Hello, please may I ask two quick questions?
thanks a lot!
Why doesn’t the swatches work when there are more than 30 variations? Like on the page I mentioned below, I have 36 variations (10 scents x 3 sizes)
Is there a setting for this work?
]]>Hello, the plugin works great, but for some reason it’s now showing my color swatches in plain white color. I have my attributes set with color, then selected on a product and used as a variation. They no longer show any color.
]]>Hello, can you please let me know
Hello, I updated WooCommerce and WCBoost to the newest version. If I go now on a product site, all sizes even unavailable sizes are going to look like that in code:
<ul class="wcboost-variation-swatches__wrapper" data-attribute_name="attribute_pa_groesse"><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-36" style="" aria-label="36" data-value="36" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">36</span>
</li><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-38" style="" aria-label="38" data-value="38" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">38</span>
</li><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-40" style="" aria-label="40" data-value="40" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">40</span>
</li><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-42" style="" aria-label="42" data-value="42" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">42</span>
</li><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-44" style="" aria-label="44" data-value="44" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">44</span>
</li><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-46" style="" aria-label="46" data-value="46" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">46</span>
</li><li class="wcboost-variation-swatches__item wcboost-variation-swatches__item-48" style="" aria-label="48" data-value="48" tabindex="0" role="button">
<span class="wcboost-variation-swatches__name">48</span>
First when I click on one available size the classes for the unavailable sizes receive a class called disabled, but first after I clicked on one available size, how can I fix that?
I would like to disable the button which appers after select any of the variation.
How can I disabble it in orger to evoid the gap below the variations?
how to change the default shape i cant found any settings for that i want to set the square shape as a default instead of circle. plz guide me for that.
]]>Hi, this plugin have the support to create the term with woocommerce rest api?
]]>I am having an issue styling the radio buttons when they are text. Basically I just want to change the background, border, and text colors. Can you help with this?
Update: nvm I figured it out
has anybody used swatches with delayed scripts (lscache for me) ?
i cannot get it to work , i do exclude all relevant scripts, but still fail. it is not setting variation_id.
]]>The plugin is not converting default variation dropdowns. Whay may I do? This is an example: https://fondoeditorial.cayetano.edu.pe/tienda/lapicero-4-funciones/
]]>Good Day,
I have set up a custom designed t-shirt. The variations that form part of this design is – in hierarchy order – Brand, Material, Colour. The variations for the different brands differ though, e.g. Brand A doesn’t have a shirt in grey, while Brand B has all the colours.
From my understanding of what is required in the set-up, I added all the possible variations in Products > Attributes and then created all the possible variations in Product > Variations.
Where relevant, I deleted the variations not applicable to a Brand. When I look at the shop, however, the deleted variations still display under the brand. In the example mentioned above, Brand B still displays all the variations linked to the colour grey.
How do I change that? I only want the possible options to appear.
]]>Hi there, we use your plug in as recommended from our theme author and our simple products show their color attributes on catalog. Any suggestions please?
]]>Hi, i tried to set the attributes color for the swatches to the products catalog. However it is displaying the value to type button instead of color. I have checked the documentation and believe i have followed all the given instructions but its still not changing the type. Is there anything else i could do to change it?
]]>Can you please provide a sample of csv import of variation swatches?
]]>To improve store conversion and prevent customers from getting frustrated, it would be very important if it was possible to make it clear that the variation is out of stock.
Leaving the button grayed out or crossed out, for example.
Is there any way to do this? I couldn’t see if there is any special class for out-of-stock swatches…
]]>Hi. I’m trying to figure put if with your plugin can i have this option.
To make out of stock vatiation (for example size Large) not clickable
is it possible?
thank you
Color variations are not showing on the Elementor single product page I created.
Best Regards
I use a print-on-demand service, the items are pushed from their dashboard. I have configured the attributes with the same names and cases, but the swatches don’t appear instead, as buttons.
I later tried importing products and then too the same problem occurred – the attributes are imported but doesn’t appear as swatches they are shown as custom attributes. I need an urgent fix!
]]>I had to disable the plugin as it simply stopped working since last update.
Whenever i clicked a option it would not select it as if the “click” produced no result.. or if i wasn’t clicking on it at all…
Anyone else got this?
]]>Can this plugin display the variation swatches on the Shop archive page below the product title and price?
]]>Hi there,
I just enabled the hide out of stock visibility option from woocommerce but now when the customer goes to the product page the pre-selected attribute that becomes out of stock too would make the whole pre-selected variation to be as nulled. For example, see the pre-selected attribute is 1-piece and ‘S’ size but since this variation is out of stock the whole pre-selection is disabled, so what i want is that when the pre-selected variation is out of stock it should show the next possible variation in stock to be selected.
Looking forward for your swift response.
]]>Any chance you can add a filter also to returned html of get_term_swatches() function?
$html = apply_filters( 'wcboost_variation_swatches_' . $type . '_html', '', $args );
I need to modify the html outputted.
Many thanks
]]>Hi is there a shortcode I could use to place anywhere I need on-page? Thanks
]]>I have already imported 2300 product colors into product attributes, along with 30 x 30px image swatches for each of those colors. The images are visible in the color attribute list.
I have set the attribute to use image. It is still displaying the text of the color in each button and not using the images already attached to each color.
How do I set your plugin to use the image already attached to each color variation?
]]>Hello, do you know if it is possible to apply a variation model to a group of products? Because I have many products and implementing one by one would be very long. Do you know if it is possible to do it with the plugin WCBoost – Variation Swatches.
I would like to create a variation group setting and apply to specific category product.
thank you
]]>Have a nice day, thank you for your great plugin. It would be possible for the elements on the mobile phone to be listed below the name and not next to the name.
See image in link:
Thank you for your time,