On https://teacher911.co.za/ this plugin does not work. We had to upgrade to PHP 8 and it makes the site crash.
Once I deactivate it is the site stable again.
]]>Hey i tried to translate the Lite extension to german language but the woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite.pot file cant be read.
Maybe you can check this?
]]>Hey, we got the issue when we set up a fee like 4,96 (Germany Euro) that it is displaying only 4,00 on the frontend. Why it is not showing correct value?
Please help. Thanks.
Is it possible to add condition towards multiple addresses? If multiple addresses doesn’t hit a minimum amount.
]]>index.php in my WordPress keeps generating processes and crashing my site. Host has tried deactivating plugins but my issue persists. It seems to be related to WooCommerce or this plugin.
Getting these errors:
Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/svenns5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-advanced-extra-fees-lite/admin/class-woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite-admin.php:485)
Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/svenns5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-advanced-extra-fees-lite/admin/class-woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite-admin.php:485)
Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/svenns5/public_html/wp-content/plugins/woo-advanced-extra-fees-lite/admin/class-woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite-admin.php:485)
]]>Was wondering if your pro version will allow me to do this …
I have to charge an extra shipping fee for items that are 96 inches or longer – for a specific shipping class – or categories.
I want the fee to only apply ONE TIME if the customer has multiple items in the shopping cart that have a length of 96 inches or more – for certain shipping classes or categories.
Is that possible? I don’t want it to add a fee for each 96 inch long item – just a one time fee. Thank you
i would like to ask if there is some support or way to export information about fee ammount in order via WP All export. I tried to use several variable like a <FeeAmount>{Fee Amount}</FeeAmount>
<TotalFeeAmount>{Total Fee Amount}</TotalFeeAmount>
but it always return value 0 or nothing.
Is there some way how to get that value on that fee? for example via some custom / meta field?
I purchased the Pro version but I noticed that my french site doesnt charge the fee as opposed to my english site.
Are you able to apply a fix to make it work with Word Press MutliLinigual?
]]>I need to add fees to the product based on the shipping class.
Is it possible?
]]>Hi there
Is it possible to HIDE or Disable the Fees as default? Instead of the fees is active as default?
]]>When checking my webpage in Lighthouse, it reports this issue:
Includes front-end JavaScript libraries with known security vulnerabilities 1 vulnerability detected
Some third-party scripts may contain known security vulnerabilities that are easily identified and exploited by attackers. Learn more.
Library Version
jQuery UI@1.11.4
Vulnerability Count: 1
Severity: High
Will this be fixed?
I would like to add the cost of fee to shipping cost so that costumer see online one price.
Is that possible?
Thank you!
]]>Getting this error in the lite free version (below) Also only able to use subtotal and country conditions are others only available in pro version?
I would like to add a cart > contains product condition
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at…/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6221
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …wp-content/plugins/woo-advanced-extra-fees-lite/admin/class-woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite-admin.php:485) in/wp-admin/includes/misc.php on line 1282
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at …/wp-content/plugins/woo-advanced-extra-fees-lite/admin/class-woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite-admin.php:485) in /wp-admin/admin
]]>When I go to Dashboard>WooCommerce>Status it says: WooCommerce Advanced Extra Fees Lite by IDOMIT – 1.0.17 – Installed version not tested with active version of WooCommerce 4.1.1
Whether true or not, this has a negative effect on the reputation of your plugin.
]]>How to get rid of the below error message? I already uninstall and delete the plugin but still, I have this error message in the dashboard.
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/islandt7/public_html/domain.com/wp-content/plugins/woo-advanced-extra-fees-lite/admin/class-woocommerce-advanced-extra-fees-lite-admin.php:485) in /home/islandt7/public_html/domain.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 6221
]]>i want delete extra fee in cart page and i only want show this in checkout page
please give me code for this
]]>hello i’m trying the lugin and i like to add a “contain product” fees but i cant select it. it havent the pro limitation in the dropdown menu but i cant select it. it’s a bug or it is a pro feature??
When the plugin is activated all the analytics part is bugged.
every orders, revenue , products etc is replace by placeholder + I have a scrollbar in the scrollbar + I have an error message on the revenue analytics page.
Can you please help with this ?
]]>When this plugin is active when of our other plugins (sendcloud) breaks.
Everything was working fine on wordpress 5.2.4 but it stopped working once we updated to wp 5.3.
I hope this issue can be resolved cause it’s a great plugin!
Kind Regards
Can this plugin handle negative shipping fees, like described here:?
I have added a fee but when a coupon is used, the fee remains the same. is it possible to have the option to adjust the fee as well?
Also, is it possible to have a % fee?
]]>I need to help for plugin menu not showing in Woocommerce Shipping Tab.
How to enable menu.
Current PHP version: 5.4
Current WordPress version: 5.1.1
How to setup conditions for Product Quantity? – Add. fees conditional for Subtotal adds value from Tax field. I would like to setup for Product Qty.
Hi there.
Quick question/situation… I currently use the widely available code snippet to add a handling fee to the order total in WooCommerce (via functions.php), however when passed to PayPal Express the fee is lumped in with the tax amount; despite PayPal showing a (zero amount) handling field. How is your fee handled by PayPal Express?