Is it possible to filter on a ‘Wanna Isotope’ activated page using a URL query string?
Something like…
Which would filter to display items related to ‘mycat’ when loading page?
Many thanks
]]>Hi, I’m trying to filter pages by categories. The grid and filters are displayed but they’re not actually working, only for All.
[isotope type=”portfolio” items=”20″ tax=”category”]
Please help.
]]>Is there some way to display the posts in a random order that changes each time you load the page?
When I copy the loop.php to my theme directory / wanna-isotope , filtering by categories does not then work. Display all works, but filtering categories shows none, it adds display:none to all the li ‘s.
If I update the plugin’s loop.php it works, but I don’t really want to do that.
Thanks in advance ??
I was using [isotope items=”100″ type=��post�� tax=”summaries”].
]]>NOTICE: wp-content/plugins/wanna-isotope/public/templates/loop.php:1 – Undefined variable: term_class
]]>For some reason, if the published date of a post is changed, it does not update the order. What’s the reason for this?
]]>Is it possible to offset the post query so that the first post shown is actually the 2nd most recent post?
]]>I’m interested in initializing isotope with different options.
Specifically, I want horizontal images to span 2 columns, and vertical images to span 2 rows.
How can I do that?
I believe another user has started a thread with a similar issue however that was marked as resolved.
I have the plugin running on a test bed site with the aim of implementing it with other sites. Unfortunately when the page is loaded all of the posts stack vertically for a split-second. This only occurs when the page is loaded via the blog link, not when refreshed.
The page can be found here:
Any help would be greatly appreciated as the plugin otherwise seems ideal.
Thanks for the great plugin.
I am trying to convert the filter
<div id="filters-<?php echo esc_attr( $id ); ?>" class="btn-group filters">
<button class="btn btn-default">
<a href="javascript:void(0)" title="filter all" data-filter=".all" class="active">
<?php esc_html_e( 'All', 'wanna-isotope' ); ?>
But when I click on one of the category filters all the gallery items go away. Did I break it by making this change? Can I fix it somewhere?
Also, are you planning on adding any more templates that I can use in my theme, instead of over-writing your plugin files? Or can I be doing that already (the only file I am using in my theme is loop.php)?
Thank you!
I can only display a total of 12 items no matter what I change {items=””] to in the shortcode. How can I get the plugin to display more items?
I own a website with portfolio pages. Your plugins displays filters very nicely and allows me to sort the portfolios by categories (cf : )
However, I am having trouble finding out how to sort the filters on top of my portfolio page alphabetically.
Could you help me about this issue ?
Thank you very much for your work.
Let’s say I have multiple taxonomies I’d like to filter by. How do I do that?
I have categories, tags, and other custom ones…
Is there anyway we can add a pagination on this?
Fantastic plugin, by the way.
Thanks you!
Hi, I love this plugin, it’s totally amazing. I wanted to modify loop.php so I could show the title of the post along with the thumbnail. I saw, when poking around in the shortcode file, that I could move loop.php into my theme in a wanna-isotope folder. When I do that, I get errors that term_class and iso_tope loop variables are undefined. I’d love to be able to have loop.php in my theme so that plugin updates don’t override it. Any suggestions? Thanks so much!
]]>How do I get a grid of child pages (not posts)? If I could specify a list of page ids or slugs, that would be great.
]]>If you use this plugin’s shortcode then try to display custom fields after (I’m using ACF), it wont work.
If you have the same issue, you can edit the wanna-isotope-shortcode.php file, move wp_reset_query(); from the bottom of the script to right after endwhile, around line 169.
I hope the plugin author will update this issue.
Hi Juan
Thank you for a very interesting plugin.
I am just testing it and am using a custom template, custom post type and taxonomy.
Everything is displaying correctly including my taxonomy terms – but when I try filtering by a term no results are shown > clicking all returns all results.
This is my custom loop
<li class="isotope-item <?php echo esc_attr( $term_class ); ?> all">
<?php the_title(); ?>
<img src="<?php the_field('beer_icon'); ?>" />
<?php the_field('beer_desc); ?>
Am I missing something to allow taxonomy term filtering?
I can filter in your short code and that works correctly.
Any help appreciated
Kind regards
Hi, grettings from Caracas, Venezuela.
This plugin is exactly the thing i was looking for.
But i wonder it is possible to add a “collapse – expand element” to every thumbnail in the grid masonry.
I tried to do it with the “Expand + Collapse Funk” plugin, but i really new with this and i dont know in which part of the code of every element, need to put the ‘expand + collapse’code to do this.
I want that every element expand in the same page. Hope this is will possible.
Grettings in advance.
I have installed your plugin and entered the following code to my site:
[isotope type=”pages” tax=”category”]
I want to display pages and add a category filter. I only want to display pages that are associated with a category. How do I do that? This doesn’t show anything unfortunately :/
Also I can’t seem to find the plugins documentation that is mentioned in the description. Where can I get it?
]]>I have the [isotope items=”100″ type=”post” tax=”category”] and I want to display posts with the specific tag name. can i do tax=”category” and tag=”XXX”?
]]>How can I display intro text?
or some words in the view display?
How can I display in filtering option some categories and not the whole categories?
]]>How can I display the blog title also?
Nice plugin but it does not working for me.
Wp version-4.5.2
Theme- Twntysixteen(tried with other themes too)
Code used: [isotope tax=”category”] in sample page entered this code only
Link reference:
Kindly have a look on this it shows only menu but no display of posts in grid or any type.
Hi, great plugin!
Just a quick one – i’m using the short code on a template page:
<?php echo do_shortcode('[isotope items="12" tax="nature-inspired"]'); ?>
I have 4 posts, 3 are in the nature-inspired category however all of the posts show in the gallery.
I’ve tried using tags as well in the same way but always all 4 posts show regardless of what category/tag they have.
Am I missing something obvious that needs to be done in order to filter the galleries?
I’m a total novice who tried to make a gallery that looks like Pinterest (whitout the text only the picture)and I never use Mansory Isotope before.
So if I have understood, I activate the plugin then I create a page or post and I put the shortcode [isotope] and then to add the parameters that I want in this shortcode like : [isotope type=”portfolio” item=”12″]
So that’s what I did but nothing appears.
I don’t know where to put the images and the tabs.
I’m sorry for this basic question but I can’t find tutoriel for this plugin.
Also I don’t want a lightbox after I click on the images. When I click on image it goes on another page. I want to make the image a link to a page.
Is it possible ?
Thank you for your help !
]]>I’m having a consistent issue:
The issue looks related to this:
I can’t seem to figure out what’s causing this. Any help? Thanks!