Greetings, Just wondering are you still working and developing this plugin?
]]>I am using this plugin to track hours worked by members of our club. So we just put in how many hours we worked in the distance field.
My question is can I display the edit log on the actual page to make it easy for people to add time right there on my Log Hours page?
]]>I noticed an older post that showed you can display the total distance run using shortcode `[wrs_walking_log view=”stats” by=”distance” period=”overall” user=”all”]
This is great however it displays in miles not kms. Is it possible to display in KMs?
I installed the plugin but the appearance is compressed. How do I stretch it out so the boxes are more spread out?
]]>When viewing the stats as time it shows the actual digits in minutes but puts HOUR next to it so it looks like an huge amount of time. It doesnt seem to be able to calculte the hours (EG: 12/2=60) it just shows 120 hours instead.
]]>This may be just what I am looking for. I need to allow girls to log in and enter the time they spent doing their soccer “homework” (drills). I would like it to display the time for each girl, hopefully so it will motivate them to keep up with each other and actually do the drills at home. A graph or chart that will show the each girls’ total minutes for the week and also a running total would be awesome. Will this plugin do any or all of this?
]]>Hi, just installed this wonderful plugin but I am having problems with the times displaying correctly.
I entered a log for a walk with a time of 0.30.25. It displays correctly as 0.30.25 when logged in but once I log out of wordpress and view it it displays as 30.42
Any help appreciated.
]]>I have a question maybe you could help me with. I want to set up a page on our church website to record participant’s names and distance walked (that is all) by each in a prolonged walk event. Ideally I’d like to set it up so each person can enter their distance walked on one page and each update their own as time goes by. Is that possible? If not would you have any other suggestion that would help me accomplish what Ineed?
]]>I am having problems with the log appearing for everyone. I have the option marked in the admin section to appear from everyone but when I log out, it says I do not have a log.
Any suggestions? Thanks!
I can’t manage to get the shortcode to display the content properly.
Something i can do about it??