This is probably what the user was referring to in this post:
The plugin might very well remove orphaned values but the meta keys remain in the database. What’s the use of that? Why not include an option to actually remove all of the clutter? If I delete ACF field groups to start over I actually expect the meta keys to be gone too. Otherwise I probably wouldn’t want to start from scratch in the first place.
Unlike the plugin mentioned in the other post, it looks like this plugin is not equipped to do that at all. Am I missing something here, or is deleting orphaned values the sole purpose here?
The problem with the other plugin is that, for whatever reason, it doesn’t seem to have a bulk option, meaning you would actually have to tick thousands of boxes by hand which is absolute madness.
Thanks for clearing that up!
I’m using ACF for a bunch of custom post types.
When I run the Batch Discovery, I always get “x discovered fields” but once the scan finishes, no output is shown. I am shown the list view of all post types.
No errors are logged in PHP.
Any idea what I have to do to actually see the ACF fields that were discovered?
I register ACF fields in PHP.
Does your mod work with that?
acf_add_local_field_group( $field_group )
The module detected orphan fields in a custom post. These fields were filled in.
]]>Hello and thank you for your plugin, I couldn’t do without it! Unfortunately since the recent updates, it causes errors (on all my projects). Here are the latest ones. Thank you very much!
Warning: Undefined array key “__key” in?/home/XXX/public_html/XXX/wp-content/plugins/whatwedo-acf-cleaner/class/class-discovery.php?on line?89
Warning: Undefined array key “__key” in?/home/XXX/public_html/XXX/wp-content/plugins/whatwedo-acf-cleaner/class/class-discovery.php?on line?89
Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /home/XXX/public_html/XXX/wp-content/plugins/whatwedo-acf-cleaner/class/class-discovery.php:89) in?/home/XXX/public_html/XXX/wp-admin/admin-header.php?on line?9
]]>Would you consider another plugin for renaming ACF fields?
This is spot on just not maintained and you guys are the right one to handle this so a brother to ACF cleaner? ACF Renamer? ??
From ACF migration:
Allow yourself to refactor Advanced Custom Fields field names and field keys without losing content in existing fields.
Don’t you hate when you rename a field you lose all associated content with that field? It really hurts any refactoring efforts, and really forces you to get it right the first time.
The ACF Migrations library gives you tools to change field names and keys, and then update the database for you.
The ACF Migrations code you write can exist inside a single use script, or a custom theme or plugin upgrade script you maintain or even inside full blown migration library (to come).
NOTE: This does not change the name of the field inside ACF. That is either done via the UI, in the json file or in your own PHP code. After (or before) that, migrate your existing content to use the new field name and or field key.
]]>I’m running into an error across all my themes with this plugin as of late. I work on php templates (the default way) and on root sage templates. Because of the Symfony Exeption error screens this completely bricks a page i’m working on. I’m getting an error “undefined array key “_clone”
I’m not using cloned fields for acf. Maybe Sage adds clones to wp templates as per their logic (using acf composer to create fields/groups etc…) But I think this is a fault in the logic in the ACF cleaner plugin.
After all, ACF allows for term meta, user meta etc
]]>Thank you x 1000 for creating this plugin. I find that it detects some fields, but not all. Here are a list of ones it found:
Here are the ones I see in DB that do not show:
There are more. That is just a small sample.
Any direction would be greatly appreciated.
]]>Hey there,
Very excited about this plugin – have got myself into the classic ACF ‘creating field structure on the fly’ mess. Conflicts everywhere, need a clean slate. Thanks for creating and putting out there.
I just installed the plugin but am not seeing my custom post types listed in the clean options; just Media, Pages and Posts. The CPT’s are created using ‘Custom Post Type UI’ plugin rather than directly in my theme – I wonder if that’s an issue. Any advice?
Hi there!
Thanks for fantastic plugin. I did some updates on this, can I somehow participate in future dev/support of this plugin?
Here is my repo
I have added a metabox to show the exact values that will be removed for this post. Also, Ajax action to remove those for a particular post.
]]>Hi there,
Thanks to edit this plugin ! I’m looking for that since a while.
Maybe i don’t know how it work, but to me, it doesn’t work.
I have a CTP which had once a list of fields.
Now this list of fields are for page.
Even if i Batch cleanup with your plugin, i can see the fields used in “Edit custom fields” plugin.
Any idea ?
Upon visiting the Settings -> ACF Cleaner page. No header no footer. WP 5.7. I wonder if ACF has to be enabled for this to work? I know the db has tons of ‘stuff’ data in the post_meta from left over fields.
So this turns out if ACF is DISBABLED this Error appears. Maybe a better error handling of ACF is NOT present (anymore)?
Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function whatwedo\AcfCleaner\get_field_objects() in […]/wp-content/plugins/whatwedo-acf-cleaner/class/class-discovery.php on line 73
Call Stack
# Time Memory Function Location
1 0.0001 369432 {main}( ) .../tools.php:0
2 0.0001 370680 require_once( '[...]/public/wp-admin/admin.php' ) .../tools.php:40
3 0.2743 14607608 require_once( '[...]/public/wp-admin/admin-header.php' ) .../admin.php:239
4 0.2758 14612016 do_action( ) .../admin-header.php:102
5 0.2758 14612392 WP_Hook->do_action( ) .../plugin.php:484
6 0.2758 14612392 WP_Hook->apply_filters( ) .../class-wp-hook.php:316
7 0.2765 14616120 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\WP->enqueueAdminAssets( ) .../class-wp-hook.php:292
8 0.2784 14621968 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\Data->batchDiscovery( ) .../class-wp.php:68
9 0.2797 14628056 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\Discovery->__construct( ) .../class-data.php:32
10 0.2803 14634456 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\Discovery->cleanAcfUnusedData( ) .../class-discovery.php:31
11 0.2803 14634456 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\Discovery->getUnusedData( ) .../class-discovery.php:52
12 0.2803 14634456 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\Discovery->checkMetadataUsage( ) .../class-discovery.php:44
13 0.2803 14634456 whatwedo\AcfCleaner\Discovery->getUsedFieldKeys( ) .../class-discovery.php:80