Nous utilisons votre extension Orders Tracking for WooCommerce pour gérer les informations de suivi des commandes. Cependant, nous rencontrons une erreur critique lors de l’intégration avec la plateforme ShippingBo.
Voici les détails :
Et re?oit la réponse suivante :
{“code”:”rest_no_route”,”message”:”Aucune route correspondante \u00e0 l\u2019URL et \u00e0 la m\u00e9thode de requ\u00eate n\u2019a \u00e9t\u00e9 trouv\u00e9e.”,”data”:{“status”:404}}
Nous restons disponibles pour tout complément d’information nécessaire.
Merci par avance pour votre aide afin de résoudre ce problème.
Erin Paronneau
Do we have API to set tracking_number or update tracking_number ?
I want to export this GTIN,?UPC,?EAN, or?ISBN of the product into a column while exporting the order in CSV file. Can you add this? Could you help me it and update for the same?
I appreciate your help, thanks.
Hi, I want to purchase this plugin, but I am not sure if it will support different payment methods. Will it track my orders if I use payment methods other than PayPal or SMS?
]]>I am using this plugin, but it’s not showing the information for my orders. I’m unsure why it’s not working and would appreciate help to solve this issue.
]]>After updating wordpress and all plugins to latest version, the Orders Tracking for WooCommerce could not connect to paypal API, when run a connection test, it response: invalid nonce.
we could not update the tracking number to Paypal now because connection to paypal failed.
]]>Hi guys, I’m having trouble with the email sent manually when adding the tracking number
Email does not seems to be sent and a red arrow appear.
Let me know
Orders racking > Email > Email content
I need to redesign {tracking_table} but I have not found the address of this file.
Do you know how to redesign this Placeholder?
Thank you
]]>It keeps showing that tracking data is not available now. Please come back later. Thank you. i do not want to use any third-party integration, I want everything manually
The plugin once installed, displays an input box to enter the tracking code individually on each of the line items in an order (when admin is editing the order). We do not need this feature since we only have one tracking number per order.
Is there a way to hide/disable the tracking number on each line item?
Thank you.
I try to import tracking numbers and I added them to the sample CSV (deleted the sample entries)
But the numbers are not added to the orders and the status is unchanged. See below for the file I used. I changed the tracking for the screenshot.
I am currently using the WooCommerce Orders Tracking plugin and noticed a discrepancy in the user interface when trying to add a custom shipping carrier. The documentation suggests there should be a “Display Name” field available, but it does not appear in the plugin interface on my site. I am using the latest version of the plugin. Could you please advise if this feature is available and how I can access i
]]>Hi support, on sheet woocommerce email I chose “Before Order Email” on track info position, but it always change back to after order email. I am using feee version. Could you advise if the position is able to be change.
Thank you
So the plugin creates a page where orders can be tracked:
But when I paste a tracking number in there from aliexpress, nothing loads.
Here is the tracking number, it was made by someone who purchased with a guest account: LP00639401094948
It should be working:
Please help.
When add tracking code to an order, there will an warning on Woocommerce status:
2024-03-18T15:36:55+00:00 Warning Error when setting property 'parent_id' for order 1878930: Invalid parent ID
Additional context
"error_code": "order_invalid_parent_id",
"error_message": "Invalid parent ID",
"order_id": 1878930,
"property_name": "parent_id"
2024-03-18T15:36:55+00:00 Warning Error when setting property 'parent_id' for order 1878930: Invalid parent ID CONTEXT: {"exception_code":400,"exception_msg":"Invalid parent ID","origin":"Automattic\\WooCommerce\\Internal\\DataStores\\Orders\\OrdersTableDataStore::set_order_props_from_data","order_id":1878930,"property_name":"parent_id"}
It seems that the error warning is related to this plugin?
]]>Hello, I have to use the “Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce” Plugin. Does your plugin work together with it? Can it sync the trackingnumber from “Advanced Shipment Tracking for WooCommerce” to paypal automatically? Does it work in free and pro version?
Thanks for your help.
]]>Hi, I need to display in the email of the tracking code, not only the order ID but also the attribute SKU for each item in the table. How can I do this?
I’ve got a problem with adding the tracking number.
I’m also using a plugin for custom email templates – Email Template Customizer for WooCommerce
The error looks like this:
Also, I’m trying to change the order status to CUSTOM order status (plugin – Custom order status for WooCommerce).
Somehow, the order status is changed after all, but the mail that should be triggered when the order status is changed is not triggered.
Is it perhaps an incompatibility between all plugins?
