I see Woocommerce is going to stop support for REST API very soon.
Will this affect this plugin?
Also I get warnings this plugin hasn’t been tested on later versions of WP. Is this a problem for me?
Hello, I have this Sendle Shipping installed and my client wants to achieve something that I do not know if it can be achieved.
The client wants to include the Shipping Cost in the total Product Cost, and so that would mean not showing the Sendle Shipping cost to the customer. He has suggested including say AUD$6.00 to each of the 8 products to cover shipping. That’s the easy part. The hard part is somehow not showing the Sendle Shipping calculated amount in the Checkout/Cart. Somehow using Fixed Price or Free Shipping.
Any ideas or suggestions please anyone?
Thank you kindly,
Does this plugin works with WCMp multi vendor and how can I get the files ?
We are trying to set up via our wordpress+ woocommerce site for purchase of one product to equal 2 X the shipping as the one product is sent in two boxes. I can’t seem to see where or how I might do this so the cart recognises and calculates 2 X checkin parcel size for each order.
Please help?
Hi. I have just installed Woocommerce Sendle and I noticed that when I test Sendle responsiveness to PO Box address input, sendle still generates a quote. The problem is however Sendle (at least in Australia) will NOT deliver to a PO BOX, only street addresses. Can any please suggest to me how to manage this so when a PO Box address is put in the address fields the Sendle option will not be available.
thanks so much
When I add two items which I send via sendle. it shows the cosh of item with higher shipping cost. Similarly if a buyer wants to purchase two items, in cart it displays shipping cost for 1
item only.
I’m going through the set up and testing of the plugin, however I can’t seem to get an address to create a shipping quote.
I have the API and Sendle ID installed and validated, with no errors. I have weights and dimensions entered for all products. To clarify, the Shipping field is filled in on single products. On products that have cariations, the weight and dimensions can vary from the shipping fields to the individual fields on each variation.
I receive this error at the checkout: There are no shipping options available. Please ensure that your address has been entered correctly, or contact us if you need any help.
I am unable to generate an error log since I can’t get passed this section. I have tried to actually buy a product, inputting a credit card but due to the shipping error, I can’t get any further.
Update: After a server refresh I am not getting the following error: Customer matched zone “Locations not covered by your other zones”.
Any help would be great. Thank you.
Has the current version been tested OK with Woocommerce 4?
]]>I have done a few tests on the shipping prices and there are some issues, from what I can see the rate is too low for Same City and National for large items. The pricing does not seem to match the listed rates.
I’ve been using the Sendle plugin on a site for a long time and it’s been great. However, the latest version of the plugin 1.8.1 is causing all sorts of issues with the shop. People are unable to purchase and some admin issues also.
I also was unable to deactivate it without removing the plugin files on my host.
Seems some others are having the same issue, so I am assuming this is a bug.
Please provide a rollback version in the meantime since the previous version was working perfectly.
Thank you
]]>I have this plugin installed, which has been working, but now comes up with a php error, and also is not saving changes, e.g. i cant edit the shipping zones, they will not delete. I have also tried to delete this plugin , but it will not reinstall. It is creating alot of pain for me today. Unsure why it is hanging each time i try to save settings. Please Help
]]>Trying to activate Sendle plugin and receiving these messages:
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-sendle-shipping-method/sendle-shipping.php:1) in /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-content/themes/captiva/functions.php on line 248
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-sendle-shipping-method/sendle-shipping.php:1) in /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5946
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-sendle-shipping-method/sendle-shipping.php:1) in /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1252
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-sendle-shipping-method/sendle-shipping.php:1) in /home/blackmoreandroy/public_html/wp-admin/admin-header.php on line 9
I am by no means a coder, so asking me to code in fixes myself is probably not an option. Is this a bug?
]]>Hi There
I am having the same issues expressed by others, sendle option not being shown in the cart area.
I have enabled debug, but when I check the report there is no data there.
All products have weight and dimensions.
Please help.
hi there, it appears the sendle plugin is causing this notification which is putting off customers: “Too large to be delivered your package volume : 0.168m3”.
How can this notification be supressed?
The above error message was pop up when clicked on the Create Sendle Order Button from the Admin Order page. Please see debug below, any thoughts? Thanks
19-Jul-Wed 02:19:01 API: O:8:”stdClass”:3:{s:8:”messages”;O:8:”stdClass”:3:{s:6:”sender”;a:1:{i:0;O:8:”stdClass”:2:{s:7:”contact”;a:1:{i:0;O:8:”stdClass”:1:{s:4:”name”;a:1:{i:0;s:14:”can’t be blank”;}}}s:7:”address”;a:0:{}}}s:15:”kilogram_weight”;a:0:{}s:17:”first_mile_option”;a:0:{}}s:5:”error”;s:20:”unprocessable_entity”;s:17:”error_description”;s:116:”The data you supplied is invalid. Error messages are in the messages section. Please fix those fields and try again.”;}
]]>My client is asking for the ability to send to PO Boxes – I’ve ticked the “PO Box” detection box, but doesn’t seem to do anything? Using a PO Box address doesn’t seem to have a shipping option available?
