Plugins like these should be removed. Why is WordPress not mainainting a proper updated list?
]]>I have taken over the website at my job, ALL Power Labs and am having a hard time with the Widget Controller plugin. I’m not sure how to interpret the interface, and more difficultly, the underlying widget menus appear mixed with the other menu buttons making it very difficult to manage.
I thought I had found another way without the Widget controller box checked and this menu coming up to set which menu appears with which pages, but I am not finding it.
Any advice and/or documentation on how to set which men us show where?
There is a need to control widgets in WordPress core.
What about suggesting working on a modified version of your plugin for core?
Have a great day!
]]>Hello – Will you be updating your Widget Controller plugin shortly. Is it compatible with 4.0??
]]>how is this possible?
]]>Woocommerce is an extremely popular plugin, I assumed the author might make some room to include this in his plugin…. Anyways ^^
Is there any quick fix for this? I can follow directions, but i’m not a programmer or whatever. I havent got a clue about writing new php code
]]>Hi all, is possible enable category mother and active widget for all posts or sub catetegory?
mother (i want select this category mother in widget and in automatic select all)
How can I solve this issuse?
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 61589 bytes) in /…/wp-content/plugins/widgets-controller/widgets_controller.php on line 198
My site has two widgets, a sidebar and a bottom widget. On the pages where both appear, the ENTIRE space is linked to my email. There are contact forms inside of both widgets and the bottom one is not unusable because of this error. I saw something in the html code but I’m not sure how to change that in wordpress….help? (DST2014)
]]>When I try to select several pages in the widget, I see that some of them do not appear, because the contents of the widget controller is shifted to the left. Cannot see the left column.
I have this plugin installed in my WP blog, but when I mark Home Page the widget appear at,,, etc.
Can I set the Widget Controller to show ONLY at, just at my really home page?
How can I do this?
best regards!
I use the widgets-controller plugin (v1.1), and it seems than since some days, when I chose a widget to be displayed in a category, it randomly works.
For instance, if I choose a widget to be displayed with category cat_7 and cat_23, the widget is displayed on url “/?cat=23”, but not on “/?cat=7”.
After some tests, it appears that it’s the categories that is “broken” (this category won’t display anymore widgets).
Any clue on how to fix this issue, or need any more information ?
I already try to update the plugin without any success :/
]]>Hi I got an error after activation:
Notice: wp_enqueue_script was called incorrectly. Scripts and styles should not be registered or enqueued until the wp_enqueue_scripts, admin_enqueue_scripts, or login_enqueue_scripts hooks. Please see Debugging in WordPress for more information. (This message was added in version 3.3.) in ……………wp-includes/functions.php on line 3060
there is a second error: on widget page
Notice: Undefined index: pages in …..wp-content/plugins/widgets-controller/widgets_controller.php on line 141
Any chance custom post/content types are scheduled for inclusion in this plugin?
]]>Installed on WP 3.6. and it almost work .. I know it is not updated for 3.6 but I just want to mention some issues.
Under “Pages”, some of my page names are together, like “Home” and “About” looks like one page “Homeabout” ..
My category names are slightly “renamed” to e.g. category_name_3 instead of just category_name.
So, I was able to use it for one page at least )
]]>If I use a styled widget section on specific page (using Weaver II Theme) pages that the widget does not appear on, the site shows an empty box.
Basically, the theme thinks there should be something to display, so it is showing the container for it.
I do not think this is your intention. But it sort of ruins the whole “widget control” aspect of the plug in.
Is there any way around this, other than putting some content into widget that is used everywhere else?
]]>I think this plugin is very helpful
But It is not working with wordpress 3.5.2
I hope to resolve asap.
when I select
Widget controller
a pop up opens
it never closes
I click save, but pop up stays out.
Setting not saved?
Widget shows on all posts and pages.
Looks great. Let me know how to get it to work.
]]>What I did was duplicate the site using site replicator, so that I could create a spanish subdomain all went well and all content and menus showed up fine, then I changed the pages titles into spanish and now the widgets that I had setup to show stopped showing up, any ideas?
help really appreiated
]]>This plugin is useful. However, I have a question on how to let the widgets appear on future posts?
