Device detection is unsuccessful with the following in WP Fastest Cache. I have tried with ‘Create cache for mobile theme’ enabled.
[wonderplugin_cond deviceinclude=”Windows,Linux,Android”]
[/wonderplugin_cond][wonderplugin_cond deviceinclude=”Mac,IOS”]
I can appreciate why this may possibly be unresolvable.
Can you suggest anything to resolve?
]]>I want to detect if mobile is portrait or landscape mode. Is that possible with this plugin?
I have a slider on the front page that shows a photo sequence of landscape images, and I want to rotate the site in landscape (just like youtube)
Thank you
]]>My Google Pixel 5 is not recognized as either an Android or Mobile device. Neither of the following appears on it:
[wonderplugin_cond deviceinclude=”iPod,iPhone,iPad,iOS,Android,Mobile,Windows,Mac,Linux”]
[wonderplugin_cond deviceexclude=”iPod,iPhone,iPad,iOS,Android,Mobile,Windows,Mac,Linux”]
Hi, I have issues with detecting on different devices. For example, on Windows and Android website is showing layout that is selected for Ipad and Ios. While on Macos it shows properly Windows,Linux,Macos version. On Iphones it also shows as it should Iphone,Ipad version. What might be the problem? Here’s code example.
<?php if ( wonderplugin_is_device('Windows,Linux,Mac')) { ?>
<section class="ip-actions">
<!-- WEB GAME -->
<section class="ip-image button main web">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_web_game_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_web_game_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- WEB GAME -->
<!-- Button Apple -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_apple_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_apple_store_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button Apple -->
<!-- Button Google -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_google_play_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_google_play_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button Google -->
<!-- Button APK -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_apk_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_apk_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button APK -->
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( wonderplugin_is_device('iPhone, iPad') ) { ?>
<section class="ip-actions">
<!-- Button Apple -->
<section class="ip-image button main ios">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_apple_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_apple_store_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button Apple -->
<!-- Button Google -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_google_play_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_google_play_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button Google -->
<!-- Button APK -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_apk_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_apk_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button APK -->
<!-- WEB GAME -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_web_game_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_web_game_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- WEB GAME -->
<?php } ?>
<?php if ( wonderplugin_is_device('Android') ) { ?>
<section class="ip-actions">
<!-- Button APK -->
<section class="ip-image button main android">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_apk_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_apk_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button APK -->
<!-- Button Google -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_google_play_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_google_play_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button Google -->
<!-- Button Apple -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_apple_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_apple_store_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- Button Apple -->
<!-- WEB GAME -->
<section class="ip-image button">
<a href="<?php the_field('button_web_game_link', 326) ?>" class="ip-link">
<!-- Image -->
<img src="<?php the_field('button_web_game_image', 326) ?>" alt="" class="ip-media" />
<!-- Image -->
<!-- WEB GAME -->
<?php } ?>
When my page is accessed via an iPad, the plugin detects it to be a Mac. It works just fine when accessed via an iPhone, Android, Mac, or PC. Only the iPad is not properly detected.
Can this plugin work with Elementor?
This plugin seems to work, but when checking with a cache enabled it doesn’t, i.e. on WP Engine you can’t disable cache completely. Any ideas?
]]>First of all: thank you for the great plugin!
At two points in particular, it is inaccurate for me:
1. “New” version of Edge (that is based on Chromium)
In the “new” version of Edge (that is based on Chromium), it loads the content that is only supposed to be visible in Firefox. Could it be that there is no shortcode for the new version of Edge yet? Is there a workaround available?
I use Edge Version 81.0.416.77 (Official build) (64-bits).
2. Firefox-app on iPhone and iPad
In the Firefox-app on iPhone and iPad, it loads the content that is only supposed to be visible in Safari. Could it be that there is no shortcode for the Firefox-app for iPhone/iPad yet? Is there a workaround available?
I use Firefox-app Version 25.1 (17865).
Cache I turned off for testing, no change. All other browsers are recognized correctly.
May you have any advice to solve this?
I look forward to your reply,
]]>Many thanks for the great plugin!
At one point in particular, it is inaccurate for me:
Opera is correctly identified as Opera, but also as Chrome.
So it is not possible to decide exactly what to display (I need this for a download function).
Cache I turned off for testing, no change. All other browsers are recognized correctly.
May you have any advice to solve this?
is ti compatible with w3 totalcache?
]]>The detection is not recognizing iPads. I have a basic if/else with the general device=mobile set to show X if mobile (all tablets/phones) or Y for all else. I have tested on multiple iPad simulators (xCode on Mac). The iPhone simulator detects properly. The iPad simulator does not.
