Hi there
Can you please advise how to show “out of stock” when the stock level for a product is <0? currently it shows 0 in stock or only -47 left in stock… which is not accurate and confusing
if stock quantity is 0 system has to replace it with Out of Stock, but it shows this strange: “Only 0 left in stock”. How to fix this?
I would like to see the stock status in the archive, how do I do that?
On the product page itself I also see the status twice, how come?
Thanks in advance!
How to show out of stock variable products on the shop page?https://prnt.sc/ZRlMvNr8UxIo
Its possible to show stock quantity 1.5 etc on the shop page?https://prnt.sc/b87T7ZHQiyHn
Thanks for the help!
thanks for the translate it is nice… just one thing the quantities of the variations double, I revised my translation point by point but I don’t see where the error comes from (as it’s a craft with very small quantities it’s maybe more sellable that way!)
Could you please enlighten me?
]]>it has a problem for the translation, after research and comparison with your main.php and seeing what happens on my site: the problem exists only for the variations.
Could you correct it, I thought of doing it, but the problem will reoccur with each of your updates, so the best is that you revise the .pot
And i donot understand why.
I have do a .po and .mo, without success
]]>I just installed the plugin and really nice…
The only thing, I would need it to french (translation already made into Loco Translate but not showing… don’t know why) If you want to implement it.. woould be cool.. I can send you
thank you
]]>Hi Support Team,
Great day! I like your Show Stock Status for WooCommerce WordPress Plugin but how can I display it in products shown in the widget area? Kindly help me on this.
I enable “Show Stock Status for WooCommerce”.
Stock numbers appear properly on the product listing pages.
However, the number displayed is wrong in the case of a VARIABLE PRODUCT that contains multiple variations, and the MANAGE STOCK option is set to ENABLE STOCK MANAGEMENT AT PRODUCT LEVEL.
With this configuration, SHOW STOCK STATUS FOR WOOCOMMERCE plugin displays stock total as follows:
(product stock number)x(number of variations)=wrong stock number
When admin selects to manage stocks at product level instead of stock management at variation level, then only the main product stock value should be used. The plugin shouldn`t take into consideration the multiple variations.
On the other hand, if management of stock is not done at product level, but is done at variation level, then the plugin should consider only the stock values found under each variation.
]]>hi, how can i show stock quantity for only 1 of the product categories (Special Offers category on my website). The others should not show the quantity. Is there a code or something we can use ?
I have translated for Persian from the development section, it is only in waiting mode,
should it be approved by you?
Is there a way I can change the default copy “# left in stock” to something like “# Slots Remaining”?
Thank you!
]]>Hello Guys!
Thanks for the plugin!
I would like to use the plugin not to show the actual inventory data but as follows:
Can you help me with this, please?
There are two types of Out of Stock:
1. There is stock management and stock became zero and the product was (automatically) set to Out of Stock status. Out of stock with stock management activated.
2. There is NO stock management and the shop manager sets the product Out of stock manually. Stock management is not set and WooCommerce stores the product out of stock without stock management being set: Screenshot of product “Out of stock” without stock management
In case 1 this plugin shows correctly the Out of Stock indication, NOT in case 2.
Obviously the work around for the shop manager is to activate stock management set the amount to 0.
]]>First of all, thanks for the plugin. It’s a great addition to WooCommerce. There’s just one thing wrong with it: “Out of stock” cannot be translated (in version 1.0.1). For some reason, all other strings can be translated just fine, but “Out of stock” refuses to translate.
I’ve tried translating the plugin (using the included .pot file) in Poedit and in Loco Translation, on two separate sites and in different languages. In all cases, every other translation string worked but “Out of stock” did not.
Maybe the translation file was not updated along with some changes in the plugin?
Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Great plugin! I would like to help translate to Portuguese (pt_PT) but it’s shows the error “This plugin is not properly prepared for localization. If you would like to translate this plugin, please contact the author.”
If you wish help translate to PT send me a XLS file to translate.
Thank you.
I have this error, when i try to use Loco Translate.
Error: 403 Forbidden. Check console output for debugging information
I don’t have any debugging information.
How can i translate “left on stock”? With Loco Translate is not possible.
The plug-in works great! I used some CSS to make it even better; thanks for your work.
I have, however, a quick question: how do I show the plug-in (stock) when the stock is very low (2 in stock). I don’t want the plug-in to show 8 or 10 in stock: I want it to show only when the stock is low.
Love to hear from you.
Best regards, Bart
]]>Show Stock product after login? For the user who has logged in
]]>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘)’ in /var/www/html/wp-content/plugins/woo-show-stock/main.php on line 26
WordPress 5.6.2
WooCommerce 5.0.0
PHP 7.2.24
PHP Warning: _() expects exactly 1 parameter, 2 given in /home/orotede326/domains/3dsupplies.be/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-show-stock/main.php on line 32
using version 0.3 in WooCommerce 4.8.0 and WP 5.6-NL
]]>Show Stocks 0.3 Not working with WooCommerce 4.8, WP 5.5.3, and GeneratePress theme.
]]>then we wouldnt spend time installing figuring out only to find it doesnt work
I have installed it and I activate it via Woocommerce-Setting-Product-Inventory-Always show stock (and I have try the four option) and it change nothing in my page.
Woocommerce 4.5.1
Woocommerce Show Stock 0.3
Wordpress 5.4.2
What can I look to make this work?
]]>Hi I downloaded the plugin, activated it and put a check in always show available stock but doesn’t seem to work. I have wordpress version 5.4.1 and woocommerce version 4.1. thank you for any assistance
Can I use this plugin also being used in categorie slot. The problem or case I have for a tapasba
So it is a Webshop with different tapasboxes. They are called lets say Tapasbox1,Tapasbox2,Tapasbox3.
I need a plugin that when you count the amount of boxes sold together in a timeslot of 30 minutes that is not more than 20 boxen. Then I need to get a info that says for timeframe 17:30: you cannot order any boxes
Can you please help me with this?
Thank you very much
I previously had this working, it appears with latest WooCommerce Version it doesn’t work anymore.
First issue was the weird negative quantity a few months back when it got down to 1 it would show -112341234 (some weird number)
Now it doesn’t work at all.
WooCommerce 4.0.1
Other than that it’s been a great plugin. Thank You
]]>Just down loaded this plug in so I could show stock on the shop page where all the different products are but it doesn’t appear to be working?