I tried to view the demo but got:
“Danger: Malware Ahead!
Google Chrome has blocked access to this page on https://www.nrcstudios.info.
Content from 152146.webhosting58.1blu.de, a known malware distributor, has been inserted into this web page. Visiting this page now is very likely to infect your Mac with malware.
Malware is malicious software that causes things like identity theft, financial loss and permanent file deletion. Learn more”
Any hints on where in the .js I adjust the x and y values of the tooltip? I’d like it to drop just below the mouse hover element.
]]>I’d like to use whatthis with a html map (usemap=”#Map”)
The class doesn’t seem to work with areas :
<area shape=”rect” coords=”491,160,610,237″ href=”#” alt=”Mende” class=’whatsthis’ whatsthis=’Mende’ />
Is there another way to do it ?
Thank’s a lot for your response
Activated the plugin, tested plugin using the example provided by the author and guess what? It did not work. Tried it on a numer of pages and using different tags such as <p> and <span> and it still did not work.
]]>I just loaded and activated the plugin.
Applied all available settings. The script fails in whatsthis.php. The wtplugins_options[‘wt_movet’] does not appear to be set.
The JavaScript function fails.
<strong>jq(".whatsthis").whatsthis is not a function
Line 438</strong>
Couple other minors on the Settings page…
1. The link to nrcstudios.info does not work.
2. I did not see an indication/text that all Settings are required.