Delete product images for WooCommerce AND Woocommerce Delete Product Images seem to be the only 2 plugins that can be used to delete products images from the server when deleting woocommerce products ?
and But both plugins are outdated, do you have anything better to delete products pictures ?
Thank you for your help.
]]>HPOS problem ? But still working and deleting images from server ? anybody tried it lately ? Thank you so much.
]]>I am trying to add this to a multisite installation
It isn’t working when run from each site
My understanding is that the first site you create is site ID #1
which stores images in the uploads/year/month
ANY subsequent sites created stores the images under /uploads/sites/siteid/year/month.
Can you offer a mod that will include the site ID as the path changes so it provides the correct path to the images?
I tried adding it to the theme fuctions in the admin theme editor but it won’t let me save.
I also was unable to find a functions.php under any site folder
I liked the plugin, it works fine
I tested the plugin and it works perfectly, but my site creates .webp images, these images when removing the product are not removed.
Is there a way for your plugin to delete the .webp images as well?
I would like if you can help me.