Can you check that your latest build does in fact detect iPads? and if not, issue an update?
]]>Great plugin!
The plugin works great when not using a cache plugin. But when I use Cache Enabler plugin, the cache saves the version of the code appropriate for the first visitor. For example, if the first visitor was on a mobile device and I’m using this plugin for conditional display on mobile versus desktop, then Cache Enabler will only ever display the mobile version of the site. If the next visitor is on a desktop, they will still see the mobile version of the site.
Is the plugin compatible with Cache Enabler and other cache plugins? Thanks!
is it possible with this plug in to desactivate any plug in from different size of screen ?
I am using this code to show content only for desktop PCs
if ( wonderplugin_is_device(‘Windows’) )
echo ‘This is a Windows PC’;
But it doesn’t show content on MAC PC *Safari and Chrome”
How can I show content on MAC PC too?
On an S9+ on chrome the plugin triggers as though it was a desktop. Thought it was a caching issue when I tested with the php code:
if ( wonderplugin_is_device(‘Mobile’) )
echo ‘This is a mobile or tablet’;
if ( wonderplugin_is_device(‘iPhone,iPad’) )
echo ‘This is an iPhone or iPad’;
if ( wonderplugin_is_device(‘Windows’) )
echo ‘This is a Windows PC’;
if ( wonderplugin_is_browser(‘Chrome’) )
echo ‘This is a Chrome browser’;
if ( wonderplugin_is_browser(‘IE,Edge’) )
echo ‘This is a Microsoft web browser’;
Everything worked. but when I removed the above code the page no longer loaded correctly. So now, to get it to work correctly I need to load the above code (without the “echo” so that it will trigger correctly on Android with Chrome…
Still a Great plugin ??
]]>Hello there, first of all thank you for making this plugin available for free.
I’m testing it but I need to understand how it works. Does it rely on the screen resolution or does it detect the sys op running on the device itself? I’d need to replace some pages that use a parallax effect (it doesn’t work properly on android devices) with other “static” pages. So I’m in need to detect the sysOp instead of the screen resolution. Could you help me? Thanks in advance.
There are always compatibility issue with different browser, is it possible to show a top bar notifications based on different browsers?
More and more users view a site by APP, and there is always an embed browser in those APP, and there is always cache issue or compatibility issue for different browsers.
SO, I just want to redirect a SPECIFIC browser BY TAG, is that possible please?
I test this plugin:
Unfortunately, it does not support redirection by browser rules.
is there a way to achieve redirection by browser with “Conditional Display for Mobile” please?
]]>Your documentation gives a PHP coding for the plugin, “wonderplugin_is_device(‘Mobile’)”, which is the include shortcode. Is there also PHP coding for the exclude short code?
]]>Can Chromebooks be distinguished by the plugin?
I see that you have options for Windows, Mac and Linux. Chromebook or Chrome OS is not included.
]]>Want to have part of the page excluded from mobile visitors.
Inserted shortcodes using Shortcode widget found under General
[wonderplugin_cond deviceexclude=”Mobile”] seems to be recognized
[/wonderplugin_cond] appears as text in the page.
]]>Great plugin!
Works great. When I include/exclude content on “Mobile” using the shortcode, what does the plugin use as the definition of mobile? Is it based on screen width?
Also, is there a way to change this “mobile” definition using a hook? If not, any other suggestion to be able to tweak this definition of “mobile” would be great. Thanks!
]]>Great plugin!
I’ve been using the plugin for sometime without issue. Recently, the plugin has developed an issue on desktop view. It correctly does not display the hidden text that is intended for mobile, but it create empty space that is the same size that the mobile text would be if shown. It’s as if the mobile text is shown but colored as transparent.
I’m using the latest version of the plugin and WordPress. When I remove the code snippet for mobile display, the empty space shown on desktop goes away so I know it’s the mobile code snippet that’s causing the empty space.
Any suggestions? Thank you
I need to make the condition different for desktop and mobile.
I used in my Header the condition PHP function: bool wonderplugin_is_device (string $ device_list) and bool wonderplugin_is_browser (string $ browser_list)
But it did not work.
I need the images to be different on a Mac and Iphone.
How can I do this?
]]>I have jumped in as a freelancer working on a current/in-production website and I am considering downloading this plugin, I also just updated their WordPress to 4.9.4 – has this been tested with the recent version yet? Should I wait to download or should the plugin work fine?
]]>It doesn’t work for tablets, only for phones.
It is properly configured, tablets option is selected.
Any help would be appreciated.
Hi dear
i like me know if I can have problems with the SEO if show a different content for mobile devices with this plugin, thanks