Here’s the whole error text:
Wow shop a { text-decoration: none; } span { vertical-align: middle; } #outlook a { padding: 0; } a { text-decoration: none; word-break: break-word; } body { margin: 0; padding: 0; -webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; -ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; } img { border: 0; height: auto; line-height: 100%; outline: none; text-decoration: none; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic; vertical-align: middle; background-color: transparent; max-width: 100%; } p { display: block; margin: 0; line-height: inherit; /font-size: inherit;/ } div.viwec-responsive { display: inline-block; } small { display: block; font-size: 13px; } #viwec-transferred-content small { display: inline; } #viwec-transferred-content td { vertical-align: top; } td.viwec-row { background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; background-position: top; } .viwec-responsive { width: 100% !important; } small { display: block; font-size: 13px; } table { font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } @import url(,400,500,700); @import url(,400,500,700); @media only screen and (min-width: 380px) { a { text-decoration: none; } td { overflow: hidden; } table { font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } div.viwec-responsive { display: inline-block; } .viwec-responsive-min-width { min-width: 600px; } } @media only screen and (max-width: 380px) { a { text-decoration: none; } td { overflow: hidden; } table { font-family: Roboto, RobotoDraft, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif; } img { padding-bottom: 10px; } .viwec-responsive, .viwec-responsive table, .viwec-button-responsive { width: 100% !important; min-width: 100%; } #viwec-transferred-content img { width: 100% !important; } .viwec-no-full-width-on-mobile { min-width: auto !important; } .viwec-responsive-padding { padding: 0 !important; } .viwec-mobile-hidden { display: none !important; } .viwec-responsive-center, .viwec-responsive-center p { text-align: center !important; } .viwec-mobile-50 { width: 50% !important; } .viwec-center-on-mobile p { text-align: center !important; } } Va?a narud?ba je poslana Samo da vas obavijestimo — Va?a narud?ba #1317 je isporu?ena! JIMMY BX6 RU?NI UV USISAVA? Koli?ina: 1 27,50 € Na?in pla?anja Platiti pouze?em Na?in dostave GLS dostava GLS broj za pra?enje po?iljke: {tracking_number} Prati po?iljku: {tracking_url} Me?uzbroj27,50 €Dostava4,00 € Ukupno31,50 € (uklju?uje 5,50 € PDV) Pojavila se kriti?na gre?ka na va?oj web-stranici.Saznajte vi?e o otklanjanju gre?aka u WordPressu.
Thanks in advance,
]]>Is it possible when Shipping carrier (eg: 4PX) Add/updates tracking ID on their plateform, I need to update this tracking ID in my woo-commerce order and automatic fire an email to the client as well.
Please see Image:
I don’t need to update manually,It should be automatically updated in my order and send automatically email to customer.
Please confirm It is possible in paid Orders Tracking for WooCommerce plugin.
I’m trying to intercept the event that sends the tracking email to the customer because I would like to also send the tracking to the sales rep linked to the customer, how can I do that?
Is it possible to add compatibility with PHP 8?
When I test, I have this error :
PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: Unknown format specifier “S” in /wp-content/plugins/woo-orders-tracking/includes/admin/orders-track-info.php:151
I’m using the most up to date version: 1.2.7
Thank you!
Dear Sir,
We are using free version of Woo Orders Tracking.
We are trying to develop a tracking update function. We want to use the function
VI_WOOCOMMERCE_ORDERS_TRACKING_DATA::set_tracking( $order_id, $tracking_number, $carrier_slug, $item_id, $quantity_index, $add_to_service, $add_to_paypal, $send_email, $send_sms);
as mentioned in your documentation.
However, we getting error that this function is not found.
Do we need a premium version if we want to call this function or is there something we need to do in order that this function can be called.
I followed the procedure, got PayPal API credentials, added Client ID and Client Secret, tested connection and was successful, but when I enter the tracking info it doesn’t show the paypal checkbox in the dialog window, and tracking doesn’t get sent to Paypal.
Thanks for your help!
Here is a error code on Woocommerce status, and we are not sure if it is related to this plugin, and it would be great if you would like to have a check:
2024-01-27T15:36:37+00:00 WARNING Error when setting property ‘parent_id’ for order 1878930: Invalid parent ID 2024-01-27T15:36:37+00:00 WARNING Error when setting property ‘parent_id’ for order 1878930: Invalid parent ID
If there are two item in a single order, and The error seems occur when add two tracking code into those two item.
]]>plugin is enabled, shipping information (canpar tracking number) is being added into the woocommerce order notes by REST API – but none of the tracking information are making it into the “completed” email template
Do i need the premium version for the basic functions to work? what am I missing
My understanding is – adding this tracking plugin will append the “completed” orders with the shipping information sent back from the rest api to this plugin which will add the information into my shipping emails that are marked “completed”
What am I missing?
my order count is not updating after importing tracking(change status is set to “compete”) see screenshot
I’m currently using 100 order batch to import once but it didn’t change to order count but when I tried with a small file containg only 5 orders the order count changed this time.
I used to import tracking of 100 order per file never faced this issue. Please guide what can be done.
Hello Community,
I am using the free version of Woo Orders Tracking but getting this feedback on inputting correct tracking number.
I have created a custom carrier. Do you have to manage this custom carrier before the tracking data will show. I don’t want any of the other carriers.
Best Regards,
]]>Hi, your plugin is great in all functions. But in export function i can not export stripe fee, and I have to edit it manually.
Please help me, thanks so much <3
I am trying to export orders but I am not able to add column on excel file that contains order created date. I only see completed date and paid date. I used to able to add a column of order created date. Can you please help me with the same?
]]>Hi team,
Please help check and fix bug “Invalid file” when uploading csv file for importing tracking code.
I prepared csv file following the sample plugin provided but was unable to upload it, kept receiving error: Invalid file.
Thank you