How to disable rating stars above the comments.
Thank you
Hello, I would like it if I would be able switch between:
Should be self explaining why
]]>Hello, don’t know why but sso doesn’t works. I want that when users logs in wordpress, it logs on the comment system too with wordress user data.
I paste my code that you can see if i’m doing it wrond :
// Get user data
$user_data = get_userdata(get_current_user_id());
$user = array(
'id' => get_current_user_id(),
'name' => $user_data->data->display_name,
'email' => $user_data->data->user_email,
'avatar' => get_avatar_url(get_current_user_id())
$site_api_key = "#MYAPIKEY#";
$user_data = base64_encode(json_encode($user));
$timestamp = time();
$sign = md5($user_data . $site_api_key . $timestamp);
<!-- Display comment block -->
<div class="wrapper">
<div id="wpac-comment"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
wpac_init = window.wpac_init || [];
wpac_init.push({widget: 'Comment', id: #MYID#, sso_auth: "<?php echo "$user_data $sign $timestamp"; ?>"});
(function() {
if ('WIDGETPACK_LOADED' in window) return;
var mc = document.createElement('script');
mc.type = 'text/javascript';
mc.async = true;
mc.src = 'https://embed.widgetpack.com/widget.js';
var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(mc, s.nextSibling);
I am logged in…, but when i post comment I get:
“Your social provider is disabled, please log out and log in again by another”
How come??
How can I prevent guests from giving comments?
I only want registered people to comment
I don’t know how to change my own avatar/icon. I am just a grey person!
I did a lot of comment tests and know I want to delete all comments, but if I delete them I can still see them in the dashboard. How to delete them completely?
How can I delete my account on https://widgetpack.com? It seems like they’ve got my data for ever, now.
Hello! How to edit CSS in WidgetPack Comment System? The proposed color schemes to fit for my site. Just some of the elements (for example, pop-up login window), are displayed in inconvenient places.
When I put WidgetPack Comment System, the comments form of my theme is becoming disable.
How can I do WidgetPack Comment System and default comment form was enable both?
2 separate form?
Buttons “Share” and “Link” WidgetPack Comment System comments form do not work. Why?
In the admin has disabled the ability to attach a photo to comment.
But the “Download button” on the form left and allows you to upload photos.
]]>Hi dear, I am testing the plugin with ColorMag theme but not working
Thanks for support
]]>I installed and activated this plugin but I can’t even get started configuring it. The settings are disabled and locked and unavailable. HOw do I unlock features?
Thank you for the great plugin! Among all comment system you are the best, at least for me. Mainly because you provide SSO and it is free ??
I would like to suggest two more options:
1) disable social authorization and keep SSO only;
2) custom text for modal window header.
I will use WidgetPack Comment System anyway, but with those two options it would be just perfect! ??
Thank you again.
Hi, i have installed your plugin, my website is private and only logged in users can enter into the website, now the auto login site user is enable in plugin settings but still it requires to click on sos button, login again for users and then comment.
i need my users to auto loggin as they have already logged into the website.
]]>Hello, I used this plugin in the previous version of WP, but now he is no longer working, I do not know if it was because I updated the WP to version 4.5 or if it is for another reason …
Congratulations to those who made this very useful, beautiful and practical plugin.