Hi there,
it would be great if you could add units to the plug-in. From one of the comments in the support section it seems like the CO2 is measured in g/view, but it would be great to know it by the plug-in itself. Also, is there some way to get the data for how much CO2 is produced by the server “as is” (without views)? I guess one has to contact the Server Host? A cool bonus feature would be auto-multiplication with the viewer count from the websites statistics, so you do not have to calculate that yourself.
Much appreciation,
Wind of Change
Hi Josh, first of all, the plugin seems super handy! When I test my page via the website I get 0.27g CO2/page view. With the plugin I get an average of 0.46g CO2/page view. Why is it different?
Best, Sandy
Hello @josh-stopper,
I wanted to translate your plugin, but this plugin is not properly prepared for localization.
Your plugin slug is website-carbon
, but your Text Domain is websitecarbon
. Change your Text Domain so it is equal to your slug and modify the text domain in all your source files. This change is needed because your “Requires at least” is below 4.6.
Note: “Requires at least” (3.5) is below 4.6 so a load_plugin_textdomain is needed. Please make sure you load it at a certain point in your plugin. More info.
Also, the plugin sources used by everyone are in /trunk
, is this what is expected? More info
Hope this can help you.