When can this plugin be translated?
]]>Hate to bother but I am wondering what tags I would want to edit to increase the column width for the days. Also how do I make the table itself big enough to utilize the entire page width? When I load it up it looks to be offset to the right significantly. Sorry for the rookie questions I am pretty new to the plugin and CSS.
]]>In order to get the cell time division to display hourly values, I had to update the options table manually. I tried to update the field using the interface provided in wp-admin, but it did not work.
The important code is:
The actual mysql command was the following:
option_value= 'a:15:{s:9:\"starttime\";s:1:\"9\";s:7:\"endtime\";s:2:\"22\";s:12:\"timedivision\";s:4:\"1.00\";s:12:\"tooltipwidth\";i:300;s:13:\"tooltiptarget\";s:12:\"right center\";s:12:\"tooltippoint\";s:11:\"left center\";s:18:\"tooltipcolorscheme\";s:10:\"qtip-cream\";s:18:\"displaydescription\";s:7:\"tooltip\";s:7:\"daylist\";s:0:\"\";s:10:\"timeformat\";s:7:\"24hours\";s:6:\"layout\";s:10:\"horizontal\";s:21:\"adjusttooltipposition\";b:1;s:12:\"schedulename\";s:7:\"Default\";s:10:\"linktarget\";s:8:\"_default\";s:10:\"floatthead\";b:0;}\r\n' WHERE
option_id= 59614;
Our webpage started showing the below code when using the “currently scheduled” module:
<div id=”weekly_schedule_widget-3″ class=”widget-wrapper widget_weekly_schedule_widget”><div class=”widget-title”><h3>Currently Scheduled:</h3></div>
I suspect this happened as the result of some recent plugin change, because no one has been touching the plugin on our end.
]]>I’m trying this plugin, but it does not show items inside schedule page.
Settings are pretty basic and the theme is WordPress’ Twenty Twenty.
I defined 5 items for one category (ID2) and for one day (monday)
I changed day labels, e.g. Mon = Mo
]]>This is a great plugin that we have used for a long time at https://radiofreemoscow.org/weeklyschedule/.
I am wondering if there is a feature to display (for example, on our home page) the “Currently Playing” item and “Playing Next.” This would preferably take into account the transition between days, as well.
]]>Are there any usage instructions for Yannick Lefebvre’s Weekly Schedule Configuration Plugin?
I`ve got a problem with the plugin, the monthly calendar build display a wrong monthly day. Today is 1 april and the monthly calendar displays 24 april. I was trying fix this but i dont founded the answer. I would like to know if you know the problem that make this error.
Thanks, Best Wishes.
]]>Hi There,
I’ve been looking at this plugin (Looks great by the way)
Is it possible to do a TV Schedule? Of Channels, Times, etc??.
Also is there a Pro version which you can add pre configured tables? Like TV Schedule? There seems to be nothing out there plugin wise to make a TV Schedule.
Many Thanks.
]]>HIThanks for the great plugin. I have added support for featured image on classes and instructors. i would like to display class featured image (logo) on the front end. Would appreiciate your help with this.
]]>Hello I have a problem
Where can i change the Time Format setting
The new programs for the next days comes 2 hour to fast
So my time must have a offset from -2 i come from the Netherlandse time zone Amsterdam
My general settings a correct so i think i must something change in the PHP file
The new programs for the next day are comming on 22:00 Hr and that must come on 0.00
So i hope that someone can Help Me
Sorry for my bad English i do my best ??
]]>My ultimate goal is to have the column headers always visible, as I have a 24/7 calendar. In an older version of the plugin, I had two schedules, one from midnight to noon, and one from noon to midnight, displayed sequentially on the same page. Each had a header with the days of the week. Now, hour range is set in General Settings, so all schedules will have the same range of hours. I was hoping to have four schedules of six hours each to have a 24-hour schedule.
]]>When using Schedule Layout: Vertical, it gives a single column. I expect dates to be arranged horizontally across the top, then the times vertically (Opposite the Horizontal layout). But the vertical layout is unusable.
