Good day,
I am setting up a new Jewellery Company to sell Fine Jewellery.
I’m looking for a WordPress Plugin that will pull REST APIs from a 3rd Party provider and integrate with WooCommerce by: Creating Variable Products and Send WooCommerce Orders (after payment) via a REST API back to the provider.
the REST API I am trying to use pulls hundreds-thousands of product details, let’s say 3 of them might be related – same name, but are different in the sense that one of the elements of the API says the second 2 are for White Gold and associated pricing, and the 3rd for Rose Gold.
I hope this makes sense, and this plugin can help. thanks all.
]]>This version of the marker clusterer has been deprecated, and will be removed from service on August 1, 2024. We recommend updating your code to use @googlemaps/markerclusterer instead. More information is available at
]]>Hi, does this plugin support php 8.1 already?
]]>Good evening , plugin is really good.
We are creating a next.js app . We are looking same functionality like vendor dashboard in our next.js app. Is it possible to get all Rest API for all vendor functionality.
Or Is there any other way to load vendor dashboard in next.js app
Looking for your positive response.
]]>Hi, the products route wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/store-vendors/<store-id>/products does not have store url. It only contains store id. Is it possible to get store url/slug. Thank you.
]]>Hello author, is it possible to get categories of specific store. I cannot see any route for this? Thanks
]]>Hi, I want to use stockx Catalog Api to import their products for vendors in my site. Is this possible using this plugin.
]]>Hi guys. WCFM is a great plugin and I really appreciate all your effort to build it. The API is very good too, but it just lacks a few refinements, that probably you will add soon.
One issue I have is actually an error that I might produce from my wrong coding, but so far I can add a product, but when I use the “src” for the “featured_image” as specified in your docs, I get this error:
{“code”:”woocommerce_product_invalid_image_id”,”message”:”#0 is an invalid image ID.”,”data”:{“status”:400}}
Note: the doc specifies an external URL for that “src” so that’s what I use. I actually used the one in your docs, which opens by itself in the browser, so valid file/URL.
Another question is: does the API upload the images to the local server and creates the correspondant wp_post and wp_meta records for them so they appear both in the product admin and the WP media gallery?
Thanks a lot for the clarification and support!
Hi, hope you all are doing well.
i was working on WCFM REST APIs but i am unable to create/update vendor-store info using REST API, like i want to update store info from my mobile app or other platform or i want to update store address
when we add a product for uploading, there is no store vender in single product page or in the admin product page page
product uploaded without any info of store vender
There is no update of plugin from last 8 months
kindly help to solve this issue
After the last update of wordpress and woocommerce (6.1.1 and 7.1.0), it shows password/user error. It is not possible to login.
]]>Hi There,
Is it possible to enable (set online) the vendor via Rest API?
Thank you
]]>We created api’s to retreive new vendors from the shop, and want to add products by api to that new vendor. Everything is working EXECP saving the vendor for the new product.
Api, we post to: [website]/wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/products
Example json versions we tried, the store ID =4:
{“name”:”Tandpasta AquaFresh”,”regular_price”:1.99,”stock_quantity”:5,”store”: 4 , “featured_image”: { “src”: “[imgsite]/img/tandpasta.jpg” } }
{“name”:”Tandpasta AquaFresh”,”regular_price”:1.99,”stock_quantity”:5,”store”: { “id”: 4 }, “featured_image”: { “src”: “[imgsite]/img/tandpasta.jpg” } }
The product with image is created. Only the ‘store’ is empty: “store”:{},
What can we do to post the new product to the right store? It’s not in the manual.
Maybe we could use a POST to:
But in the manual there is only a GET for that url.
On the frontend a shop vendor can’t add products to his store, A label that 0 products left, and a purchase not pops up that leads to another page stating that this product is not available.
]]>I am using this <site_base_url>/wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/products api post method to upload some data and retrieve it to show on my react native app and also on WordPress website. the issue is that I am also sending meta_data in my request but when I receive the response it doesnt get me meta_data back, I only receive _wcfm_product_author in meta_data and everything else arrives empty.
]]>Hey there, I am facing this problem that when I try to create a product from mobile app, I get the response but meta_data does not include the same data I am sending
this is the api I am sending data from “{webiste-url}wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/products”
]]>Hi Team Team,
while working on WCFM, Only admin users are able to submit products or modify products. Non-admin accounts see hanging page and when inspected, there is a HTTP 403 error on wordpress admin-ajax.php. Further investigations points to wfcm_nounce or so.
Please I need your help to correct this issue.
]]>Unable to get store vendors list using <site_base_url>/wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/store-vendors, after updating the plugin, previously there was no problem working perfectly but after updating the latest version after using <site_base_url>/wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/store-vendors call it shows
{“success”:false,”data”:”You don’t have permission to do this.”}
i’m trying to get all vendors from api
and get this error back why ?
"success": false,
"statusCode": 403,
"code": "jwt_auth_no_auth_header",
"message": "?? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ???????? (Authorization header).",
"data": [
I’ve read this post, and I’ve double checked my params/data but everytime the only response I have with this kind of URL :
is the full list of store-vendors, something must be enable or there are something wrong ? For information, I’ve check with a print_r and all params looks correctly catch by $_POST in the api code plugin.
]]>Hi, i could not find any API endpoint to get products by a single vendor. Is it possible?
I try to use /wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/store-vendors/<vendor_id> but it gives me a 404 error, what can I do?
]]>This API helps in some things, but it still lacks items that are essential for its improvement. But I believe that will come with time. Thank you so much for providing it to us!
I was seeing that in “GET <site_base_url>/wp-json/wcfmmp/v1/orders/” there is the return “”vendor_order_details”: {“, but I didn’t find it in the return I got from the API. How to solve. Thank you very much!
I have the following problem:
When I use the data via wcfmmp/v1/produtcts from ACF fields, depending on the amount of fields filled in, the index changes place. Is there any way to fix the indices of these ACF fields?
I am building a mobile app with your apis and X-WP-Total and X-WP-TotalPages are missing in the header response for /store-vendors endpoint. I can set ?per_page param to a maximum of 100. I will appreciate if that could resolved in order to help me implement infinite page scrolling.
X-WP-Total and X-WP-TotalPage are returned correctly in header for /store-vendors/<id>/products.
Kindly help. Thank you.
is there any way i can get the categories of a specific store?
i need help with API
I need to add extra field phone number of vendor and see number on API
How to do it….i will pay for support
]]>Hello, how to get API data for vendor information? Need to send vendor data to external website.
Vendor cannot upload a product image from their Store Manager – Product > New.
There are two scenarios with the image uploads problem:-
1. When the vendor login from: In this case, uploading an image DOES WORK.
2. When the vendOr login from the home page with Sign In, uploading an image does NOT work.
To see this problem, visit our website and try to login with each method with this vendor’s credentials:
Username: Winkeltoets
Passwaord: Trim#123
Once logged in, go to the Store Manager > Product/Auction-NEW. From this page try to upload an image. You will see that when you are logged in via the Sign In (from the Home page), uploading an image does NOT WORK. But logging in from the /wp-login.php file, the image upload does work.
I trust you can resolve this issue.
Kind regards
I’m working on a routine to upload images for existing products to WCFM via REST API.
I’m a little confused as the PUT request I’ve constructed works well for the field “name”. But other fields such as “slug” or even “images” doesn’t work at all. I just get an empty 200 response from the server…
Is this a known issue? Is there a way to resolve this problem?
Thanks in advance!