Rating: 5 stars
This plugin does a tremendous good job finding and cleaning old and obsolete custom fields from the database. A must-have for database cleanup after development.
While it still works OK, it would be nice to see that it is actively maintained and updated. The notice on the plugin’s main page on the WordPress repository can turn away many people from using it.
This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.
Devs, are you there?
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I have to admit, it was really bugging to know that I had all manner of ACF fields that I had replaced, reconfigured, abandoned etc. during the dev process, and when using any theme builder to assign ACF fields to various modules, I was seeing fields that I had long ago abandoned. In one case I went from a custom field in a CPT, to a taxonomy for that CPT, and I used the same name, so that field was still in the database with some values entered for it, and in my theme builder I saw two different field assignment options with the same name ;-( Yes, I could work around that, and it is not bringing my site to a crawl or anything to have the superfluous fields in there. But I was able to use this plugin to easily remove that field, along with a few others I knew I wanted to remove, and even some I had forgotten about. So kudos for giving folks like us a way to clean all this obsolete stuff out of the db.
]]>Rating: 5 stars
I found myself changing a lot of ACF fields recently that were deprecated or required different input formats – what I didn’t expect was that the old input data would be forever saved in the database (even after deleting those fields!).
This plugin serves a great purpose to clean up old and unused data from your database, which means you can retain better database connection speeds and reduce database bloat.
Awesome work and thank you. ??
]]>Rating: 5 stars
Does what it says on the tin. I needed something to clear out ACF fields from a previous theme, and this did the job quickly and efficiently.
]]>Rating: 3 stars
Good idea, deletion went ok.
It is not possible to check what the plugin actually deleted.
As a result of the deletion, all products that had ACFs stopped being displayed. So I restored the database and (I still have 150 fields that I need to delete completely – globally)
I continue to use ACF, but some fields simply cannot be removed from DTB
If an update is made to some functions, then it will be possible to work with this tool. But now 3x Star
Rating: 5 stars
Amazing, just found this via the long thread in the ACF forum, like to check in now and then to see if some good solution have entered, and today was the day!
Amazing work guys, appriascted you shared this plugin in the offical repo it works great. The only think I’m missing right now was as you already have confirmed in the FAQ.
Output the names of the deleted fields but both for scan and delete so we know before the hit delete.
Wasn’t sure if it managed to findd the orphan meta fields from options pages? But sure this is a 5 out ot 5 stars even if some minor things coudl be asked for.
I hope this could en ter active development we are many that would like to support even for a paid upgrade for more features.
Hands down the only and best working ACF bulk clean orphan meta fields.
Whatweasked for – whatwedo