Hello, please do you have any planes to update this plugin to be compatible with HPOS ?
I am referring to index (+995) which is Georgian.
Everything works great, but if user starts number with 511 which is newer it says that number is incorrect. So if number is (+995) 511 22 33 44 says incorrect. but it must be correct.
What can I do to fix it?
The plugin is not compatible with the new HPOS introduced with WooCommerce 8.2.
Is a fix planned ?
]]>hi.. this plugin not work with divi theme
]]>I would like to remove the leading “+” from being saved into the database
]]>I would like to restrict the countries displayed into the billing phone field as the same defined into my WooCommerce settings ?
I don’t want people from some countries where I’m not selling to buy on my store.
Thanks for an awesome plugin! I use this plugin to also allow users to register shipping phone number. Is it possible to add your plugin feature also to shipping_phone? How would I do that? ??
* @snippet Shipping Phone & Email - WooCommerce
* @how-to Get CustomizeWoo.com FREE
* @author Rodolfo Melogli
* @compatible WooCommerce 3.6.4
* @donate $9 https://businessbloomer.com/bloomer-armada/
add_filter( 'woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'bbloomer_shipping_phone_checkout' );
function bbloomer_shipping_phone_checkout( $fields ) {
$fields['shipping']['shipping_phone'] = array(
'label' => 'Phone',
'required' => false,
'class' => array( 'form-row-wide' ),
'priority' => 25,
return $fields;
add_action( 'woocommerce_admin_order_data_after_shipping_address', 'bbloomer_shipping_phone_checkout_display' );
function bbloomer_shipping_phone_checkout_display( $order ){
echo '<p><b>Shipping Phone:</b> ' . get_post_meta( $order->get_id(), '_shipping_phone', true ) . '</p>';
Good Day!
I am having some issues with the checkout page.
The problem begins when you choose the country that you want to order from and the flag does not change the first time.
Only when I have refreshed the page the flags did appear on the Phone form field.
At first, I thought that it was my Caching plugin but then I have tried to deactivate it and saw that the same pattern occurs.
I would be really happy if someone could help me on the matter.
Thank you very much in advance!
Phone field is auto formatting itself to separate area code but i don’t want it.
For example: Phone value is 0394526923 but it shows it like (03) 9452 6923.
I do not want it to auto format itself
I’ve tried to integrate the plugin. All other things went well but when customer checkout. all other fields inherit the details from user Account except billing phone. it just empty with 012-3456789 placeholder
]]>Hi there, I posted on github but no answer. there are issue with some themes and it shows a JS error.
]]>Hello, nice plugin! Very useful.
Just a doubt… I need the phone number to always belong to the country of delivery. I mean don’t allow other countries numbers except the country of delivery.
Is that posible?
Thank you.
]]>Phone validation error: Internal error ??
In Mexico do not use any more (01) in the beginning (before phone number) to dial a local or long distance call (in mexico country) to any phone number.
So i found out how to take off that (01) numbers, but i sugest to UPDATE your plugin, or let me know how help with it.
Thanks For your Plugin !!!!
We seem to be facing a Javascript issue with Autoptimize installed on our website and the code seems to be coming from Phone Validator for Woocommerce plugin. The error in the console is SCRIPT1014: Invalid character
. The error marked in the code is detailed (and marked in bold) below :
var $=jQuery,wcPvPhoneErrorMap=wcPvJson.validationErrors;0==$(‘.wc-pv-intl input’).length&&$(‘#billing_phone_field’).addClass(‘wc-pv-phone wc-pv-intl’);var wcPvDefCountry=''==wcPvJson.defaultCountry?$(${wcPvJson.parentPage} #billing_country).val():wcPvJson.defaultCountry;let separateDialCode=1==wcPvJson.separateDialCode
,onlyCountries=wcPvJson.onlyCountries.map(e=>e.toUpperCase());var wcPvPhoneIntl=$(‘.wc-pv-intl input’).intlTelInput({initialCountry:”==wcPvDefCountry||void 0==wcPvDefCountry?’NG’:wcPvDefCountry,onlyCountries:onlyCountries,separateDialCode:separateDialCode,preferredCountries:wcPvJson.preferredCountries,utilsScript:wcPvJson.utilsScript}),wcPvphoneErrMsg=”;function wcPvValidatePhone(e){const n=e;let o=!1;if(1==n.intlTelInput(‘isValidNumber’))o=n.intlTelInput(‘getNumber’);else{let e=n.intlTelInput(‘getValidationError’);wcPvphoneErrMsg=${wcPvJson.phoneErrorTitle+(void 0==wcPvPhoneErrorMap[e]?wcPvJson.phoneUnknownErrorMsg:wcPvPhoneErrorMap[e])};}return o;}function wcPvValidateProcess(e){let n=wcPvValidatePhone(wcPvPhoneIntl);0!=$(‘.wc-pv-intl input’).length&&($(‘#wc-ls-phone-valid-field-err-msg’).remove(),0!=n?($(${wcPvJson.parentPage} input#billing_phone).val(n),0==$(‘#wc-ls-phone-valid-field’).length&&e.append( <input id = “wc-ls-phone-valid-field” value = “${n}” type = “hidden” name = “${wcPvJson.phoneValidatorName}” > )):(e.append( <input id = “wc-ls-phone-valid-field-err-msg” value = “${wcPvphoneErrMsg}” type = “hidden” name = “${wcPvJson.phoneValidatorErrName}” > ),$(‘#wc-ls-phone-valid-field’).remove()));}if($(${wcPvJson.parentPage} #billing_country).change(function(){let e=$(this).val();onlyCountries.includes(e)&&wcPvPhoneIntl.intlTelInput(‘setCountry’,e);}),!0===separateDialCode&&$(‘.wc-pv-intl’).addClass(‘wc-pv-separate-dial-code’),’checkout’==wcPvJson.currentPage){let e=$(${wcPvJson.parentPage});e.on(‘checkout_place_order’,function(){wcPvValidateProcess(e);});}else if(‘account’==wcPvJson.currentPage){let e=$(${wcPvJson.parentPage} form);$(${wcPvJson.parentPage}).submit(function(){wcPvValidateProcess(e);});};
I am suspecting it has to do with the backticks(template literals) in the above marked code. What do you think it could be? Any help is appreciated let me know if you need any other details. Thanks!
