Your website says 1 play per day for the 9$ plan and 5 plays for the premium plan. Can you clarify how many plays I get per day on free and all of the paid tiers?
]]>HI ??
I get this error message after clicking on the tool on a post: “There was an error loading the audio, please refresh the page and try again or contact the website owner.”
Any ideas on how to fix it?
]]>Website voice stop playing today on my website
when clicking on listen button it is showing error “There was an error loading the audio, please refresh the page and try again or contact the website owner.”
Console is showing this error
Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn’t pass access control check: The ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header has a value ‘’ that is not equal to the supplied origin.
7Yjgp8NUSdvSsdKD3vsM8A:1 Error 0 when loading text to speech
value @ 7Yjgp8NUSdvSsdKD3vsM8A:1
Installed this plugin last night, and I can see how visually impaired users would find this useful.
There are a couple of problems though at first sight, so we’ll get on with it:
As mentioned in another topic, the speed of speech is just a little bit too fast, and some way to slow it down would be preferred.
The plugin also seems to be having problems with punctuation – spot on when it ‘sees’ a full stop (period mark), but way off when it ‘sees’ a question mark, or an exclamation mark, when instead of pausing as in the Full Stop scenario above, it just keeps rambling on with no apparent punctuation being ‘seen’.
This effect also spills over into the case where there are titled headings, where instead of pausing after the heading, there is no way at the moment to stop the plugin rambling on – except by placing a full stop after the title, which makes it look a bit daft.
I chose this plugin as it seemed less ‘buggy’ that the other two I tried, but that should not be the reason to choose a plugin.
Get rid of these annoying errors, and you’ll be onto something really good!
]]>Any way to change the speech rate?