I have this:
Minimum Quantity: 8
Quantity Step: 1
When I’m on single product page, the quantity box shows: 8 and it doesnt let me put less (OK)
The problem: I’m already added 8 items to my cart, but quantity box doesnt let me put 1 by 1 after added 8 items, I mean: After add 8 items, I can’t continua by adding 1 by 1.
The plugin only allows me to add every 8 items (8, 16, 24, etc), even though I set quantity step: 1. It doesn’t make sense.
I have to use the sidebar cart or cart page to increase 1 by 1. I can’t do the same in single product page.
]]>When product quantity changes on the cart page and specifically when “select quantity” is chosen, the message on the screen appears as “Minimum quantity should %s of “%s” ” – The placeholders do not get changed. And it is happening on all the products.
Hi, I have a problem with the add-on.
When I have a product that can only be added 300 by 300 and I add to the cart 312. The system warns that you can not buy that amount and has to be 300 by 300.
But the buy button stays thinking with loading icon and the customer can not continue to add another quantity.
I use the free version.
My default English products have the min-max value set on the product page. I just created a copy of the product in French where it says:
You have to input Min max and step value in your default language product.
This would be fine, but the French product does not validate the configuration that I have entered on the English product that is linked to it.
What could be the problem?
I use the Polylang plugin for translation.
I have an issue where the buy now button on the archive page changes class name when I activate the quantity function on the archive pages. This makes it impossible to change the button with CSS without also changing the button on the product page as the class for those buttons is changed to the same class.? I really want to change the button so that it would align with the quantity box, and not take up so much space. It is also a difference in the size of the button on the variable products and the single products. Is there a way to fix this??
Best regards
<span style=”background-color: rgb(251, 251, 251); color: rgb(50, 55, 60); font-family: "Open Sans", sans-serif; font-size: 14.4px; white-space-collapse: collapse;”>Synn?ve</span> ]]>Hello,
We are using your plugin in our shop and noticed a problem while having the Cart sidebar quantity option enabled for the off-canvas cart. Let��s say an individual product has a min-quantity and quantity steps of 10. Adding a product with set quantity steps works perfectly fine on the product page quantity selector as it will increase by the set quantity steps. This will also work fine on the cart page. Only in the sidebar/off-canvas cart it is still possible to increment, decrement the quantity independently of the set quantity steps. Unfortunately this will then also be the updated quantity on the checkout page. Is there any solution for this problem?
Is it possible on the product page to show the price per piece and not total?
]]>Row 68-71 in custom.js
// Get the min, max, and step attributes
var min = parseFloat($(this).attr('min'));
var max = parseFloat($(this).attr('max'));
var step = parseFloat($(this).attr('step'));
Missing the “data-” prefix in the attribute
Should be,
// Get the min, max, and step attributes
var min = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-min'));
var max = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-max'));
var step = parseFloat($(this).attr('data-step'));
I��m using Min Max and some products are both orderavle as both a physical product and a downloadable one. These are printable materials and this is why they are both available to the customer. I notice when checking the box off for downloadable, the min max tab disappears from the product tabs. Is there a way I can keep that tab intact so I don��t have to create duplicates of these products to make it easier for the customer?
]]>Your plugin slows my shop down with 3�C5 seconds…
When a variable product has a lot of variations(+100) and you select the options and click the add to cart button, the loading time is normally around 5 seconds. But with your plugin activated, it is up to 16 seconds.
How do I fix this?
Actually you have to use a hook for Custom Validation Message.
add_filter('wcmmq_custom_validation_msg', '__return_true');
Hi Dear,
We got an issuer on product single product when we activated your plugin. Layouts change and we are not able to add to cart functionality.
better variations plugin with your plugin conflict
i’m using Elementor, WooCommerce and your Plugin. If i add a product to the cart, your message appears (like it should). But the problem is, the message shows two times instead of one time. It is one woocommerce-message container, in which the error message appears two times.
Everything works fine beside of this. But it is annoying for the customers to see the message two times.
]]>Your plugin keeps showing me a notice of your black friday offer.
If click the X, but after some time it shows again, after some page loads.
I get you want to make sales, but this is so very irritating.
If I click the X it should stay away.
Please stop this…
<font _mstmutation=”1″></font>Hello! I get such errors. How to fix it?
2023-10-22T02:57:29+00:00 CRITICAL Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_type() on bool in /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php:274 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php(670): WC_MMQ\Includes\Min_Max_Controller->organizeAndFinalizeArgs() #1 /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php(690): WC_MMQ\Includes\Min_Max_Controller->OrganizeValidPropertyAndOrganize(0, NULL, ‘1’) #2 /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WC_MMQ\Includes\Min_Max_Controller->update_cart_validation(true, ‘f6734cf968bed6b…’, Array, ‘1’) #3 /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters(true, Array) #4 /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-content/themes/woodmart/inc/integr �� /var/www/www-root/data/www/napitkistore.ru/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php �ߧ� �����ܧ� 274
]]>After adding a product with a minimum of 4 to the cart, it’s possible to reduce the quantity using the standard WooCommerce mini-cart block.
This should not be possible, but it seems that the mini-cart block doesn’t apply the same filters as the cart page/shortcode.
Please fix.
See also https://github.com/woocommerce/woocommerce-blocks/issues/11422
]]>The products which is loaded by default has the correct quantity when loaded. If I click on Indl?s flere/Read more the newly loaded products doesn’t have the correct quantity by default. What can cause this issue?
