I hope you’re well.
First of all, thank you for this amazing plugin that saved me hours work.
It was working perfectly fine on our staging as we have caching (WP Rocket) disabled but doesn’t add anything to the mini basket on the production website. It loads, opens the mini basket but doesn’t add anything in it.
The same happens with other caching plugins we tested, e.g. Breeze.
Can you please advise?
Maybe there are some specific cookies we can set to ignore, etc?
Thank you in advance.
]]>Hello, I wondered if there would be any way of adding a checkmark/tick to confirm that the product has been added to the basket? If this would involve a cost, can you let me know what that would be please? I am in the UK. Thank you.
]]>I have used this plugin and just noticed an issue which prevents fair execution of “wc_fragments_refreshed” event.
Basically in your wc-ajax-product-add-to-cart-public.js you have this code:
if ( typeof $supports_html5_storage !== 'undefined' && $supports_html5_storage && typeof wc_cart_fragments_params !== 'undefined' && wc_cart_fragments_params ) {
sessionStorage.setItem( wc_cart_fragments_params.fragment_name, JSON.stringify( data.fragments ) );
set_cart_hash( data.cart_hash );
if ( data.cart_hash ) {
However $supports_html5_storage
, set_cart_hash
, set_cart_creation_timestamp
are not defined elsewhere in the file.
My suggested fix is wrapping the entire event with DOMDocumentLoaded event and copy these missing variables, functions from original WooCommerce files:
/* global wc_prod_ajax_to_cart */
(function( $ ) {
'use strict';
$( document.body ).ready( function() {
/* Storage Handling */
var $supports_html5_storage = true,
cart_hash_key = wc_cart_fragments_params.cart_hash_key;
try {
$supports_html5_storage = ( 'sessionStorage' in window && window.sessionStorage !== null );
window.sessionStorage.setItem( 'wc', 'test' );
window.sessionStorage.removeItem( 'wc' );
window.localStorage.setItem( 'wc', 'test' );
window.localStorage.removeItem( 'wc' );
} catch( err ) {
$supports_html5_storage = false;
/* Cart session creation time to base expiration on */
function set_cart_creation_timestamp() {
if ( $supports_html5_storage ) {
sessionStorage.setItem( 'wc_cart_created', ( new Date() ).getTime() );
/** Set the cart hash in both session and local storage */
function set_cart_hash( cart_hash ) {
if ( $supports_html5_storage ) {
localStorage.setItem( cart_hash_key, cart_hash );
sessionStorage.setItem( cart_hash_key, cart_hash );
* All of the code for your public-facing JavaScript source
* should reside in this file.
* Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the
* $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope
* of this function.
* This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready:
* $(function() {
* });
* When the window is loaded:
* $( window ).load(function() {
* });
* ...and/or other possibilities.
* Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a
* single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page.
* Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be
* practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work.
$(document).on('submit', 'body.single-product form.cart', function(e){
var $this = $(this);
$( document.body ).trigger( 'adding_to_cart' );
if( wc_prod_ajax_to_cart.enable_blockui === '1' ) {
message: null,
overlayCSS: {
background: '#fff',
opacity: 0.6
method: 'POST',
url: wc_prod_ajax_to_cart.ajax_url,
data: $this.serialize(),
success: function( data ) {
if ( data && data.fragments ) {
$.each( data.fragments, function( key, value ) {
$( key ).replaceWith( value );
if( wc_prod_ajax_to_cart.enable_blockui === '1' ) {
if ( typeof $supports_html5_storage !== 'undefined' && $supports_html5_storage && typeof wc_cart_fragments_params !== 'undefined' && wc_cart_fragments_params ) {
sessionStorage.setItem( wc_cart_fragments_params.fragment_name, JSON.stringify( data.fragments ) );
set_cart_hash( data.cart_hash );
if ( data.cart_hash ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'wc_fragments_refreshed' );
error: function( response ) {
$( document.body ).trigger( 'added_to_cart' );
if( wc_prod_ajax_to_cart.enable_blockui === '1' ) {
} );
})( jQuery );
Link to file:
I hope you can fix this issue.