When I click on “Widgets” under the Appearance menu, my widgets page does not load. I’ve tried deactivating my plugins and clearing my cache, with no result. Does anyone have a fix?
]]>I have purchase a premium store locator widget and install in our site widget.it show in widget area but when we search any address by a zip code it’s not working.
please anyone suggest me..
my site url :- https://marketyourself.com.au/project/ezi/technical-data/
]]>I’d like to add a widget to a specific page and not sure what to add as “Page ID”. The page is “/members-area/directory/” but when I add that in the Page ID blank it produces nothing.
My widgets on my widget page have been frozen for a week. They do not move or open. Even the “Screen Options” and “Help” on this page do not work. This is the only page that is affected. My other pages are working. Help!
]]>I have a widget in my sidebar for Trip Adviser and it is cut off on the bottom. The website I have it on is https://livingincostaricatoday.com
Below is the code received from Trip Advisor.
<div id=”TA_tchotel104″ class=”TA_tchotel”><ul id=”K77TgK9qGLa” class=”TA_links lFUr7PD”><li id=”MdM8Qc” class=”d9FxME1″>Nautilus Boutique Hotel- Wellness Retreat</div><script src=”https://www.jscache.com/wejs?wtype=tchotel&uniq=104&locationId=1642685&lang=en_US&year=2013″></script>
If someone could help me it would be greatly appreciated.
]]>I removed the sidebar widgets from my website (www.uniquerepeatsflorida.com), or so I thought. They are removed on all pages of my website when I look at it via the wp-admin page of wordpress. However, when I view the webpage via Safari or Google Chrome the sidebar widgets are visible on every page but my mainpage and my “about us” page. Any suggestions on how to remove the sidebar widgets from all of my webpages and not just 2 of them?
I have extremely basic knowledge of designing in wordpress and actually did most of my website building via You tube videos. So basic help is really appreciated!
Jennifer Mac
]]>My widget is moved to down. How can I lift it top?
How can I make a constant widget for my site. I mean I have a widget about latest post and meta in left site. It shows only in home page. When I go another page or post, it goes away. When I comeback to home page then it shows again. How can I solve it?
Some of my widgets are installed, active – but DEAD – i e they cannot be dragged! It’s very strange, as other do work. The fist half of my list of active widgets does work, the other half of ACTIVE widgets does not work. For example I just installed and activated the widget “Most Popular Tags” – and I cannot move it to the sidebar. What’s wrong? Can anybody help?