Hi, we want to switch to High-performance order storage in WP but we receive this message in WP:
? 1 Incompatible plugin detected (Min Max Quantity & Step Control for WooCommerce).
What can we do beside deleting the plugin? The plugin is a great tool for us and helped us so far.
Thank you.
]]>If you want to disable min max step control for any type user, You have to use three hook of our Min Max Control plugin by CodeAstrology.
See example Code at Gist or at bellow:
* Disable min max for specific condition
* @author Saiful Islam <[email protected]>
function wcmmq_custom_min_max_control( $args ){
if( wc_current_user_has_role('administrator') || wc_current_user_has_role('shop_manager') ){
$args['max_value'] = -1;
$args['min_value'] = 1;
$args['step'] = 1;
if( ! is_cart() ){
$args['input_value'] = 1;
return $args;
return $args;
function wcmmq_custom_validation_bool(){
if( wc_current_user_has_role('administrator') || wc_current_user_has_role('shop_manager') ){
return false;
return true;
In our shop, only a fwe products are sold in pack of 5 units. and so in multiples of 5.
It works fine in the shop “Tienda” (in menu). See for example product PP10530200.1 it shows “5” and if you add another one it shows “10”. That is perfect.
But, once you are in “Tienda” if you choose CONSUMIBLES from the filter below to go to the Consumibles category page, you will see this same product PP10530200.1 with the number “1” and if you add another it goes to “6”.
And the strange thing is that if you use a diffent route to go to Consumibles category page it work fine. For example, from the menu “Ver Categorias” and choose “Consumibles” the product is fine.
And the url is the same Consumibles archivos – Tecnomec (if you click this url everything is fine. So to reproduce the error go from menu “Tienda” then choose below in the filter Consumibles category (under the search box).
We are very happy with you plugin, so please can you have a look and see the reason of this strange behaviour.
Thank you in advance
In the 5th version, an error was found when working with WPML. If we set the settings for a category, then they only work in the main language. They don’t work for additional ones.
[video src="https://i.imgur.com/woGtSmJ.mp4" /]
There was no such problem in version 4.4.
]]>Hey there,
I’ve been receiving multiple notifications from wordpress via email for the past few days that there is a technical problem on my site. The cause seems to be this plugin. I think it started around the time I updated to the last version, but I’m not sure.
Ein Fehler vom Typ E_ERROR wurde in der Zeile 579 der Datei /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php verursacht. Fehlermeldung: Uncaught TypeError: method_exists(): Argument #1 ($object_or_class) must be of type object|string, bool given in /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php:579
Stack trace:
#0 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/min-max-controller.php(579): method_exists()
#1 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-includes/class-wp-hook.php(310): WC_MMQ\Includes\Min_Max_Controller->quantity_input_step()
#2 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-includes/plugin.php(205): WP_Hook->apply_filters()
#3 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-item.php(70): apply_filters()
#4 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/views/html-order-items.php(73): include('/usr/www/users/...')
#5 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-content/plugins/woocommerce/includes/admin/meta-boxes/class-wc-meta-box-order-items.php(40): include('/usr/www/users/...')
#6 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1443): WC_Meta_Box_Order_Items::output()
#7 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(688): do_meta_boxes()
#8 /usr/www/users/xxx/yyy/wp-admin/post.php(206): require('/usr/www/users/...')
#9 {main}
It would be nice if someone could take a look into this.
after upgrading the extension, the quantities are different in 2 places on the product page.
Can you help me?
See please https://ibb.co/wNP7Jsj
If I update your plugin to version 4.5 or 4.7, the plus and minus buttons, the quantity selector on the front end doesn’t work anymore…
You can only select 1 piece, the minimum quantity, you can not select 2,3,4 etc.
This happens if that product has already had sales and therefor there is a (for example) -16 in the Stock quantity box in the back end.
If all the variations of that products have 0 in that Stock quantity box it works fine.
So I can not update…
Can you help me fix this?
Hello! Updated the plugin to the latest version. Ajax add to cart stopped working. Also, when clicking on the “see more” catalog, subsequent products became with a single value. Rolled back the plugin to the previous version, everything worked.
The second problem. When updating a product, the quantity value specified in the product card often flies off.
]]>Hi, i just installed the plugin to set a minimum quantity for a product and when i press the add to cart button its hits me:
?Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Modulo by zero
in?…/wp-content/plugins/woo-min-max-quantity-step-control-single/includes/set_max_min_quantity.php?on line?89
Please help!
]]>for security perpose, we have disable default value option in our plugin. Actually it��s conflicting with all type side cart plugin. That��s why we have disable it from our plugin. But if you still want ��default value�� option,
use code inside your theme��s functions.php file from following link.
we recommend child theme obviously.
]]>for security perpose, we have disable default value option in our plugin. Actually it’s conflicting with all type side cart plugin. That’s why we have disable it from our plugin. But if you still want ‘default value’ option,
use following code inside your theme’s functions.php file.
we recommend child theme obviously.
add_filter(‘wcmmq_default_qty_option’, ‘__return_true’);
Is it possible to link minimum purchase for a product with the stock available? Like auto-adjust the minimum quantity of purchase in cases when you have setted a minimum of purchase that’s higher than what you have in stock.
When minimum amount is setted by product, user is able to type any number into the quantity input field (arrows work ok). Ex. If minimum is 100, you can type 40 and add it to the cart without limitations.