]]>Hi Team,
We are stuck at a point with the integration of this plugin on our Woocommerce website. We are continuously getting the following error:
“No shipping method has been selected. Please double check your address, or contact us if you need any help.”
Yes, we have weight, volume and a valid Pickup and Shipping address given at the checkout. The API details are correct as far as we can see. cURL is enabled on the server.
The Sendle Debug says: {“messages”:{“base”:[“is not yet serviced by Sendle”]},”error”:”unprocessable_entity”,”error_description”:”The data you supplied is invalid. Error messages are in the messages section. Please fix those fields and try again.”}”;
Your help would be much appreciated. If you need any further details, please do let me know.
Here is the full code from Debug:
18-Nov-Fri 04:33:02 shipping-zone calculate_shipping https://sandbox.sendle.com/api/quote?pickup_suburb=Kholo&pickup_postcode=4306&kilogram_weight=4&cubic_metre_volume=0.002&delivery_suburb=Brisbane+City&delivery_postcode=4000&plan_name=Easy
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Is the plugin tested with Woocommerce 3.5 yet?
Woocommerce is giving a warning about not being tested. I see 3.5 is a major upgrade.
]]>I sell some large quantities of heavy items and customers often have a cart with more than 25kg worth of items. Once the cart goes over 25kg, Sendle shipping method is not available. Is it possible to make the plugin assume the order will be split into 2 parcels and give the customer a price accordingly?
I have been speaking to sendle and they think what I need is a good idea and suggested contacting you. I need the plugin to read the checkout addons which gives special delivery options eg leave out the back, must have a signature etc which sounds hard. OR alternatively build it into your plugin so it directly adds driver delivery notes to Woocommerce checkout and then into the sender system.
This is a clincher as the person I’m doing it for is a brilliant person who makes wooden toys but suffers from a stress disorder. He loves using sendle but can’t handle this one issue.
If I wrote plugins I’d do it lol but I can see this would also be a good selling point for your plugin and sendle??
I’m keeping my fingers crossed.
Hi there
Below warning appears on the page whenever items are added to the cart:
A non-numeric value encountered in /home/bubshub6/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-sendle-shipping-method/sendle-shipping.php on line 324
My test account in https://sandbox.sendle.com the pickup detail are the same in my website setting “Abbeywood 4613 QLD”
the error still
{“messages”:{“delivery_suburb”:[“does not match Delivery Postcode”],”delivery_postcode”:[“does not match Delivery Suburb”],”destination”:[“is not yet serviced by Sendle”]},”
We ship our items in boxes that have either 1 or 2 products.
If the customer orders 2 products of a certain category, the 2 products are shipped in 1 box so we only want the customer to pay for shipping for one product.
Is there any way to set up the plugin, or add some customisation so that if the customer orders products in multiples of 2, only one shipping fee is charged.
If they order 3 or 4 products they pay shipping for 2 products.
]]>Hi there.
sendle has a size limit of 1.2meters in size.
When i test an item from my store that measures 1.5meters, 2 meters or longer. the plugin is returning a quote.
Im taking it that the plugin and API is only reading the weight but not taking into account the product dimensions?
How can this be fixed, so that if an oversized item is being purchase, sendle does not return a quote.
]]>The shipping charges calculation seems to work just fine but can not see how to create a shipping label. I have read through the following support forum thread but still can not see how to do it:
The above thread seems to mentions a checkbox somewhere with these details, where is this checkbox?
Creating Sendle Shipping Label Automatically (beta)
Once an Woocommerce order was created and marked as processing, a Sendle Shipping Label will be created via API.
I have orders in processing but can not see anywhere in the order details or from my sendle account to create a shipping label?
]]>Hi, I’ve added the sendle plugin to my woo commerce shop, and i will be offering shipping and return to my customers, at checkout it shows the charge sendle charge for one way delivery. Ive tried to add a value in the extra cost part but i can’t have one extra charge as delivery prices change from metro to rural, is there a way at checkout that the price for the return postage can be added in automatically when the person checks out in their cart? Can I add the return fee as well to checkout, so the customer pays for delivery and return all at once?
Cheers Jason
]]>Weight is there and cURL enabled and I cannot get the Sendle shipping to show up. (Only that one product has the weight for now)
Also getting this error:
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/wc-formatting-functions.php on line 142
Any advise would be great.
When someone orders two (or more) items, which can only be sent as two separate 25kg packages, Sendle doesn’t display a price at checkout.
It’d be great if an option could be checked in the Sendle plugin, so that the cost of items sent as two (or more) separate packages would be displayed to users.
The following warning is encountered on
Warning: A non-numeric value encountered in …/sendle-shipping-zone.php on line 280.
Also got the following notice on another site running PHP7.0
Notice: Undefined index: sendle_dismiss in …/sendle-shipping-global.php on line 6
]]>Hi – I’m currently unable to calculate shipping to New Zealand (we’re In Aust). Is there a limitation in the plugin? I”m testing various ‘states’ and postcodes – nothing seems to work.