Woo Swish e-commerce plugin and BjornTech as a Technical supplier?
Also, as this sounds more like a server matter, should we contact our hosting instead, to make sure those ranges are whitelisted for incoming connections (they don’t mention any port ranges in the update though)?
I would like to ask if this plugin accept or has feature of subscription payment for the WordPress users (like woocommerce subscription)?
Best Regards,
When I try to do a refund on the order I get this error:
An error occurred while attempting to create the refund using the payment gateway API.
here comes the woo log:
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - --------------------
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception file: /home/httpd/vhosts/
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception line: 191
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception code: 422
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception message: RF07 - Check the payment with your Bank
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception Request URL:
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception Request DATA: {"payerPaymentReference":"204876","originalPaymentReference":"1614EE25063640CE86660DBC7BBC8A4E","callbackUrl":"","payerAlias":"XXXXXXXXX","amount":"2845.25","currency":"SEK","message":"\u00c5ngrat k\u00f6p"}
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - Swish API Exception Response DATA: [{"errorCode":"RF07","errorMessage":"Transaction declined","additionalInformation":null}]
02-01-2022 @ 19:47:33 - --------------------
I have hidden sitename and payer for reason with “XXXXXXXXX”.
Why this is not working? WP+WC+SWISH on latest plugin versions.
Jag f?r felmeddelandet “unable to set private key”.
CSR verktyget i swish portalen skapar inte n?gon fil med –RSA PRIVATE KEY– s? mina certifikat inneh?ller endast 3st —–BEGIN CERTIFICATE—–.
Hur l?ser jag detta?
Jag har testat att skapa ett certifikat genom som skapar 2 filer. Men de godk?nns inte i swish portalen
]]>I don’t see any start swish app button and animation icon. i have settings properly. what can be issue?
]]>What is that?
]]>Hello, I was experiencing a 503 error and I contacted my hosting provider. They came back to me with the following answer:
`It looks an issue with your one of plugins as —
Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘:’, expecting ‘;’ or ‘{‘ in /home/xnxhbegj/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-swish-e-commerce/woo-swish-e-commerce.php on line 1067
Error: Det har uppst?tt ett kritiskt fel p? webbplatsen.L?s mer om fels?kning i WordPress. Det har uppst?tt ett kritiskt fel p? webbplatsen.
Is it something you can help resolve? Is it something inside the code that the developer needs to fix or something we can do ourselves?
Thank you in advance.
We are using this plugin on a site we have, but from 16:36 yesterday until 13:15 today the orders are created in the system, the payment has gone through. But our system doesnt pick it up, so the order is never marked as completed.
In the swish logs in woocommerce log page it says the order, callback url, and payment request is created. But there is no more info regarding the orders other than that.
Do you have experience with something similar regarding the swish payments?
Kind regards,
I use Alidropshipping website and its not woo or e-commerce, i don’t know how explain! my site its look like woo e-commerce for everything but to add plugin i have to use code not just install the plugin. i don’t know if someone can help me please?
thank you
How many transaction can handle for local swish certificate ? 50 transaction per month.
Only once, at 5:th this month, my client did a refund. All went good as at stated on the right sidebar i WC. But, no actual payout was done to the customer. What to do?
]]>We are trying to help a customer ordering the Swish Handel so that we can use this plugin. But the bank is asking for which certificate solution (“certifikatl?sning”) we want to use and we don’t know what to tell them. Out of a list of about 50 they mentioned Dibbs was one of them… but is the certificate solution just something we choose based on our preference or does it need to be a specific one to work with this plugin? We don’t quite understand what it is they are asking…
Btw, we want to create the certificate ourselves (not using BjornTech as technical supplier).
Some question,
Will I, as an admin, get a notify when someone pay a swish?