What I have observed recently, recent posts do not have widgets as they are not set automatically to display widgets even if I choose a category for that article.
So, every time I published a post, I have to go into the widgets and select “Check All” for posts to make the widgets appear in the recent post.
Is there a way to do it automatically by just selecting the category? Because, I already choose the category in which the article belongs, but widgets do not show on those new post(s).
The plugin works as it should with no problems except that it does not exclude the widgets that I do not want to show on the default Blog page as defined under Settings => Reading.
All my PAGES work fine but the page that is the main Blog page still shows all the widgets. I can see this page name/number in the fly-out under the widgets in the control panel and it is unchecked like it should be but for some reason it is still displaying them.
I have uninstalled and re-installed but this one page does not seem to work with your plugin.
Any ideas or work-arounds will be greatly appreciated as I am sure I am not the only one with this same problem…???
Thanx in advance.
]]>I cannot controll my widgets, they appear by chance here and there. I use Widget Controller and I try to have different content in different pages even in the sidebars, but it doesn’t obey. There is an image and an rss in on the homepage and I don’t want them on any other page. I selected homepage in Widget controller. They appear anyway when you click Rólunk in the nav menu. How can I exclude this?
]]>I cannot get Woo COmmerce product categories to be selected.
I have Version 1.1 and WC Version 2.0.8
]]>Hi, I really like this widget and up until now it’s worked pretty well for me.
However, I have noticed that not all widgets that I have dragged over to the primary sidebar are showing where I have assigned them. I have deactivated all plugins and everything shows up fine when Widgets Controller is disables- obviously I can’t keep it disables, as I only want certain widgets to show on certain pages.
An example is this page where you can see an email sign up widget that has shown correctly. However, I also have a categories menu widget assigned to this page and it’s not showing (but does when I deactivate your widget).
Any help you can provide on this would be great!
I have a text widget in sidebar that I want to control with your plugin. But when I use it the widget text disappears on entire site. With plugin disabled or enaled ,but widget not “turned on” text appears on all pages in sidebar as expected.
This plugin is great help to me, but last few months (after adding more content) I started to have problems while setting it each time new content was added or old one edited. It takes minutes for Widget Controller to respond and to open its options. Than sometimes it takes forever to save new settings too.
End now I have new problem. I found on my category pages e.g. here or here there are empty widget areas created. I counted them, and there are xactly as many of them as I have real text widgets created and placed in my header widget areas to be used elswhere. Those empty divs are pushing all important content down.
Is it possibly caused by Widget controller?
Are both of my problems related to this plugin at all?
I’ve established that the part of the code that returns the list of pages for the widget to display on is
$page_list = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT * FROM ".$prefix."posts WHERE post_type='page' && post_status='publish'" );
foreach($page_list as $k => $v) {
$for_id = $v->ID . 1;
$parent_id = $v->ID;
$parent_id = $parentid = get_page($parent_id)->post_parent;
$title = substr($v->post_title, 0, 20);
$checked = in_array($v->ID, $current_pages) ? "checked" : "";
$ajax_data .= "<span><input {$checked} title='{$parent_id}' type='checkbox' id='{$data["for_id"]}{$for_id}' name='{$data["get_pages_name"]}[]' value='{$v->ID}'><label for='{$data["for_id"]}{$for_id}'>{$title}_{$v->ID}</label></span>";
$ajax_data .= "</div>";
echo $ajax_data;
I’ve been trying to get the pages to list in post_title alphabetical order instead of post_id numerical order. How do I do it?
great plugin!
how to exclude a widget from a specific page or from the homepage ?
thank you
It is not working at all on my website. Any idea why? How to check if this only work with certain type of widgets?
]]>If using Widget Controller, I’ve selected a parent page to show a particular widget, how come it does not show the widget in the subpage? This is a problem, because if I keep on adding subpages, I need to check that subpage every time in Widget Controller. I think that should be done automatically.