Thanks for the wonderful plugin you have created!
Is it possible to open and close the site automatically?
Maybe I can close the site with a unique url and open it again?
Furthermore, the redirect url does not work if I forward it to its own site page, while it is in the bypass.
I get the following error (translated):
Something went wrong: cURL error 28: An operation timeout after 5001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
There is a problem with your redirect URL, please try another one. ”
Thank you in advance for your help!
Hessel Snoek
Hi Robert,
It’s a bit annoying that this notice keeps popping up in debug mode:
Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /wp-content/plugins/website-openclosed-toggle/website-openclosed-toggle.php on line 38
The line in question is:
define( ‘RS_WOCT__PLUGIN_DIR_NAME’, end( explode( ‘/’, dirname( __FILE__ ) ) ) );
The problem is that the function end expects a (referenced) variable as it will change the internal pointer of this array. My suggestion is to split it up in two lines:
$file = explode( ‘/’, dirname( __FILE__ ) );
define( ‘RS_WOCT__PLUGIN_DIR_NAME’, end( $file ) );
I really like your plugin. It’s simple and efficient.
Unfortunately on multisite installations if it’s installed as a network plugin, it causes 404 pages to show instead of the sub-site. This happens both in subdomain en subdirectory mode. If the plugin is installed per sub-site, there is no problem.
Any ideas what is causing this?