]]>hi Thank you for your great plugin sir, i am planning to change placeholder, can you guide me how to do that, and then how to remove default value from mobile field
]]>Hello , sir , please can you make the plugin work on my account page and on registration woocommerce form ?
when i test it on both page , fo exemple to let customer change his phone number on his account dashboard (billing adresses and shipping adresses) the flags and dropdown country code did not work , even i try to change the Theme but same problem
also if i change the billing country on my account page did not work too
can you please fix the error and make it work on all pages that contain billin_phone fields and not only checkout page ! ?
take a look to screenshot mabe you will understand the problem more !!
]]>Hi there.
I have added a second phone field to my shipping info and would like to find out how your plugin can be enabled on a custom phone field as well.
For reference, the field name is shipping_courier_phone
I am happy to update the PHP code in the plugin if needed.
Thanks so much.
]]>Good day!
I have installed your plugin but unfortunately, I gives a positive validation when the user just enters a “0” for example.
How can this be prevented? With a minimum number requirement perhaps?
Currently when I select the country flag and enter “0” it completes the checkout.
Please help?
Thanks very much.
Is there any plan to add validation to the 3 back end occurrences of Woo billing phone #:
– Edit User
– Edit Profile
– Edit Order
We have agents that sometimes need to use these screens to create/update customer phone info and ideally they would use the plugin as well.
Thanks for your consideration.
]]>Is there a way to get the plugin to show user all countries in the flag dropdown (besides modifying frontend.js or providing an array of all countries)? We have US only set in woo commerce as we provide services only in the US but have customers that visit from all countries with phone numbers that could be in any country.
Thanks in advance for your help.
]]>Hi – great plugin. I have an issue that with US set as default country when a user types in an invalid/incomplete number such as (818) 967-12 the checkout form is submitted and no error generated. If I edit class-woocommerce-account.php and comment out these lines – then it works fine – it appears woo doesn’t handle these errors correctly :
99 if( !is_numeric( str_replace( ‘ ‘, ”, $bil_phone ) ) ) // WC will handle this, so no need to report errors
100 return;
Thanks for great plugin,
it is possible to change placeholder digit numbers? now default is this for my country. 040 123 45 67
second question is it possible put number limit?
I think maybe since the latest plugin update, the plugin shows some kind of debugging text output when a customer clicks to complete their purchase on my site. So someone will only manage to see it for a brief moment before they’re redirected to the WooCommerce receipt page.
You can see the output in this screenshot behind the transparent overlay spinner:
I’ve tried with both valid and invalid phone numbers and the output will show up in both cases.
Do you have any idea why this might be?
Thank you.
]]>Thank you for the simple and functional plugin, I’ve just installed it earlier today and was about to give a straight 5 stars, however, your latest update has broken the plugin and it no longer validates the phone, what is even worse it actually prints some code as if debugging is enabled in the checkout field.
I highly just you throughly test updates before pushing it live, also it’s preferred that you provide a changelog before pushing updates as they can break checkout in live sites.
]]>Hi! I was excited to see a new update for this plugin. I was wondering if it’s possible to use a functions.php snippet to set PreferredCountries? I want to have it as preferredCountries:[“us”,”ca”,”gb”]
Right now, I’m editing these two files to set them:
But that’s of course not ideal as they’ll be overwritten with each update.
]]>Hi and thank you so much for this amazing plugin.
I was trying to use the new default country filter but I don’t know how.
I tried like this:
add_filter( ‘wc_pv_set_default_country’ , ‘es’ );
add_filter( ‘wc_pv_set_default_country’ , ‘Spain’ );
Sorry about my ignorance, but how it works?
Very Amazing plugin, I thank you for it,
just a small thing. is it possible to re-order the number to like this 92107810 other than it re-order to 7810 9210, I don’t mind the space but the order itself
By default, if the “county” field is hidden in the woocommerce checkout process, “USA” is always displayed as it is the first flag on the list.
Can you kindly advise the custom coding one needs to add to replace the first country on the drop down list (i.e. USA), with another country instead?
many thanks
]]>Hi There,
Thanks for your nice plugin. But I need small help about my problem. Please check my screenshot and let me know it’s possible to add country code after flag like the screenshot. https://monosnap.com/direct/gsdGbCStsDkFfoP2RWxRtv6OoZckB7
Rubel Mahmud