Hi… since updating to WP 6.7 and PHP 8.3, I am seeing PHP warnings thus:
Warning: Undefined variable $wb_stn_action in?/home/[...]/wp-content/plugins/wb-sticky-notes/includes/class-wb-sticky-notes-ajax.php on line 67
A fix would be very much appreciated.
]]>Hey Notes
Wonderful plugin and out of the box it appears to work across a multisite. At your convenience, here are a few Change Req.:
When adding a note in main site (Multisite). The notes also appear in super admin management dashboard. When adding in site #2 they do not appear in super admin dash. Is there a way to seperate these, so that notes may be added to sites while notes to SA Dash are for Super Admins only.
I hope this makes some sense ??
]]>Great to discover this plugin – just what I need.
There seems to be a minimum height for a note which is larger than I could do with. Please can it be reduced for when there is just one line of text?
]]>Can I show the note on part of the site when I editing the page?
The client want to show note what to fix on the site.
I need to add/edit/show custom notes in frontend instead of backend. I also need each user have his/her own notes. Is there a way that I can do these things with this plugin?
Thank you very much in advance
I want to report this issue https://prnt.sc/AFt4wiRH0bnH
I suppose it has to do with my php version
I love this plugin but I found a bug: the sticky note hide after 2 seconds when you are in the WooCommerce list order, editing a single order… it works in other admin pages like dashboard, plugins, but NOT in WooCommerce. Could you check it?
Thank you and congrats for a fantastic work!
]]>Hi there,
thank you for this plugin! It is 100% what we need.
One questions: How can we call Add new, show / Hide and preferences with a link?
Thank you,