Although I leave the “sale price” blank, after importing it eliminates the discounted price !
I can’t understand how to import sub-categories.
I use “,” between parent-cat and child-cat – parent-cat, child-cat
but I receive two independent category.
Can you help me, please?
I have export products from siteA and successfully imported to siteB. But on siteB product images are missing.
SiteA – WooCommerce v2.4
SiteB – WooCommerce v3.2
Any solution for that?
]]>Hi, I’ve successfully imported my .CSV into WordPress, however there’s only two Products that have failed. The message reads “Failed to import product”. These Products are no different to the other ones that have uploaded.
I’m not sure why this has happened, has anybody else had this happen to them?
Thanks for your assistance.
I am creating 500 products list csv file and importing it , but after importing 100% it shows 3000 or some times 5000 products list, it means duplicate the products, every time i am facing this problem,Is it plugin problem or any other issue, how to resolve this issue,Please help me.
Tried to install your lite plug-in to see how it works. In shorts in killed my site. Now when I try and use my /wp-admin I get the error message “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
I went into myPHPadmin and tried to reset all plugins but that did not work.
Please help!!!
How can i import image with other details of products in .csv files.
]]>Hi there I just tested the free version of your plugin but not able to import, only export.
After uploaded the file csv it keep running 0% .
How can I solve?
]]>Hi, I have tryied almost everything.
I have created a permalink and createdate but no luck.
Does it need to be in specific column? I use ; as separators.
I using plugin version 1.0 but no luck at all. And know it stoped to update my images.
Can i move the columns in my order or does it need to be in a specific order??
Best regards
Kamal Salah
]]>Permalink and create date does not update, i can not get to update permalink or createdate to work.
Permalink does not update ither on update posts or new posts to import.
Can anybody help me with this?
]]>I trying to import my new permalink but it does not work it make it own permalink based on the product name i have.
Tried verison 1.0 of this and no luck.
Best regards
Kamal S.
]]>hello, im using this plugin to update a bunch of my products setting so that i can manage stock on the website. I downloaded the export sheet and changed the stock manage stock and stock amount as needed. when i attempt to import the sheet the percentage gets stuck at 0 and the products never get updated. please help.
ok just noticed that this just crashed my entire site so please help asap
]]>Hi, I want to know if your plugin can help me.
I have a plugin installed that helps me to create discounts values for a product. The plugin saves these values in to a custom field. When I checked the database this is the structure of the information:
When I used your plugin to import the custom field information, how I have to write the values that I want to add?, I have to maintain the array structure above or do I have to create the values separated by commas?
Also, this will only work to update the information?, or it can be used when the product doesn’t have the discounts and I want to add them to it.
thank you
]]>Export (only external products) seems to work as expected, apart from apostrophes showing up in the CSV as ?¥.
The import however, is a total mess:
I exported 17 products, after import I have 80 products.
Please advice.
When your plugin is active the link for WooCommerce Bookings disappears.