I’m encountering an issue with the customer list data in WooCommerce, and I’d like to explain in more detail:
When I check the customer list under WooCommerce > Customers or through WooCommerce > Orders, I see no historical data for my customers. Specifically, the values for “Total Orders,” “Total Spend,” and “Average Order Value (AOV)” are all showing as 0. Additionally, there’s no information about the registration dates for recent customers.
What’s strange is that in very rare cases, I do have data in these fields for some customers. The proper tracking of the number of orders and their total value seems to be independent of the customers’ registration dates.
]]>I am using Woocommerce Customers Order History Professional V 5.2.1 i am now testing there new WooCommerce ?High-performance order storage?option. i can still see the order count on the user list, but it is no longer visible on the order page?
On the free version 5.2.2 of your plugin I notice that there is still a problem with the color matches. I previously solved this by clearing the cache in the plugin options but the problem quickly returned.
Now in the plugin options when I click on clear cache nothing happens.
Can you tell me how to solve this?
Have you planned an update of the plugin to permanently fix this color problem?
]]>We have installed the plugin in our Multisite Woocommerce website, but when clicking the Order history (from Order list or even with signle Order details page)
it shows the error “Sorry, you are not allowed to access this page.”
Even logged as Admin,
Is it possible to modify your to show users a listing of their own orders on a page? Thank you
]]>The current version of plugin have some issue i have attached a link please have a look and fix it :
link: https://itsec-site-scanner.ithemes.com/vulnerability-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%253D%253D?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJuYmYiOjE2OTA4NzIzOTYsImlhdCI6MTY5MDg3MjM5NiwiZXhwIjoxNjkxNDc3MTk2LCJncmFudCI6Iml0c2VjLXNpdGUtc2Nhbm5lci1tYW5hZ2Utc2NhbiIsInVzZXIiOjE1Nzh9.csjLwUrg2H7Zb-gK8DIhSFLXJuiMl_3ezqNxp5HECPU
I was wondering does your plugin identify and use the custom order statuses created with this plugin ? https://woocommerce.com/products/woocommerce-order-status-manager/
Like shipped or any kind of status created that is not in the “core”
Also, is it compatible with the latest woocommerce version ?
Thank you!
]]>Hello community! I am using this plugin recently. It helped me a lot!
Actually I am havinga little issue with filters: I go to Users table and I want to filter the users that has 0 orders in an ascending order but also users status has to be “Aproved”. The User status column is created by the Addify plugin named Approve New User Registration. When I filter only by Order history everything works fine, but when I filter by both criteria (order history and user status) I get no results.
Could anyone help me with this??
Thank you in advance!
I have a customer and the order count shows 6 orders but it is not listed correctly in the order history.
Order inquiries can be found
]]>Thank you for a useful plugin!
The problem that I have is something that your plugin has exposed, rather than a problem with your plugin, but I hope you can help.
When I go to Woocommerce > Orders, and click on “This user orders history” in the “Previous Orders” menu that your plugin creates, in some cases it is bringing up an order history that combines more than one customer – which is obviously not good!
Is this something you have seen before? It seems to be an issue where the “This user orders history” is displayed based on userID – I think where the customer is a registered user – rather than when it is displayed based on email address, which I think occurs when the customer has checked out as a guest.
]]>We have a very high traffic website. Looking at the wp_options table this plugin has the option wcchpo_orderCacheData set to autoload. That option for this plugin is the largest in all options set to autoload. Does this plugin needed to be autoloaded on all pages through wp_options or can we turn that off?
]]>Hi. Your plugin looks great. We just bought the Pro version. I was wondering what the plugin does check to link orders together? Is it just the account or name or also the IPs or other values? Will we see if someone orders with a different name but has the same IP?
Best regards,
Hi Guys,
Been using this plugin to try and was good but now noticed there’s a new symbol in black. When I hover over it, shows ‘checkout-draft’. I think might be affecting my inventory status. Not sure how to show it here.
User IP to Geo-location API integration .”
WooCommerce has a MaxMind geo Location included. Why do you need another one?
Thanks and All the best!
I have just installed the premium version of your plugin which seems great – but I just want to double check something.
I believe that woocommerce normally automatically deletes order history for completed orders after 30 days – I just wanted to check:
1. Does your plugin does override this so customer order history is kept for longer?
2. And if so, how long for?
3. And is it possible to schedule a deletion time (say 1 year)?
Thank you,
I justed updated to version 5.2 PRO, and I experience many missing products in the “User Orders Product” overview. The “User Order History” overview looks OK.
I have a customer with two orders in their history, the layest order was completed yesterday, but the Previous Order summary circles show:
total 2
processing 1
completed 1
but should say
total 2
completed 2
Thank your for this amazing plugin.
Just a little issue please. When we complete an order from the orders list the statu remains on “processing”.
Many thanks.
i suggest to create a new feature in this plugin: probably you can add the info in frontend for customer what he/she ordered already? so user could see if for example good a was bought already.
Is it compatible with WooCommerce Order Status Manager?
Because I have 2 custom order status.
How much it costs the premium version?
]]>The plugin looks very promising. However, we miss one important detail on the user order history page. While the table shows less important details like ip-address, I would rather have a column showing the product(s) purchased. Would this be possible?
]]>Hi, I have the paid version in its latest release (5.1.0) and after updating to WordPress 5.4.2 I started getting this errors on the orders screen: https://snipboard.io/JXC7oU.jpg (you can zoom in).
Is this an incompatibility issue with the latest version of WordPress or can be related to something else? Can you help?
]]>When upgrading to Woocommerce 4.1 an warning appears. This plugin is not tested and probably will cause problems. Is your plugin compatible with latest Woocommerce?
I have used this plugin before without problems.
On a new web site, it lists only the WordPress users (like admin and so on) and not the WooCommerce users which have ordered (there are 12 orders with different customers).
Is there any thing I can do to make it work ?
]]>Hi there,
your plugin is really awesome and very useful but its showing data through email id.
i am want to search orders through phone number can you tell me how can i trace orders through phone number instead of email id.
I shall be very thankful to you!
]]>Hi! When I change status of orders, the round with number doesn’t show the right status. So I need to click on Reset Cache and just after it works.
How can I fix this problem?
]]>can’t export data quantity product.
What should I do?
Would you recommend what I could do?
]]>When I have both plugins activated, the columns added by the other plugin to the user-table do not show up. When I deactivate your plugin, everything works fine.
Now, who is the culprit?
Is your plugin work just for registered users or it works somehow for all prders including made by guests, based on email for example?
]]>Does not show guest orders.
Not everyone wants to register to place an order.