Hi there, is there an option to remove the “processing” status orders? f.e. I only sell virtual events – and the orders are never “completed” but “processing” . I am missing the option.
I have a problem with a site receiving many orders and the back-office is slow while editing order and adding a shipping number for the client to follow its shipping.
The front-office runs pretty well with WP-Rocket installed.
Will the plugin be useful , I’m not a big fan of deleting orders.
Thank you
We are about to hit 10 thousand orders. Generally what is the recommended amount of orders when one should use this?
]]>Hi, I’ve installed the WooCommerce Prune Orders plugin but under Woocommerce>status>Tools there is no option to only prune orders before a certain date.
I don’t want to delete all old orders just the ones before 1 September 2018.
The description says I can – “to move all orders of the selected status and cutoff date into the trash” am I looking in the wrong place ?