]]>Hi there,
I found it in some cases, the schedule items Overlapped on display. Is it a bug? or Is there a way we could make sure every item goes into its time slot?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Hi there,
I am wonder if there is a way to completely remove/delete old schedule, properly? Without go into the database?
Thanks in advance.
]]>Plugin: Weekly Schedule
Any chance we can remove the weekends and/or remove Sunday?
]]>We’re using the stylesheettemplate.css included with the plugin. However, when we set .ws-schedule table, table-layout to auto, the entire schedule blows off of the page and keeps going for some time.
When we set table-layout to fixed, the entire schedule attempts to build into a 900px width area, causing all of the cells to compress into such a tiny space.
How do we set the css to allow for width overflow, which would allow for a side scroller to continue through the table, no mater what the width of the page is at?
]]>Hello , this plugin have traduction in french
]]>I follow steps. I did an schedule M-F in 2 blocks. I show in the table the 7 days. by default it shows the time. I choose 30 min division.
The problem is in the page shows time column in the full width of the page and the 7 days in the bottom of time. also it does not shows the border for each cell. I did the same table in other website and it works.
Here is the link you can see and figure out what the problem is? and how to fix it? https://goo.gl/thvnGX
Also is it possible to made the table responsive?
]]>The DayList does not working properly in the latest version of Weekly Schedule.
It only display the cells for the first weekday with program.
At the beginning I have to admit that your plugin made the development of my schedule very easy. It is the only plugin which suited my needs.
However… There is a bug when you use “<img src=’lorem/ipsum.jpg’>” in the title. Here is the image, this is how the title looks like when you edit an item https://i.imgur.com/djfqm3b.png
How to reproduce:
1. Use img tag in the title.
2. Submit changes.
3. Edit schedule item.
How it should work:
1. Whole src attribute should be visible when editing.
I am a borderline idiot when it comes to any type of programming.
I am wondering if there’s a way to download a template that can make the calendar look nice… and then I can worry about plugging in the simple information – as the generic set up is pretty odd looking vs. the nifty setup you have as a sample on the site.
Please advise. ??
]]>Flat weekly short code is not displaying correctly any feedback
]]>Hi all, I tried to create a weekly plan but my plan does not show any background color, I tried both categories and items but my background remains Always White…..
What have I to do to change the backgrounds?…
I was searching for a tv schedule plugin, and i found yours very interesting because it can import csv files, BUT unfortunately it cannot recognize greek characters in any encoding.
How can we fix this?
]]>Hi, I have kind of a curious bug.
My schedule is divided into quarter-hourly intervals, when I try to schedule an item that has a duration of 2,5 or 3 hours or more, it displays the item only in a 15 minute block.
e.g Test, monday, starttime 18:15, duration 2.5h. The schedule shows a block starting at 18:15 ending 18:30, rather than ending at 20:45.
I tried to change my intervals to half-hourly and there is no problem.
Please help.
it not possible to save an différent Cell Time Division then: Half-Hourly (30 min intervals)
Any hints?
We use WP Symposium PRO for our social network. We like the looks of this but will it allow each user to have their own schedule on their profile?
]]>Hi there,
Is there any particular reason why this plugin would not work using do_shortcode in the template, rather than inserting the shortcode into the content?
When I try to call my schedule using do_shortcode, it is visible but I get a JavaScript error for qTip:
Uncaught TypeError: jQuery(...).qtip is not a function
On one page, I have two schedules and oddly, I can call as many as I like using do_shortcode and they will work properly as long as there is at least one called within the content. But if I use do_shortcode only, none will show their tooltips and the JavaScript error occurs.
It would be great to be able to use this using a template tag or do_shortcode, as often I don’t want or need to otherwise teach clients about shortcodes, and it’s nice for them if it “just works” on the relevant page template.
Thanks for your time!
I am considering using your plugin for our local cable access station’s weekly TV broadcast schedule.
Here’s what I’m trying to accomplish:
Is that possible?