Hi ,We have connected our site to Cloudflare and we make use of your plugin too.
My problem is that updating stock levels in woocommerce does not take effect and the product will still show as “out of stock” until i manually purge that page.
It seems that we need a plugin that will purge Cloudflare cache when stock levels are changed in Woocommerce. The Cloudflare plugin only purges when a post is edited but not when product or stock levels.
This post below says something like W3TC should do this, but since we use your plugin I want to know if your plugin does this and if so how do I configure it to do so ?
Wordfence and Patchstack are reporting Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF) in W3SPEEDSTER 7.19 and older as vulnerable. Is there a security patch available yet?
]]>How to exclude a plugin or a CSS class from optimization when optimizing using the W3Speedster plugin. Right now, whenever a button with a pop functionality is clicked before the page loads it reload the same page or opens the page in a new tab.
I noticed a chunk of code in your plugin that detects if WP Super Cache is installed or not, and urges the site owner to deactivate it. That’s fair, since both plugins offer full page caching. However, when they do deactivate it, your plugin deletes the WP Super Cache configuration file, wp-content/wp-cache-config.php
Please remove that line from your plugin as it is a destructive action. If the site owner is only testing your plugin they will be very annoyed if they decide to not use it. They will have to reconfigure WP Super Cache again.