I am having issue with height=”120px”
It will not go smaller, I can change width but will not change height.
Thank you.
Hi, website https://www.torreplaya.es/propiedades the widget in the sidebar is not working, is like is permanently trying to load. Is there anyproblem at your end of is a problem of my website or setup?
Has always worked until yesterday when I added a new widget above this one on my sidebar
Thanks very much in advance
]]>Just installed the plugin on a multisite application.
On subdomain installed the shortcode widget to insert into page via short code….[widget id=”weatherforus-wp-weather-large-2″]
Chrome made the following error…Refused to display in a frame because it set ‘X-Frame-Options’ to ‘SAMEORIGIN’.
I check the iframe reference site… https://www.weatherfor.us/load.php?location=Orange+Beach&unit=f has a website that is down. Not only this link is down but the whole domain is down. Website is offline No cached version of this page is available.
]]>Hi.. I have set up your widget on my site, but when I turn on auto location detector the cartoon character appears. If i enter city name it works fine. I would like the widget to diretly show weather for visitors location?
]]>Plugin works wonderfully on my site but was wondering if the words Grab yourself this weather widget can not be displayed? When you click the link it just shows lines.
]]>With this widget, can I lock in my location’s weather conditions for everyone to see what the weather is specifically where my business is located? Or does it just show the weather for where the website visitors are at?
I love your plug in. When are you going to finally update it so it will be compatible with the current WordPress release? Never give up on it, it’s good ??
]]>Hi all,
For some reason as of Tuesday this week I noticed that the weather widget was no longer working. I tried to access the weatherfor.us site to contact the developers, but the website appears to be offline and I am getting a 502 error, Bad Gateway.
Is there anything I can do to get this widget up and running again?
For some reason the temprature-container has dropped down to the bottom. In the coding it says bottom:10px; but I need it at bottom:55px;
Can you help? I have tried everything, but I cannot seem to change it in the stylesheet.css
My site got really slow after I installed the plugin.
I know it has to load some info but it also stops the page from being loaded. How can I fix this?
We have a custom post type where most posts have addresses and geographic coordinates that are stored in custom fields. How can we localize the weather widget to show the forecast for the location associated with each post in the post’s single view?
]]>Cool plugin. Thank you!
Currently the popup’s ‘close’ button is positioned absolutely to the top-right of the viewport. Fine on most smartphones, impossible to find on a 1920x1080px display. Any chance this can be positioned top-right but relative to the popup itself?
At the very least, can this CSS be moved into a stylesheet, rather than hardcoded, so theme developers can override it?
]]>Hi! Until today, the weather forecast is normal to show. And now, instead of the weather seemed to Tom Cat:
]]>how puting the plugin weatherfor.us in special page (not in sidebar) ?
i need a code? what code i put it ?
The sidebar widget isn’t showing up in my sidebar, only the footer (although I placed it in the sidebar widget via the Widgets menu). Any thoughts here?
I’m using this widget for a client, after trying out loads – my client like this the best. We are using the mini widget in the footer across the site but the only info displayed is the animated weather and temperature. It would be nice to have a layered forward forecast and a bit more info like the large widget without overcrowding it. We’d happy pay for these updates?
Many thanks
The plugin looks promising, but one thing we have notices – the static page link for the modal popup is different in terms of the graphics shown.
Local time is 8:00pm PDT – (even after 9PM local time it is still the same – the temperature updates but NOT the weather icon – in the case, the DAYLIGHT SUN ICON still is displayed on the FRONT / LINK Widget page – but the NODAL page shows the MOON (night) which in our opinion is corrent – please advise as to how to correct so BOTH ICON / GRAPHICS are the same –
Also – is there anyway to include just the CITY and STATE and NOT the country in the resulting MODAL display. United States is a bit much.
Thank you.
FX Designer
]]>Hi there, beautiful widget!
Can I ask please how to center align this widget as it seems to hang more to the left?
kind regards
first i have to – Nice work !
having a little issue with ur plugin.
i installed it and placed the mini widget in my footer.
but it wont show up the location (had to use a text box) and when u click it it shows up the units in Ferenheit.
my website address is https://www.sheen74.com
I like very much your plugin but the close button is at top:0px right:0px
i would like to have somethings like this
element.style {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 100px; <—–
right: 350px; <——-
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 10101; <—–
Do you think that i can have a solution?
thanks a lot!
I just updated the plugin and the widget does not show up again.
]]>Hi there
The weather has been showing from last week and is not updating – very frustrating as it’s a lovely look widget but sadly it just doesn’t work ??
Weather for us is no more showing as it was. I have tom and jerry animation now on my website. Please give me help and instructions. Also If you will tell me how to change the time format from AM PM to 24h clock? Thanks for the beautiful widget.
]]>Hi, can You tell me how to put the widget on any custom location on my website, that is, how to hardcode the widget (since i want it in the header.php file), is it something like this:
<?php add_action( ‘widgets_init’, ‘weather_for_us_v1_0_load’ ); ?>
]]>WordPress 3.8, Mesocolumn theme. Sidebar widget looked good but just didn’t appear in the sidebar.
]]>All I get is “Bandwidth Exceeded” when using the miniwidget. Any hints?
]]>This widget is broken and it doesn’t show up , don’t waste your time downloading it .
I have this on my front page: https://www.ExcitingRio.com
The plugin appears to have stopped working
]]>The widget doesn’t appear in my side bar.
I wrote : Paris, France and try to live it empty to autodetect user’s location but nothing appear on the website, it’s blank. How can I fix it ?
]]>I have a white background. If I use a white background in the widget, I can’t see the temp.