I notice that page contents are always placed below the output of your plugin.
How can I get it that it follows the sequence of the page contents?
E.g. page contents
[shortcode to swap currency]
It looks ridiculous to have the currency switcher below all the checkout details.
]]>will it also work with multivendor plugins can vendor show all his products in single page
I’m trying to configure a single page layout using stripe as payment method;
unfortunately, input field for card details aren’t working,
what happens:
in the checkout page there is a fieldset (id=wc-stripe-cc-form) in which there are all the elements, including iframe, where card details can be entered
in the shop page, where I wish there was the stripe checkout form, the code is the following
<fieldset id="wc-stripe-cc-form" class="wc-credit-card-form wc-payment-form">
<label for="card-element">
Credit or debit card
<div id="stripe-card-element" class="wc-stripe-elements-field">
<!-- a Stripe Element will be inserted here. -->
<!-- Used to display form errors -->
<div class="stripe-source-errors" role="alert"></div>
<div class="clear"></div>
any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
After upgrading to woocommerce 4.0 the add to cart button should add product to cart and stay on same product page. I have cart page disabled so when clicking on cart u goto checkout immediatly.
used to work fine till woocommerce 4.x.
Now add to cart always take u to checkout page, when disabling this plugin problem is gone.
Hope the maker can fix it, kinda useless now
Where can we test it ? any demo website ?
thank you.
]]>I’m not able to see it in the WooCommerce section of the block editor? Does this mean it’s not supported by Gutenberg?
]]>Although I have included the shortcode really at the end of the product description section, in the frontend the checkout details are shown BEFORE the product description details.
I.e. the production description details are only shown after the checkout details.
How to have the checkout details really shown at the end?
]]>Hi team
I’ve just noticed that after our single page checkout is showing in duplicate. Here is a screen shot:
Appears like this in both Chrome and Firefox.
I’ve checked and only one copy of the shortcode is on the page (https://www.ahmsec.org.au/checkout/)
The Order Received Page is also showing in duplicate:
Can you please advise how to rectify this?
I would like to use this plugin but it has few reviews and support messages.
If you have tried it and are using it, can you post a review or a comment to confirm that everything is fine ?
Thank you.
]]>I want a help on this link [ redundant link removed ]
So on this page I have sidebar in which user can select a Date, so after clicking on Book button that redirects to checkout page so that checkout page should get that selected Date in the checkout form automatically.
]]>I need a help from somebody, we are trying to install the payment process with a supplier Sr Pago in my REGION in Mexico, but unfortunately, we cannot continue with this installation because in the test process, we made some test in the Sandbox escenario but, at the moment to conclude the payment in the application, it send a message with the single word, ERROR. I received an email from my supplier who said that this error is caused by the next portion of code, then I need some help in order to conclude this installation of the payment process
]]>I got the following error after installing it
Notice: has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead. in wp-includes/functions.php on line 4115
]]>Hi There,
Your plugin is great, however after payment, the cart is displaying above the order confirmation information.
Is this expected behaviour or have I not configured it correctly?
]]>The shortcode I am using on this page is:
[rg108_woocommerce_single_page_checkout product_ids="1812" template="product-single"]
Product ID 1812 is this one.
Why does the single page checkout page show “Your cart is currently empty”?
]]>When adding items to my shopping cart the software jumps to the checkout screen when pressing the Add to Cart button. It doesn’t just add the item to the shopping cart. Is there a way around this please?
]]>Hi ya,
So I found that this plugin is breaking bits of my site.
I’m using Query Monitor to see what’s going on.
It’s reporting this:
has_cap was called with an argument that is deprecated since version 2.0.0! Usage of user levels is deprecated. Use capabilities instead.
Plugin: woo-single-page-checkout
If I remove woo-single-page-checkout then that error goes away.
Maybe some of that data is being passed in an incorrect format…
Hi You,
I got you a question; You say “You can choose to manage your fields on your checkout.” But where can I find those settings?! I found the settings > checkout thingy but no fields to manage…
Thanks a lot!
]]>please check the screenshot:
]]>One of the best onepage checkout plugins, but we found the following issues that need to be fixed to make this plugin work on our website.
1. successful orders redirect to the homepage not the order success page (thankyou.php). This prevents GA eCommerce tracking. The customer does not know the order status and usually tries to checkout again resulting in double orders.
2. ‘agree terms & conditions’ checkbox is aligned left and hidden by text. This checkbox should be centred above the confirm order button.
3. option back end to enable/disable add to cart redirect.